**Virtua Fighter 3 Faq for Jacky**
By: Chia Wildy
Homepage: http://www.cyberway.com.sg/~caliburn
E-mail: caliburn@cyberway.com.sg
Note: Please do not distribute this for commercial purposes. If 
reproduction for commercial use is imperative, please ask for my permission. 
Thank You. Please e-mail me if you want to add my faq to a website.

Version: Revised ver 1.4
Date: 20th of Jan 1997

  0. Prefare
  1. Story for Jacky with 3.4 changes.
  2. Move list with description
  3. Advantages and disadvantages
  4. Walkthrough(playing with CPU)
  5. Combos
  6. Tips on playing against Human players
  7. Playing advantage with terrain.
  8. Movement comparisons.
  9. Codes
  Since VF1, I have been an active fan of Jacky. Jacky has always been part
of arsenal of characters. He is also easy to use. For those of you who had
played VF1, I can tell you that VF1 Jacky is the best in VF1. His 6,6+K
hits and recovers extremely fast. The worst days of Jacky are in VF2 where
he is terribly toned with damn slow heel kicks and 6,6+K . Finally in VF3,
Jacky is given back some of the VF1 flame. I can tell you that in VF3, 
Jacky is unparalled with a wide variety of combos. Mastery of combos is
an art not to be missed. The simplicity of his moves is one other thing not
to be forgotten. Until then, much has yet to be learnt.

  In VF1, Jacky was involved in an accident which was responsible by a 
syndicate. Hence, Sarah was aroused by the accident's cause. During her 
investigation, she was captured by a syndicate and hypnotise into abidding 
their orders.This is where Jacky who is still alive tries to rescue Sarah from
the syndicate. However he lost the first tournament.
  In VF2, Jacky reenters the tournament in a bid to rescue Sarah. He 
succeeds in doing so and won 3rd place in the tournament. 
  In VF3, Sarah recovers and enters the third tournament. Jacky does the 

Jacky's style of Fighting
  Jacky uses Jeet kune do. This is a style applied by Bruce Lee. This style 
of fighting emphasizes in a variety of fast kicks and punches. The only 
thing I could not I understand is why doesn't Jacky have a powerful 
charging jump kick just like Bruce Lee? Since he has the speed to 
accomplish such a move.

Jacky's main emphasis in VF3
  In VF3, Jacky has adopted new move which is rather odd. It is widely 
called smash hook. I am not sure why, but it maybe due to its large number 
of mid level strikes.
  The lightning kick maybe faster. Punch combos are amazing! 
  In VF2, Jacky has more special kick attacks, but in VF3 the focus appears 
to be at using punches rather than kicks. One notable move is his two punch
and a knee. This is a nasty suprise for those expecting to counter the 
usual elbow or high kick.

Changes in 3.4

  Jacky has few changes. In fact none on VF3.4(version D). In this 3.4, 
Jacky has some advantages over Lion. i.e. more stagger opportunities. 
  Wolf and Jeff players can't throw you right after a pick up throw. Jeff's
SE is weakened. i.e. Jeff can't do a f,f+K follow up after a SE.
  Lion's u/f+K is no longer accurate. d/b+K has been toned down again.His
f+P,P is a bit slow, bit still combos after a stagger.
  Taka is no longer plagued by knee kick throws. 
  There are no changes in Akira. His reverse bodycheck followup SDE is no
longer accurate. But hits.
  The warp bug is removed. 
  Lau has not changed. 
  Other characters remain relatively untouches.
  Ranking screen goes off faster.

General things and moves.
P,P,6+P, K 
  This move is nasty against Taka, but tricky when used on other characters.
The ending elbow kick comes out slow enough to trick some players. This 
move is greatly recommended, if you mix it between P,P,2+K

  A fairly good move to deal with those 3Ders. Try to use a delayed spinning
kick, if the opponent is trying to side step. 
  This is also a nasty surprise for those waiting to throw after the back

  An expert's sidearm. This move proves to be quick and surprising due to 
the fast execution speed of this attack.

  A slow move, but it is effective when juggled with the use of 2 punch and 
a low kick. Floats are possible when the knee kick hits.

  A good move when balanced with the two punch and knee kick combo.But Jacky
will be susceptible to low throws right after the low kick. Hence, a
somersault must be prepared to retaliate against such low throws attempts.

  This is a new move. It is two punch ending with a straight. A knock down 
move. This move is much better when compared to the likes of P,P,P . The
delayed straight punch is excellent for taking people by surprise.

  A rather primitive move, but it is good for tricking someone to guard 
fast. Thus allowing a throw to follow up! For your information, the P,P is
a flexible move that allows a variety of follow-ups. 

  Good for countering attacks! It is also a highly unpredictable attack.
For example, 1P Jacky can punch and have a low spin, throw, kick, high spin,
punch, etc.. Hence, it is a formiable attack.
  For any reason, a missed P will not be punished. This is becuase the P is
simply '95% senbon punch' without the ability to trap the opponent.  

  A bulldozer move, but it can scare the wits out of amature players!

P,K(close stance)
  This move links up with the ending spinning kick. This move connects 
whenever the first punch hits!!

P,K(open stance)
  The punch mid level kick used to be enabled at close range in VF2, but 
in VF3, the punch mid level kick is enabled as long as you are in open
  Advance tip: To do this move quickly from close stance, you may do a 1+P+K
instead of a switch stance(d,d). In this way, much time is saved in 
exposure and delay.

  This a punch kick. Fast damaging move for beginners.You should(depending 
on situation) do a follow up in case your opponent lifts his guard.

  This a elbow followed by a high kick. Quite useful for dealing with those
who love to duck.

P, 2+K 
  A simple move that has been neglected in VF2. For a simple move, this is
very effective against VF3 veterans. This is also one of the possible 
followups for P.

  This a quick back knuckle attack with another follow up.

  Don't worry this move is slow. It is one of the primary moves most Jacky 
players use.

1+P *
  Guaranteed a knock down, if someone is hammering you high. One caution to
note about this move, unlike VF2, this move is especially prone to 
intercepts by Ps in VF3. This move is toned down in terms of speed and
float capabilities.

  Use this to surprise those who like to use special attacks. One of the 
simpler moves that has proved to be fairly effective in various cases.

  Two way kick for sneeking up on an opponent. But a low throw may be used
to counter the low kick.

 This is a old move, but still useful for showing off.

  The usual sidehook kick that doesn't knock down, but only on counter. 
Excellent floats can be achieved, if your sidehook kick counters.

  Good for taking out those who like to kick at your legs. After observing
for a while, this move is great for countering that moving in for a low
kick major counter throw.

4, 6+K+G
  I know it sounds crazy, but this move can be used as a counter. For 
example, when someone gets up and kick, use this move to hit him from a 
point blank range. This move seldom knocks down Taka.
  Advance tip: This move has priority over Akira's 4,6+P+K+E

  This is virtually useless due to its speed and percentage of knock downs.

7+K *
  This is Jacky's specialty( somersault kick).

  A quick punch.Can be comboed with a spinning kick.

  This can shake your opponent momentarily.

  It is called lighting hook. Good for ending a match.

  2 smash hooks ending with a straight. Good move, if you want to follow up
with a jumping pounce. It also connects.

  An excellent surprise attack.

  This is a double low kick. Good for doing more damage after a low punch.
This move can be a surprise when the second kick is delayed.
  Advance tip: To avoid being low thrown after the second low kick, press
P as fast as possible to break out of the crouch pose.

  The usual low spinning back knuckle spinning kick. This move should be 
done in deception in order to hit successfully.

  Like the above except for a high back knuckle in the start.

2,2 *
  Cool move against those Kage who specializes in Ten Feet Tosses. Do this
even before the computer starts the bout. This move can make it difficult 
for throws to be executed by the opponent by changing the leg positioning.
  Advance tip: For some reason, this move doesn't live up to its switch 
stance reputation. This is because it is slower than 1+P+K which is faster
when used to switch stance.

  This move is better than P+K,P because the back knuckle follow up will
continue regardless of whether your opponent has the K.Floats are also 
great after K,P.

  This move does more damage than K,K.

  Same as above except for an ending low spin kick.

  This looks like a side hook kick except that it is much more powerful.
Besides this, this kick is perfect for countering a missed attack!Use this
when doing a sidestep. 
  Caution must be taken when using this move, this is because this move is
slower than it looks!

  Lightning kick.This move has an exceptional advantage over the VF2s 
lightning kick. The reason is that the 4th and 5th kick in VF3 looks the
same and it is difficult to predict when is the 5th kick since the lightning
kick motion will only initiate after the a successful hit for the 5th kick.
  For some unknown reason, the lightning kick floats an opponent facing 
sideways. I would propose four lightning kicks before a jumping pounce.
  Advance tip: The lightning kick traces any side stepping opponent.

  This move is useful in doing some damage. May save your skin if you 
accidentally trigger the P+K attack.

  This is a quick move that is guranteed to hit once the bitch slap hits.  

  A nasty surprise for those waiting to punish a missed P+K. Jacky does
a Back Knuckle right after the P+K and does a low spinning kick.

  Elbow then knuckle followed by heel kick. Not very useful, but a full
hit is guaranteed.

  Elbow then knuckle followed by low spin kick. Useful for tricking your
opponent into a up and low guard. This move should be often used when you
cannot predict if your elbow will hit. Please note that this move has 
strategic importance.
  Advance tip: The ending low kick is susceptible to low throws. Beware.

  Jacky's new kick combo. Pretty impressive if you can get all to hit!
  Note: The 4th kick can be intercepted as the 3rd kick retreats.

  Same as above. This time Jacky does a heavy low kick ending.

  Quite a useless move, but it can help add more damage to a floating 
  Advance tip: When the 2nd kick is coming, you can do a knee kick and be 
assured of a major counter.

  Jacky does a series of punches before ending with a heel kick.I would not
advise this move unless it is used as a float attack.

  Same as above except ending with a low kick.An aggressive move, if used

  Jacky's standing knee move. 
 Indepth analysis:
   This move is fast and quick. It is useful when countering kicks and some
punch. It has the recovery speed of a punch(approximately).
   For advanced players, this move can replace the d,d(switch stance).

* - do you know why?
  The standard throw.

  This is actually 6,4+P+K in VF2.This can be escaped by pressing 4+P+G(1P).

  Neckbreaker. Fast for following up after an elbow or punch.

  Back throw.

P+G(Either side Right or left)
  Jacky does a sideway throw. He first kicks the back of the opponent's 
head for about 3 times and knocks the opponent with a high kick charging
down. A ground kick is almost guaranteed. Impressive move.

  Jacky grabs the opponent's back and does a knee at his back.
  Note that in Fighters' MEGAMiX, this move can do additional damage when 
next to a wall. This move also does the same damage as the 6,4+P+G throw in

6,6+P+G (opponent's back facing wall)
  Jacky does a neckbreaker vertically and bounces back.

Basic Skills

  The all basic attack.

  Punch that has a better reach. 

  Low punch that is slow.

  A faster low punch.

  Defensive punch.

  A minor ground Kick for those on the ground. Has a high chance of major

  The standard jumping pounce.

  The heavier jumping pounce.

  Flying kick.Extremely useful for repatriating against a missed attack.

  Low jump kick.

  Low jump

  High jump


  This is a sidekick that kicks sideways. Useful against sidesteppers.

  Now this move allows combos to follow up instantaneously!

  Same as above.
Some advance tactics to try out.
Elbow trick. 
  Do an elbow and retreat to trick your opponent into advancing!

Spinning back knuckle trick.
  1+P followed by a somersault.

Punch opening.
  No matter who you fight,except Jacky, always use the punch if you feel 
lucky. This will counter most of your opponents attacks except low kicks
and punches and counters. Following this do a throw or linkup.

Flying kick opening.
  Flying kicks are invincible especially when an opponent is countering you
all the time.

Senbon Punch.
  Pretty much useless due to the new programming and corrections. But use it
to open a throw. Pretty handy.

Shadow kick
  Kick then do a 6,6+K. This will trick some players.

The dumbest trick.
  Do this if this is your lucky day! Punch then guard continuously!

Do a switch step.
  This will nullify the high chances of being thrown by someone like Kage
or Aoi.Ground throws are also thwarted at the same time.

Elbow knuckle
  Do the 6+P,P,G repeatedly, if you feel lucky.

Punch after Punch
  Quite a useful move especially due to Jacky's fast moving punches.

Frenzy start!
  Start hammering PPP as the bout starts. Works for most opponents.
Tips on nulifying lateral movements.
  Jacky has several spinning attacks which have a wide attack radius(eg. 
spinning back knuckle.).Use this moves to attack your opponent while he is
moving laterally! The punch low spinning kick is an excellent weapon against
lateral movements.
  One other way is to make use of the freeze time right after your opponent
has completed his lateral movement. If you are good, try a throw during 
this moment.

Advantages of Jacky in VF3.
  Even though Jacky's somersault is slower, it should be one of the moves to
be used for combos. With his increased speed, you can be sure that he is a
good character to use. One bet is that most people will begin with Jacky and
abuse his punch low spinning kick attack.
  His single punch has the single fastest recovery speed and execution time.

  Hmm... It will be a struggle to make your Jacky outstanding among most
players, unless you are an expert in VF 1 and 2. This will make your Jacky
much stronger with experience. Avoid using Jacky's 2+K+G. This is to avoid
a repatriation by your opponent. 
  Further Jacky is a bit at the disadvantage when playing with another Jacky
You never know what the other Jacky is thinking.
Walk through
  To win the CPU, you may use the elbow heel kick to initiate a freeze bug
on the CPU. While the CPU is in freeze mode, you may force it to duck by 
doing a punch.
  The E button when in good use allows you to do a side throw most of the 
  The important characters to watch out for are Lau and Aoi. They are the
most dangerous characters, if you have played enough to notice that.

Fighting Humans
  Great Experiences are gained provided you are well prepared for the bout. Do
not challenge with someone ,who is a master, to the point that you have 
exhausted your tokens. Try a challenge or 2 against a master, but never
expend every single token you have on him. 
  Playing safe: Whoever you fight will certainly miss an attack or two 
during a challenge, use the elbow heel kick to counter the attack.
  Heavy jumping pounces should be restricted to counter hits and Taka.
News of 25 th Oct. I seen players playing with deception skills. What I mean
is use of moves that are tricky such as hi punch /w low spin kick. The P
attack has also been often used to cover up inexperiences when playing 
against Expert players. Pretty cheap, but useful if you know when to use it.
  Dealing with Senbon and P,G : The tactic used by CPU is to duck under the
punch and do a throw right after. PPP is also possible.

  Most Akira players in Singapore lack experience and tend to be 
temperamental and switch to use of other characters. Here, all I can say is 
that 90% of the time you are playing will be with rookies or intermmediate 
  The thing to watch out for Akira is his b,f+P+K+E. This is a formiable
move, if in good use. 
  The SPoD being a strike move is even deadlier as Akira doesn't even have
to close in on you to do it. All he has to do is to make sure that the stun
palm(P+K+G) hits you and you are dead. Latest news has it that the SPoD can 
be done, if an opponent misses a low punch.
  The popular throw for Akira is the f/d+P+G throw which is easy to do. For
you information, this move cannot be escaped as the Akira player can do the
d/f+P+G while you escape. After you escape, you can't do anything as the
followup d/f+P+G is instantaneous.
  Styles of most Akira players: The common style adopted is the dashing 
elbow -> throw or Dashing elbow. Most of them have this tendency of rushing
up for a dashing elbow or d/f+P+G throw. The expert Akiras normally attempt
a DLC immediately after a dashing elbow float. 
  Very few Akira play defensive. Some of the better Akiras are very 
aggressive in attack. Nevertheless, Akira remains a formiable force to be
reckoned, if in good use.
  Jacky has several obvious advantages over Aoi. One of which is Jacky's
large variety of combos and his leg changing 2,2 . In several cases, Jacky
stands higher chance of winning even if both are at the same level of skill.
  Aoi is a hard nut to crack when in good hands. Some players in Singapore
specialise in her cancel attacks. Hence, it has became difficult to play 
with these guys as you may not be able to predict their next upcoming
  Experienced Aoi players like to do ground throws instead of the jumping
pounce when the opponent is down.
  Players should avoid playing throws with Aoi as she has a throw 
initiative over most players. Try to reverse her throws to avoid damage.
  Advanced Aois have learnt to reversed attacks while facing away,so be
aware of it.

  Styles of playing Aoi: Most of the advance Aois are adapt to cancelling
sweeps and attacks. The common one is 3 punch and a low sweep cancel. After
which, they will attempt a low throw.
  Another is the 4+P,P cancel then throw. 
  These are some of the commonly used cancelling. But do remember that Aoi
has several moves that can be cancelled. Keeping your eyes peeled do help
in spotting their cancels.

  Playing it right with Lau is important. As I know, some Laus are so fast 
that they can trap their opponents in a volley of punches. And before their
opponents know it, they are dead.
  The trick in defeating Lau is the effective use of the E button. If you 
can dodge Lau's punch with the E button successfully, the elbow heel kick
is a gift.
  Spotting Lau's focusing level will also help. Some Laus may hammer at you
with only high punches and neglect low punches. Keep your eyes peeled.
  Styles of playing Lau: The styles are basically the same among most
veteran Laus. Punches are the primary attacks. The f,d+K is often used.
  As a small remainder, the low kick major counter throw works great 
against most Lau players who love to do high punch.

  For most veteran Kage, they love to use the 2+K+G to counter any missed
punches or kicks. Your objective will be to lure these guys into doing the
2+K+G and get out of its range to counter it. I recommend an elbow heel kick
  Try to be quick when playing with Kage. Since he is pretty fast in various
levels, you will have to think ahead in order to get the upper hand. 
  Spotting his emphasis will help greatly.

  Styles of playing Kage: Basically the TFT combos and fast punches to keep
you at bay. Senbons also play a large part in Kage's arsenal of attack.
  For now, Jacky has the new double low kick that doesn't knock down. Since 
then, it makes an excellent harrassment attack (or punitive strike). But 
it is often abused and overused, such that it is a move that is easily 
countered by better players.
  Better Jacky players make excellent opponents with their knowledge of 
advanced combos. For example, some Jackys don't even need to throw for the
entire game and just win by doing elbow heel kicks.
  Faster and agile Jacky players tend to avoid the somersault kick, so you
will have to spot for their recovering sessions and strike.
  Somersault kicks do a moderate amount of damage and are easy to do. Hence,
most beginners will try to bet on the somersault kick. These guys are easy
targets, but should not be underestimated.
  Styles of playing Jacky: Currently, a lot of the Jacky players in 
Singapore have adopted the P,G,P,G ... then attack or throw style. More
advanced Jacky players are known to do P,P,6+P,K with high accuracy.

  Advanced Jeffry players are pains in the necks. Once they have the chance
to pick you up from the ground, be prepared to be KOed. Experienced players
will know what I mean.
  There are various ways to beat Jeffry, but there are also various ways to
loss to him.
  The only time to attack Jeffry(maybe the only time)is when he does a non-
throw attack. Other than that there is very little way of attacking him. He
recovers fast from most moves.
  Styles of playing Jeffry: As far as I know, Jeffry players will normally
attempt a pick up throw once you have fallen. After the pickup, they will
then do a d/f,d/f+P+G throw. 
  The mid level hell stab is often used as a surprise attack.

  Pai is quite weak in terms of attacks, but she makes up for this with her
speed. She excels in fields of speed. Defeating with brute force is out of
the question. 
  The key point in defeating her is breaking her attacks and throw her. 
  Throw should be the primary option in this case.
  Styles of playing Pai: Punch and punch thing. It is similar to Jacky's.
But there is some difference as Pais sometime try for the swallow kick or
throw instead of Punch and Punch.

  A formiable opponent in good hands, but a clumpsy oaf in the hands of the
  Wolf players are known to be experienced and excellent players. 
  Defeating him is difficult, but accomplishable. He is fairly 2 D in his
attacks. Effective use of E button will ensure you of a side throw each time
he misses an attack.
  For your information, after picking up their fallen opponent, Wolf players
love to do a d/f,d/f+P+G throw. Swings are mainly done by dare devils.

  Styles of playing Wolf: Low kick major counters are massively employed by
some advanced players. The grizzly lariat still remains as a formiable 
attack for Wolf players.

  Still as good as ever. Her new forward spinning kick makes her ever 
  For fast punches, a player had actually used Sarah's punch to open a
throw. Her 3 punch somerault combo is now useless, so don't worry about
Sarah giving you a nasty combo.
  She has several weaknesses which players should keep looking out for.
  Her new moonsault attack is crazy as even if she misses to get to your 
back, she can still do an immediate turn around attack.Try to spot for the
misses of this move and be ready for any surprises.

  Styles of playing Sarah: More on her will be available soon.

  Better than ever. He is good even under CPU control.The best preparation 
is to study his patterns of attacks.
  He even has a back throw. You should stop him from doing his back throw
as it gives Shun 5 poofs.
  One tip is to use Jacky's dash hammer kick often.

  Styles of playing Shun: Hardly anything on him.

Taka arashi
  For any reason, don't be afraid of him as he should be afraid of you for
the 2 punch elbow kick combo.
  Players should note that in earlier versions of VF3, Taka has a bug. That
is he can be thrown after a knee kick hit. Don't attempt to do that as it
is cheating. But doing it once in a while is acceptable.

  Styles of playing Taka: Review Gamest Act1 for more information.
  Lion players are often dubbed as cheap players or most often as cheaters.
This is because of his infinite u/f+K. This is indeed a despicable move. 
Some players as I know love to use this on humans even after learning how 
play this game.
  Lion players have the tendency to do a desparate 2+K,K and a 1+K. Knee
kicks works well on countering those attacks.But I recommend a 6,6+K as it
is fool proof.
  Playing against Lion players is an art and a skill not to be missed as
a simple Lion player can beat a dozen well trained Akiras.

  Styles of playing Lion: More on him soon. 

Tactical Combos

  A pretty long combo, if you can accomplish it. I recommend it be done on
flat grounds as to ensure maximum hit.

  Jacky does a P+K and hits again with a back knuckle. Finally ends it with
a somersault kick. A P,P,6+K may be done instead of a somersault.Not an
advisable move if on uneven grounds.

  A knee kick followed by by two punch and a knee

  This is difficult to hit, but accomplishable.It is recommended that you do
a delayed knee for the first part, so that the 2nd will be easier to hit.

6+K, 7+K
  The usual knee somersault combo.This is an extremely effective combo, 
even if done on uneven terrain.

  A back knuckle followed by a 6,6+K.

  Knee kick followed by the dash hammer kick. I recommend this move as a 
pounce is confirmed after this combo.

  This is also difficult to do.

  This is the most accurate combo for Jacky. It ends with a somersault.

4+K+G, 7+K
  You need to wait a while before doing the 7+K.

Smooth Flukes to follow up









General Playing Styles in Singapore
  Whenever your opponent is down, he will often try to roll forward and kick
you. Try to use the E button before he does and give him a side throw.
  Jackys in Singapore love to abuse Jacky's 3+K,K. The reason is the other
player will not expect an incoming heel kick. Hence the last kick ends with
a bang.
  Aoi players in Singapore prefer to do a ground throw rather than a jumping
pounce. Knowledge of the stance positions will thwart these ground throw
  The PKG punch is popular among VF2 veterans. The cancelled kick often give
people an impression of an incoming kick.
Playing Advantage with terrain

  With any luck, you might win a bout with a bit of life credit to the 
terrain. Playing with terrain is an art not to be missed. As players 
improve everyday, there will be a day when all players have to play using
terrain as an advantage. As some people say, your hide is your best 
protected position. 
  How can you make terrain to your advantage? First, select a stage which
you want to make it your lair. Remember, you are supposed to memorise 
every and know the exact uphills and downslopes. 
  The reason behind this is that you will have less of a fear when an 
opponent may be unleashing a mid level kick which may miss in a nick of 
  Terrain playing also involves the change in damage of pounces and friction
and level of attack. All of this will lead to a decisive battle against
your foe. Remember, one cm increase in height is a slight increase in
pounces. All this will accumulate to a knock out.
  The other thing to note is ring out options. Some rings like Pai's is
sloping down. Hence, the opponent falls down faster. Floats are easier.
Movement Comparisons.
  As we all know that in Virtua Fighter 3, no two moves look alike. Some 
have better recovery speeds, but haev lesser damage. In this section, you
will be explained on the differences in the following discussed moves.

P Vs P,P
  A single P is of course faster and has a wide variety of outcomes. The 
P,P too has various possible follow ups.The P,P succeeds over the P as it
has a greater element of surprise. In some cases like opening attacks, P 
will be a better candidate due to its faster execution and recovery.

P+K,P Vs K,P
  The P+K is fast, but has a notorius recovery speed. Further P+K suffers 
from block freezes when your opponent guards. However, K,P is better as
it has a faster speed and is considered one of the fastest kick attacks.
But the K,P hits only high as compared to the P+K,P which hits mid level at
the start. K,P also has an element of surprise. 

6,6+K Vs 4+K
  The 4+K is faster in terms of recovery, but however, it is easily 
intercepted by high P and K. That is the 4+K works better against low
attacks. The 6,6+K is faster in terms of execution, but suffers from
slow recovery. The 6,6+K makes an excellent side arm.

2+P Vs 2(down)+K
  The low punch is slower now and I don't see the reason for continuing to
use the low punch. Since the low kick is much faster and allows a throw
immediately after a low kick counter. 

P,P,K Vs P,P,6+K
  The P,P,K is faster. However, it is not well receieved as it hits only
high and leaves your lower front unguarded. The P,P,6+K is surprising 
popular among new Jacky players as the P,P is followed by a knee kick
which hits mid level. Overall, both moves are quite isolated except when
new players are trying out new moves.

P,P,8+P Vs 3+P,P,6+P
  The P,P,8+P comes out faster than the 3+P,P,6+P. But still the 3+P,P,6+P
is faster and connects. A pounce is guaranteed after a 3+P,P,6+P.
For those who are looking at a combo that connects, look no further. The
3+P,P,6+P is the best choice. Some players may prefer the P,P,8+P for its 
ending knock down straight.

Low Kicks advantages
  The low kick is a rather tricky attack. A major counter hit will allow a
throw followup. If there is no major counter, the second kick maybe used
to cover the low kick. Further, the low kick recovers pretty fast.This
may be better than the low back knuckle which is rather slow.

6+K Vs 3+K
  The 6+K is an excellent combo starter. It is weak in terms of execution
speed, but recovers fast enough to guard against an incoming attack. The
3+K on the other hand allows a second kick, if the opponent staggers.Also,
the 3+K allows a heavy pounce right after a counter hit.

  To do the V pose, press 1+P+G+E for first player.
  To stop the cancelling of replays, press P+K+G+E.
  To change costume, press and hold start as you choose your character.

  Jacky's jacket can be purchased in Japan. There are two designs.

 Tan Wumeng(wumeng@pacific.net.sg) Has a giant VF2 Kage maru FAQ at his page
at http://home.pacific.net.sg/~wumeng .
 Rolander(rolander@pacific.net.sg) Jacky fan.
 Eric(e987654@singnet.com.sg) Fastest Akira on planet Earth. Has a Fun page
at http://www.singnet.com.sg/~e987654
  RIP(ripo13@cyberway.com.sg) Veteran VF3 player. Has a Box at 
http://www.cyberway.com.sg/~boxx .
  And Sega at http://www.sega.com and http://www.sega.co.jp 

See Ya!! 

Virtua Fighter and all related material © SEGA
VFDC © 1997-2006