VF5FS Aoi Move Analysis
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That basic standing punch leaves her at +2 on block and can start her offense, with elbow or strings. Use
to pressure your opponent and use Aoi's ability to cancel the last parts of her strings to confuse him.
A basic elbow, fast mid to use at small advantage. Provides nice advantage on crouching opponents or on CH, requires hit checking if you want to continue with the second part of the string.
is somehow a better version of her low punch, although 1 frame slower but hits mid, staggers on crouch or CH, while also ducking high attacks. Futhermore, that double hand attack can't be sabakied.
also executes fast at 13 frames and only -1 on block. It's high but has a mid cancellable follow up what KND on hit and only throw punishable on guard.
A half circular mid attack with push back on hit and block, useful against evaders or to start wall / Ring Out pressure game.
That fast mid attack starts a combo only on CH if you continue with the follow up
, so it's important to hit confirm the stagger.
- Sundome
A mid knee attack what only comes out after you cancel a move or string. It staggers a crouching opponent, gives +4 on NH and +8 on CH, and safe as you can crouch fuzzy on guard.
A special high kick, half circular, staggers on hit.
Aoi's hit throw is mid, fast, goes under highs and even some mids at disadvantage. Nice punisher for blocking unsafe sweeps or after ducking a high move as well, it also has a deceptive range.
The sweep is good against evaders and scores you a KND, is partially safe because you can cancel the block stun with Tenchi, while the animation itself can be cancellable into sundome moves.
is a sabaki against punch and elbow attacks, mid or high. Successful sabaki leads to a crumple combo. Very useful if you know that your foe likes going for an elbow after his +2 to +4 situation.
A combo starter of choice to punish whiffed moves or backdashers thanks to its good range. That move also tends to jump over low moves at advantage.
What can I say ? Tenchi is Aoi's tradermark and narrow down your opponent's offensive and poking options. Inarguably the best defensive stance of the game whose parrying abilities allow guaranteed follow ups.
Aoi's fastest high executing in 12 frames. If blocked, she gets a +2 situation in which she can keep pressuring. That jab gives you higher advantages on NH and CH, +5 and +8 respectively, perfect situation to use throws.
commonly used for -12 punishment, it leaves Aoi at +4. You can keep attacking withor
or throws, and beat fuzzy guard with low throws, depending on how your opponent reacts. Note that if the kick hits on CH, you get a small float for a mini-combo on most characters.
A string with poor frame stats, composed of 3 high punches followed by a sweep. Only the first two punches jail on block, the third can be ducked or interupted by a low punch for example. That's why you should mix withstring to make your opponent block until the sweep, which can be cancelled ( into just guard / evade or sundome moves ), go into Tenchi even on block and, most of all, KND on normal hit. Kinda tricky to deal with for your opponent if he got hit by the punches in first place. Note that if only the 3rd
hits CH after the 2 first punches got guarded, the sweep at the end is free (if you don't delay it).
Same punch string as previously, but this time it ends with a knee. It KND on hit, but is unsafe on block although you can enter Tenchi after, for more safety. Not really a good mix up with the sweep, your foe can block the knee with crouch guard ( leaving you -5 instead of -13) since it's special mid.
This string is Natural Combo on side hit, making it perfect after Tenchi punch/elbow parry or after evading your opponent's moves. It scores a KND, for oki game, and if your opponent happens to hit the wall, you can get additionnal damage.
A good string, with two mid & half circular elbows at the end. Both delayable and cancellable, you can also just stop after the third hit to add more confusion and for more safety, as the last hit is unsafe on block (-13), so make sure to hit check the first elbow: if it hits a crouching opponent (+6) or on CH (+3), the last hit is guaranteed and KND. In a juggle, that string covers a lot of distance, making easy for wall carry or ring out opportunity. Note that the entire string is Natural Combo on Taka.
Mostly used in juggle to lead your flying opponent to the wall ( for a wall slump ) or out of the ring, as this string makes Aoi throw him at a 45 degree angle in the chosen direction ( toward the screen or the background ). Withor
, Aoi will step back away from the opponent and ends back turned. If you cancel the third hit with
instead, she will be in a back turned position while remaining close to the foe. However the fact that
is negative even on hit, and the third hit of
is a slow high means that a simple low punch makes that string useless outside combos.
The common fastest move in the game, it executes in 12 frames for every character in this game. When applying frame data, understanding which moves stop low punch is essential. Obviously, its tech crouch properties makes it a good tool to interupt high moves even at disadvantage. Note that if it connects on CH (+7) when your opponent were doing a crouching move ( such as his own low punch ) you can land a low throw if he doesn't abare with an attack or evade after.
is Aoi's fastest executing mid attack at a quick 13 frames. On top of that it is a double palm attack effectively crushing any sabaki, parry, or reversal attempts (excluding Aoi). It staggers on counter hit or crouch guard giving you a great mixup game when it lands. It's completely safe even going as far as to allow CD fuzzy guarding on block as it is only -4. And how could I almost forget, it goes under all high attacks even at disadvantage. Irrefutably one of Aoi's best moves.
Mid elbow to high punch. The elbow is more interesting against crouched opponents or on CH, as it puts Aoi at nitaku. The follow up is high and -1 on hit though, make sure to hit confirm the elbow on hit outside of guaranteed punishment for blocking -14 blocked moves.
Fast mid attack at 15 frames, this mid punch is also very safe on block at only -2 and gives +4 on NH. It also forces crouch, so on CH, you can get a low throw if your opponent just holds guard. He will have to abare or evade to avoid the low throw, leaving him open to more counter hit or circular attacks.
A full circular 17-fr high punch.alone puts Aoi back turned, and is only -2 on block. On minor counter or on counter hit, the mid kick follow-up ( delayable and
-cancellable) is guaranteed but is -1 on hit. Useful against evaders, that moves shines mostly when it hits a side turned opponent, leaving him still side turned with Aoi back turned, with +6. Let's not forget
CH gives wall stagger, G cancel the follow up kick into Sundome
for a crumple and start a wall combo.
A half circular low that is safe on block ( but large disadvantage ). Its half circular properties make this move viable as it will KND the opponent on fail evade and if they don't tech it's a free combo. But because of its slow execution speed, the use of this move is very situationnal, like as meaty. It doesn't worth the risk to use it as an instant high crush move neither as it leaves Aoi at -2 on NH, and let's face it, there are better moves if you want to go under highs...
Really strong near the wall, great range, quite fast, safe, G-cancelable and semi-circular. That distance closing move pushes back on block and hit, making everyone try to avoid it like the plague against walls. Not to mention that it's one of the few moves that cover Aoi's back. It's a half circular mid meaning it counter hits any evades to the wrong direction and will proceed to cause a wall stagger that can lead to a cringe worthy whooping 103 damage combo. Near the edge of the ring, you can easily push your opponent out, even on block.
In FS, this hit throw connects even on NH, but in return, becomes unsafe (-13). Fast at 16 fr, with a very good range, it goes under high moves at disadvantage and in some specific disadvantage situations, even crushes your opponent's mid moves ! Add the fact that it can be easily used to punish unsafe lows or after ducking under high moves or throws and we have undeniabily here one of Aoi's best moves if used sparingly.
A slow mid move: it sabakis HP and LP and is a mid that allows for combos on CH. However, the sabaki works only during specific situation: basic low punch and 12-fr high punch can only be deflected at advantage, 0, or -1 . At larger disadvantage, the low or the high punch type attack have to be slower. In short, not really the anti-LP tool we hope for.
An other hit throw what starts with a 2 hits-punch followed by a throw, useful against people who crouch too much or characters with a special punch deflective move, like Taka'sor Wolf's RAW
The fastest way to enter BT position. That punch is very safe on block (-2) but is high.
Aoi's fastest attack at 11 fr, it hits low but doesn't tech crouch like a regular low punch. Small advantage on hit, it kinda forces the opponent to crouch guard when she's backturned.
Jump (descending)
While jumping over low attacks, Aoi can retaliate with a force crouch mid punch, giving you a free low throw attempt at +11.
Hit throw from cancelling a move, good against people who evade her cancellable moves but don't cancel their evade.
The move is however high but has a bit of tracking.
A half circular high kick, elbow class move. Punish -14 blocked moves withgives you 1 damage more than
but with 1 frame advantage less.
string should be mostly used in combos, however the last kick is mid, delayable and G cancellable into Sundome options for more mix ups. The whole string is natural combo on side hit and of course, against Taka.
Natural combo on CH or on side hit. First kick is half circular, the second kick is mid and wall staggers on CH in case your opponent tries to attack after blocking the first kick. Useful in some combos too, but you can live without that string.
reasonably fast and safe special high kick that staggers, a great answer to anyone who overuses lows punch at disadvantage, while also covering Aoi's stomach against evaders.
Most of Aoi's good & fast attacks has short range, use this side kick to dissuade people from backdashing as it gives a stagger hard to struggle, allowing practically a free combo afterwards with,
. Moreover, on crouched side hit , you're at +11, giving you a free
, but more interesting, on CH side hit, the side kick crumples for a nasty damaging combo.
A 18-frames knee, juggles on CH, has a mid & delayable follow upthat slams your opponent to ground ( face down head toward ) for a small combo if he tries to attack immediately after blocking the knee. If he got juggled in the air before ( by the knee or during a juggle ), the punch still slams him but he can tech. The string is also a natural combo on recovery counter ( although there are better punishers at -18 ) leaving you at +5.
Becareful as the mid punch is throw counterable on block, but the threat of this follow up can make your knee safer than its -8. Good move to use if your foe likes to spam a punch / elbow sabaki.
( can be done from BT )
A good string to pick your opponent off the ground ( OTG combo ) if he doesn't want to tech after some KND.
It starts low and ends with a move that can go into sundome and crumbles on counter-hit. If the low kick hits CH, the second high punch can't be interrupted, leaving your opponent open to the threat of the cancellable mid punch at the end.
Flop attack, gives you a combo opportunity. Looks fast, hits backdashers & whiffed moves thanks to its really good range, and obviously unsafe (-13). Aoi can also jump over low attacks ( at +2 it crushes low punch ).
An other good move you can only do after cancelling an attack. Hits mid, safe, staggers on crouch, +4 NH and +8 on CH. And if your opponent is in a stagger state, it crumples for a combo.
A high kick from BT, the only good thing about this move is that it provides you a KND on hit.
High - mid string.is fast at 13fr exe, half circular and only -1 on block. The follow up is mid and KND, but is throw counterable on block. However it's cancellable and delayable, making it more difficult for the foe to defend.
Good punisher of choice for -13 situation.
Mid - High string.is fast at 15fr exe, and provides you a stagger on CH, allowing Aoi to start a combo if you end the string wich is easily delayable and hit checkable.
String to use during a wall combo, or to start one since the last hit gives a wall stagger. However, it's unsafe on block and there are better ways ( and safer ) to fish for wall combos...
Two mid in a string, which is quite interesting as the full thing also KND your enemy. Delayable and hit checkable, as the second hit is unsafe on block ( although cancellable ).
But you can just stop afterto leave Aoi back turned but at disadvantage even on NH. Not that bad because of the threat of the second hit.
A mid punch to stomach crumple abaring opponents. Quite safe and fast.
A juggle starter, unsafe (-13) but cancellable. Don't miss the opportunity to float your foe with that long range move, that can also goes into Tenchi.
Safe double handed attack, very slow but gives a crumple combo on NH. It's more convenient to use it after guaranteed situation, like after reversing a low or mid full circular attack.
Good move to avoid short range high / mid attacks as well as throws when Aoi is at disadvantage, since there is some backdash built in. It also lead to some damageous combos ( even on Taka ). However it's unsafe on block, and horrible on whiff. Not to mention a simple side kick can beat that move for a very high damage backdash stagger combo.
alone is a good mid elbow, staggers a crouching opponent, and gives you a combo on CH.
The last part is high and very punishable if ducked, so be sure to hit check the string.
Aoi's punch (HP, H-EL, MP, EL) sabaki that allows for combos on success, it works wonders against jabbers and it has so many applications in specific situations just like her other sabakis. Its damage potential nearwalls will have opponents thinking twice about punch / elbow their way into advantage. It's not the safest move, requiring ETE for optimal defense but it's a great move nonetheless. If your opponent like to elbow when he's at small advantage, time to make him change his habits !
A string available from BT. Last hit is special high and cancellable, but +3 on block.
You can replace the last move by doing BT, Aoi will do her
string instead, with the same cancellable properties and -13 on block instead of -15. It's the only mid option because your foe will likely crouch to avoid her BT catch thow or to block her BT low punch
A high full circular attack, but too slow which means it can be easily avoided by EDC/ECD.
Use it if your opponent doesn't want to cancel their evade, or is using a slow sabaki. On CH, Aoi is +9 so a low punchis unblockable, but can be crushed by a few instant jumping moves like Lion's
Aoi's kick (HK, MK, SK, KN) sabaki that leads to a combo when successful. Sarah players beware, this move has become infinitely more useful in FS: it's mid, with good range and KND on NH if there is no sabaki. It doesn't have the most damaging followup on sabaki but it kills almost all kicks if your opponent is fearing the punch sabaki combo or likes to side kick to prevent you from backdashing. Another useful condition tool in Aoi's arsenal.
Aoi's famous sweep to prevent your opponent from evading too much, can go into Tenchi even on block, by entering the commandinstantly or with delay, to make it "partially" safe against immediate punishers. It's also cancellable for more mix ups.
A mid kick with good damage, useful in wall combos, gives a KND.
It's Aoi's Heavy Bound move, too slow to use it outside wall combos or some juggles.
Aoi does a spin while backturned, can be handy to avoid guaranteed moves after you opponent puts her backturned with some throws ( Shun Di's, Pai's
, Lion
). Try to not abuse it all the time as she's vulnerable at the end of the spin, and can be thrown during it. She also has access to a mid punch
what crumples on NH if the opponent doesn't time well his counter attack.
( Tenchi In'yō )
Tenchi In'yō
Aoi moves forward while crounching, avoiding high attacks. As she's considered crounching, a low throw can punish this move, fortunately she can follow this step with a( mid punch attack that launches ) or
( an unsafe low kick but +4 on NH, and foot crumple on CH
Tenchi In'yō
Aoi safely steps backward and ends up backturned.
Tenchi In'yōor
& follow ups
Chain Throws
Low Throws
Ground Throws
BTCatch Throw
XenCarta PRO
© Jason Axelrod from 8WAYRUN.COM