K G-cancel Info from 1/60sec


1/60 sites has a snippet of info on KG cancelling.

When you have +1 advantage, like after a P guarded for most characters, and you make your opponent do a fast evade with a KG, you'll recover fast enough to have a guaranteed throw against the fast evade.

This is made possible because fast evades are now slower by two frames, for a total of 19 frames.

What implications does this have? Well, if your opponent likes to ARE (yes, it's still possible in FT), then a KG cancel perfectly foils it giving you a guaranteed throw against their fast evade. Previously, in Evo, a KG would have guaranteed you nothing, and the AREing opponent would be free to attack. But keep in mind this is just a specific way of defeating ARE (+1 or more advantage, and fastest KG).

If you scroll to the bottom of the 1/60 page linked above, you'll see some frame charts explaining what is happening, along with two movie links to show it in action.

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