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[22 Sep 2024] 2024 Pre Beat-Tribe Cup (Tokyo, Japan)

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by akai, Aug 28, 2024.

By akai on Aug 28, 2024 at 10:57 PM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    A very popular VFR 5on5 Team Tournament. The theme of the event are teams made up of a single character. The regular rule is that a team of 5 must have 3 different characters used.

    September 22, 2024, 11 PM JST

    Original site - http://www.beat-tribe.com/

    Entry List - http://www.beat-tribe.com/contents/teamlist2024092201.html

    2024 Teams (As of September 5 - 65 teams) -
    • Akira - 5
    • Aoi - 3
    • Blaze - 3
    • Brad - 2
    • Eileen - 2
    • Goh - 2
    • Jacky - 6
    • Jean - 3
    • Jeffry - 1
    • Kage - 3
    • Lau - 3
    • Lei - 3
    • Lion - 2
    • Pai - 1
    • Sarah - 5
    • Shun - 2
    • Vanessa - 3
    • Taka - 3
    • Wolf - 2
    • Blend - 11
    Pre Beat-Tribe Cup History - Single Character Team Highest Finish
    • Akira - 5 Wins (2004, 2010, 2012, 2019, 2020)
    • 2 Wins
      • Jacky - 2 Wins (2017, 2022)
      • Taka - 2 Wins (2001, 2013)
      • Lion - 2 Wins (2009, 2011)
    • 1 Win
      • Jean - 1 Win (2016)
      • Lau - 1 Win (2014)
      • Lei - 1 Win (2007)
      • Pai - 1 Win (2003)
    • 2nd Place
      • Goh - 2nd Place (2015, 2022)
      • Vanessa - 2nd Place (2019)
      • Aoi - 2nd Place (2011)
      • Eileen - 2nd Place (2009)
      • Kage - 2nd Place (2007)
      • Sarah - 2nd Place (2003)
    • Best 4
      • Shun - Best 4 (2011, 2012, 2016)
      • Brad - Best 4 (2020)
      • Wolf - Best 4 (2009)
    • Best 8
      • Jeffry - Best 8 (2017, 2019)
      • Blaze - Best 8 (2015)
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2024
2024 Pre Beat-Tribe Cup
Start Date: 22 Sep 2024 11:00 AM
End Date: 22 Sep 2024 11:00 PM
Time Zone: Asia/Tokyo +09:00 JST

Game Newton Oyama
Tokyo, Japan

Posted By: akai

Confirmed Attendees: 0
You can not RSVP for this event...

The organizer for this event has disabled the RSVP system; RSVP has been closed.


Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by akai, Aug 28, 2024.

  • 2024 Pre Beat-Tribe Cup
    Start Date: 22 Sep 2024 11:00 AM
    End Date: 22 Sep 2024 11:00 PM
    Time Zone: Asia/Tokyo +09:00 JST

    Game Newton Oyama
    Tokyo, Japan

    Posted By: akai

    Confirmed Attendees: 0
    You can not RSVP for this event...

    The organizer for this event has disabled the RSVP system; RSVP has been closed.
    1. akai
      All 19 characters have a Single Character Team represented at 2024 Pre BT Cup! Once registration ends, I will put the completed tally up.

      I made a picture showing the best result achieved for each character's single team for VF5FS. Note that the Best Results of Single Character team in the original post is for every Pre BT Cup since 2001 (VF3-VF5 series). VF5FS has been featured 10 times now. 2024 will be eleventh.
      Last edited: Sep 2, 2024
      Combolammas and VolcanoShed like this.
    2. akai
      All the Teams translated and organized by the characters (images taken from 2022 Pre-BT Cup pamphlet and event outline is for this weekend's event) - Link to PDF File

      I went over to the teams with Setsuna helping out for the first half. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2254763144

      If I have time I will edit and time-stamp. I misspoke in the Kage team portion, thinking ガダルカナル Gadarucanaru was the former Star Player. It was Guriyan that was the former Star Player.
      Myke likes this.

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