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$ir JDE
Last Activity:
Feb 17, 2025 at 12:34 AM
Mar 14, 2013
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Aug 5, 1991 (Age: 33)
Home Page:
Chattanooga, TN
Video games, music (rap/hip hop mainly), friends

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$ir JDE

Well-Known Member, Male, 33, from Chattanooga, TN

I need to fight more people in the discord & VFDC servers. I like playing ranked for practice, but most players are focused on the wins. Feb 11, 2025 at 11:48 PM

$ir JDE was last seen:
Feb 17, 2025 at 12:34 AM
    1. $ir JDE
      $ir JDE
      I need to fight more people in the discord & VFDC servers. I like playing ranked for practice, but most players are focused on the wins.
      1. DomAug and Chanchai like this.
      2. Chanchai
        It's good to have a healthy mix both of opponents and of match conditions ^_^ At developing levels, an under-utilized match condition is playing really long set battles. In this game, you'll deepend your matchup understanding and also your grasp of strategic & tactical flow if you play long set battles with a sparring partner.
        Feb 13, 2025 at 2:58 PM
        $ir JDE likes this.
      3. Chanchai
        This is why Himajean advocated for 50-Game-Battles for stronger players and it is true that a lot of the strongest opponents I've fought have deep experience with playing 100+ game sessions, including me ^_^

        That might sound like a separate format but it's also key to why we can see changeups within a game pretty quickly.
        Feb 13, 2025 at 3:02 PM
        $ir JDE likes this.
    2. $ir JDE
      $ir JDE
      If only Pai was more flashier with juggles against middleweights... lol
    3. $ir JDE
      $ir JDE
      I have an off day the same day that VFREVO releases. LFG!!!
      1. Sonic The Fighters likes this.
    4. $ir JDE
      $ir JDE
      Happy New year!!!
      1. Sonic The Fighters and akai like this.
    5. $ir JDE
      $ir JDE
      WE BACK!!!!
      1. Sonic The Fighters likes this.
    6. $ir JDE
      $ir JDE
      Hey man, Victoria Justice is one of my biggest crushes. Don't judge me! ;)
    7. $ir JDE
    8. $ir JDE
      $ir JDE
      Does VFDC or anyone in the community use Bluesky or Threads?
      1. akai
        There are some VFers that migrated from X/Twitter onto Bluesky
        Dec 3, 2024
        $ir JDE likes this.
      2. $ir JDE
        $ir JDE
        I have them both. But I do want to use Bluesky more.
        Dec 3, 2024
    9. $ir JDE
      $ir JDE
      Leverless on VF is fun, but I'm someone with big hands. So I might have to get a Mayflash F500 or something. I use the Kitsune for now.
    10. $ir JDE
      $ir JDE
      Are we allowed to do name changes once we make profiles?
      1. akai
        In the past, people constantly change their names making it difficult to follow conversations. If you message Myke, the administrator, he can help with the name change.
        Nov 26, 2024
        $ir JDE likes this.
      2. $ir JDE
        $ir JDE
        Okay. It's not going to be anything drastic. It's just going to have either Mr. or Sir in front of my current one.
        Nov 26, 2024
    11. $ir JDE
      $ir JDE
      I'm so fucking happy right now!
      1. break likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. $ir JDE
        $ir JDE
        They might not be ready to do it & want to showcase it 1st or something. Have to be patient.
        Nov 26, 2024
        break likes this.
      4. break
        That makes sense, we also have the Video Game Awards next month. Hope they don't delay things until February 2025.
        Nov 27, 2024
        $ir JDE likes this.
      5. $ir JDE
        $ir JDE
        As long as they don't wait too long to put it out, it should be fine. I just hope they don't rush out VF6.
        Nov 30, 2024
        break likes this.
    12. $ir JDE
      $ir JDE
      Lowkey happy about the update we're getting.
      1. Jay David likes this.
      2. RawrCookie
        You mean DLC"? Lol
        Dec 5, 2021
        $ir JDE likes this.
      3. $ir JDE
        $ir JDE
        Dec 8, 2021
    13. $ir JDE
      $ir JDE
      I'm trying to follow as many streamers & Youtubers that play this game as I can. Trying to really grind hard & find good games.
      1. DomAug likes this.
      2. DomAug
        there's Tricky, Chief Flash, Shidosha, TheGVN, nycfurby, and harpooneer to name a small few in NA.
        Sep 27, 2021
        $ir JDE likes this.
      3. RawrCookie
        For me i follow Japanese original arcade players. There is a good amount of them who streams VF5US now as VF Esport online on YouTube. Also there is still Japanese tournaments being held for VF5FS on YouTube every period.
        Sep 29, 2021
        $ir JDE likes this.
    14. $ir JDE
      $ir JDE
      I love playing on stick, but MAN, I'm actually curious if I prefer pad. Thing is I've learned so much on stick that IDC about it now
    15. $ir JDE
      $ir JDE
      In case people were wondering why I haven't been around, for last 2 to 4 weeks, my family was dealing with COVID. We're all fine now.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. $ir JDE
        $ir JDE
        Thanks bro
        Sep 15, 2021
      3. beanboy
        Dude, that sucks dude. Good to hear you all are doing better. :)
        Sep 18, 2021
        $ir JDE likes this.
      4. $ir JDE
        $ir JDE
        Thanks guys. Glad to be back! Now to strengthen my Sarah!
        Sep 18, 2021
        beanboy likes this.
    16. $ir JDE
      $ir JDE
      Yo I appreciate the hell out of Sega for the new titles dedicated to this site. Real shit!
      1. Myke likes this.
    17. $ir JDE
      $ir JDE
      What? lol I'm just a guy that loves fighting games & a huge fan of Sasha Banks! lmao
    18. $ir JDE
      $ir JDE
      Would actually be dope if you saw more activity going on here in this site, but I understand why.
      1. Chanchai likes this.
    19. $ir JDE
      $ir JDE
      I think that this site, Dustloop, & Dream Cancel have the best wikis in the FGC. Seriously. I love it. Not to say that the rest are bad.
    20. $ir JDE
      $ir JDE
      Welp, more homework to do. Looks like I should lab Sarah again to see if I'm not making a mistake.
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  • About

    Aug 5, 1991 (Age: 33)
    Home Page:
    Chattanooga, TN
    Video games, music (rap/hip hop mainly), friends




    Pick up & kill it & kill it & kill it!!
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