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Consistent Perfect Dragon Lance Comboz (HOW?)

Discussion in 'Akira' started by Sidna7, Mar 5, 2010.

  1. Sidna7

    Sidna7 Well-Known Member


    ....trying to pick-up VF again, and I'm having some trouble consistently pulling of the "OOOoooAAA" DLC!
    But 50% of the time I get the weak version [​IMG]

    Thing is I checked the display input settings ON (in the Dojo), so I could see what the hell I'm hitting on the joystick, and it seems like I'm getting the
    [4] [6] [6] [P] [+][K] pretty much every time (and many times even if I do....I get the weak version). I even tried overshooting it with [4][4] [6][6][P][+][K]

    Is there a set amount of frames that the [4] or [6] s need to be held or something?

    Would really appreciate some help on dis!

    P.S. it's nice too see that so many people are still around [​IMG]
  2. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    The most important thing for me is hitting the [6][P] part, if I hit that quick and cleanly then the rest is easy.
  3. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Interesting question, I have no idea. I've just picked up Akira and also have trouble with this.
  4. Sidna7

    Sidna7 Well-Known Member

    Yhea...now I see that I'm getting similar shIt with his other moves too...like buffering double palms. It's actually really pissing me off! I really gotta find out what I'm doing wrong.

    I mean I go [4] [6] [+] [P] , [P]~ [G] everything fine so far ...then i buffer double palm which looks like this:

    2 [G]
    1 [2] [G]
    4 [1]
    2 [2]
    2 [1]
    2 [4]
    2 [6]
    3 [6] [P]

    and get NADA....well just the [6] [P] [​IMG]

    ...does it have to be dead ON? do I have to look towards Mt. Fuji and pray...or what?

    Sorry I got a bit off topic but it seems to me like it's related in some way (active frames for executing/buffering moves).
  5. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Erroneous inputs like the ones you're getting don't matter, I don't know for sure but I think it's cause you're inputting the dblplm too slow you need to get it under 10 frames as that's the length of the buffer window.

    I'll check in a minute see what it looks like when I input it, can you post your DLC inputs as well and i'll look at those.
  6. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I can do it. Kinda hard to explain how though. There's no pause between [6][P] and [4][6][6][P]+[K] if that helps.
  7. SicilianVizzini

    SicilianVizzini Well-Known Member

    I regularly get these problems, and I concluded that it is caused by inputs that last more than 2frames in the sequence; not sure if that's right, but I do tend to be hitting buttons too hard or hold directions too long when things aren't work.

    For DLC, sometimes I'm too early doing the [6][P], to get a smooth chain of inputs.
  8. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I can't do it on a stick. Everytime on a pad though.
  9. Sidna7

    Sidna7 Well-Known Member

    Damn guys...i don't know. Feck I think you are right that erronious inputs don't matter....but I don't think that buffering over 10frames matters either cause I get the combo at 50 dmg even buffering over 10 frames. And SV, I think it's OK to have inputs of over 2 frames as well, since it's working sometimes with frames of over 3 frame inputs. Not sure though...could be luck.

    For example (doublepalmz):

    1 [1] [G]
    4 [1]
    4 [2]
    3 [1]
    2 [4]
    2 [6]
    5 [6] [P]
    ....this actually worked just fine! and we have over 15 frames before I even got to the [6] [P] ...and inputs of over 2 frames [​IMG]

    The wierdest so far was this (OOooAA DLC):
    1 [6] [P]
    2 [P]
    2 [4]
    3 [6]
    1 [P] [K]
    1 [6]
    ...DOING!! WTF?

    jeez Seidon dude...if you are pulling that shit off on an X-Box pad...your left thumb should be a certified sex machine
  10. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    It's a registered weapon. Not allowed to compete in thumb wars with my left hand either.
  11. SicilianVizzini

    SicilianVizzini Well-Known Member

    From the 2nd to 4th input, it looks like a crouched backdash (I assume the crouch animated), and the remaining inputs from 5th to 7th only took 9frames; “In other words, if you're in the middle of something now, such as being hit, or recovering from guard, then any inputs you entered 10 frames ago until now will be processed.”


    Had you not started from a crouched position, I think you would need to get all the inputs [2],[4],[6],[P] in the 10frame window (including spurious inputs); 4 inputs at 2frames each, I'm guessing that only leaves 2frames for a spurious input like a single [1] ([2][1][4][6][P]).
  12. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Pffft I can box step on the xbox JOYSTICK, ladies.....oh yes.
  13. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    It works for him Boris. Haven't you see that picture?
    Ladies love developed thumbs [​IMG]
  14. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I can play on the D-pad and thumbstick.
  15. Hazzerone

    Hazzerone Well-Known Member

    When you do DLC you should be aiming for this:

    Do 3K+G, get the 6P in (I actually often miss this, especially online when going for 214P, 6KP, DLC combo).

    After 6P you should go straight to back don't even bother going from neutral, go from right to left in 1 movement.

    From back you want to go to forward using the same method as you went to back; from left to right in a single movement.

    From forward you want to RELEASE your direction (neutral) then input 6P+K for the WHWWUUAAAAAAAAAA! [​IMG]

    You actually have more time than you would think to input the 4, 6, 6 P+K so don't try to get ahead of yourself. As I said the hardest part is getting the 6P bit in correctly.

    ALso as for the 46P, P, dbl plm combo, try doing it my way and see if that works:

    46P, P (after P don't put in a G cancel) 33,4,6 P.

    Basically as soon as I hit the P I am pressing 3, a slight delay on the next 3 for the crouchdash then the 4,6P.

    Doing it this way you don't need to use G cancel and you can use the buffer time on the recovery of the jab to put in the whole thing.

    Doing it this way also teaches you proper input as there's no wasted direction.
  16. Sidna7

    Sidna7 Well-Known Member

    Alright, I got the 4,6+P, P, DP down...and what I'm pretty sure I was doing wrong was...not waiting enough time to start buffering, so I was doing it too fast and the first [1] was not registering correctly. I see that after waiting a bit after the G, the DP comes out pretty much every time.
    Though, from my previous posts of my commands/inputs, you cannot tell, since I was not posting the idle/neutral time (which is on the leftmost side of the command display box....sorry about that.

    I think this helps and is correct [​IMG]
    ...since everytime the WHUAAAA DLC comes out, the neutral time on the command display from [6] [+] [P] to [4] seems to be 3 frames or less.

    Now about NOT using [G] in the 4,6+P, P, DP combo...I don't know. The G helps me a lot since I see that if I don't use it, many times instead of the DP the second part of the P,P combo comes out [​IMG]
  17. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I don't get along with not inputting the [G] too, it works fine for me if I input [P][G] but often i'll get the [P][P] string if I leave out the [G].
  18. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    I never have O_O but it's so infamous I know exactly the one you are talking about. PM me it anyone?
  19. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    I use P~G each and every time I do single punches. I recommend it to everyone else too
  20. Hazzerone

    Hazzerone Well-Known Member

    I must have an unusual way of doing 46P combo then. [​IMG] I'm not gonna change my method of doing it though because it works for me and I am consistent with it. Although playing online if I notice the connection is laggy or unreliable I may decide to just dash forward slightly and do 2P, dbl plm.

    Every other combo that uses a single P I input P~G though.

    DLC is Akira's hardest move.

    There's so many things that can go wrong.

    For a start off if you're too quick in doing the 3K+G part you may get KNEE instead.

    Missing the second part (6P) is pretty common too, either not going to neutral then doing 6P catches alot of people off.

    The last part is just difficult and if you did not 6P early enough you may not have given yourself enough time to finish it, also you may try and do it too fast and not go to neutral for the last part (6P+K).

    Another thing that helps me practice buffered dbl plm is that even on lightweight opponents I will go for the P, 46P, dbl plm combo off a youhou/KNEE. I know this is not the most damaging combo but it gives me further practice for absolute consistency in dbl plm combos.

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