1. Hey Guest, looking for Virtua Fighter 5: Ultimate Showdown content? Rest assured that the game is identical to Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown so all current resources on here such as Command Lists with frame data, Combo Lists and the Wiki still apply. However, you can expect some VF5US specific changes to come soon!
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I recently asked Zonchan for some help with Lei Fei combos versus Taka, and he kindly sent me all of his personal combos against the entire cast! Thank you, Zonchan, this is much more than I expected and is greatly appreciated! If you don't know who Zonchan is then you might have seen some of his amazing tournament performances in the past like winning the 2019 Beat Tribe Cup or when he defeated an entire team (OCV!) in the 2020 Pre Beat-Tribe Cup during the finals stage!
Last Updated: October 8, 2024 - Translation of the tactical guide series written by pro Virtua Fighter player Shiwa is now completed! Thanks to VolcanoShed, Tenguman, and Setsuna for tanslating these guides into English. For your convenience, links to the original guides written by Shiwa and the translations on VFDC are posted within this thread.
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The 2024 Pre Beat-Tribe Cup: a 5on5 team tournament with emphasis on teams made up a single character--was held in Tokyo, Japan, at the end of September. The archive of the entire event is available on YouTube. The first post in this thread have been updated with timestamps for all tournament matches, including a bunch of interesting stats from fastest/longest match on stream, to 3 (or more) win streaks achieved on stream!
What if Akira spoke in English? How would he sound like? Will he sound weird or acceptable in English? So I decided to have some fun and give it a go by recording his voice. I shared it on social media and fans loved it! I continued the concept by working on the other characters that did not speak 'English'. I got other voice actors involved and this is the end result of the production. Please enjoy!
Last Updated: June 20, 2024 - EVO 2024 in Las Vegas will take place July 19th to July 21st. Mech is organizing the VF5US BYOC side tournament. Exact day and time of tournament TBD. Sign up for the VF5US tournament is now available with deadline to register July 13.
An unlisted video posted on SEGA's Official YouTube channel on June 4th. "Empower the Gamers; Be a Game Changer; We are SEGA".
"Today marks the third anniversary of VF5US! Countless foes, ready to battle!!" - VF Official on X/Twitter
For the third straight year, Ultimate Showdown was at Combo Breaker. With over 40 participants, the side tournament was ran by Dropkick Montage with the top 4 streamed live. Gentleman Thief (JN) took first, Crazydrunk (SH) took second, Tricky (EI) third, and Tenguman (AO) took fourth. Link to the Twitch Archive of the top 4.
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Virtua Fighter 2 music will get the vinyl record treatment! Last year, the original Virtua Fighter soundtrack was released as a vinyl by Cartridge Thunder. Cartridge Thunder will be doing the same for Virtua Fighter 2. Two records: one for the arcade soundtrack and the second one for the SEGA Saturn mix.
Storm Collectibles' Jacky Bryant action figure was first announced to be in development in March 2022. Now after 2 years, VF Official has posted an update for the figure with "Coming Soon". We can likely expect a pre order for this item sooner than later. This is the 3rd figure in Storm Collectibles' VF5US/VFeS series. The 2nd figure, Wolf, is now expected to be released in the 2nd Quarter of 2024.
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