Escape - Crouch Dash (ECD) Defensive Technique

Here's a new defensive technique, courtesy of the latest Arcadia magazine.

It's the Escape - Crouch Dash (ECD), and really comes into effect when you're at around 3 to 4 frames disadvantage. This works because Escapes, both normal and fast types, can be cancelled with a CD. So far, this is nothing new to most of you, but to show the utility of this technique, I'll share an example they used in the magazine.

Firstly, at 3 to 4 frames disadvantage, all elbows (and similar fast mids) will beat your d+P or standing P. Akira's Low Back Fist (df+P+K), on normal hit, will put you at 3 frames disadvantage. Akira can now force a pretty good two-choice guessing game on you -- his Double Plam (D,b,f+P) will beat your fastest attacks (d+P or P), and his Throw will get you if you try to Escape. At this point, you could try to ETEG, but you still have to guess which throw(s) to escape. However, if you ECD, you can avoid both the Double Palm and any throw attempts.

The difficulty lies entering a ECD in what is essentially a 5 frame window. Remember, you're already 3 frames behind, and Akira just needs another 5 frames to throw you. But, rest assured, it is definitely possible.

You can use Free Training to practice this technique. Select Akira as the opponent, then record df+P+K - b,f+P (which is a Double Palm because you're crouching) as Action 1. Then record df+P+K - P+G (or any throw, doesn't matter) as Action 2. Setup playback with Action 1 and 2 at 50% each. Let Akira hit you with the df+P+K, and then enter a fast and clean ECD. If Akira DbPm's, you should get the successful (fast) Escape. If he tries to Throw you, you should get a normal (slow) Escape cancelled with a CD going under the throw whiff.

If you switch Motion Display to on (so you can see the exe-co-rec bars) you should be able to visually notice the recovery (orange bar) of the normal Escape get cancelled with the CD. Just practice that for a while against an idle CPU just to get a feel for cancelling normal Escapes with CDs. Once you get the hang of it, try it against the CPU in the above Playback sequence.

Just like all defensive techniques, there are vulnerabilities associated with ECD too. It won't work against circular attacks or if the attack is delayed.

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