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Wall setups

Discussion in 'Jean' started by Dennis0201, Jul 29, 2012.

  1. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    I'm trying to practice these setups and wonder does it require any specific angle near the wall? For example, Jean's back to the wall and I barely can use 33PK to use that kick to make a wall hit. But if I do charge(delay) a bit that kick is easier to connect to the wall but no guarantee anymore.

    Any thought about this? All I want is trying to figure out nitaku after 66P hit near the wall.
  2. Lucky_GT

    Lucky_GT Well-Known Member

    If the opponent is too close to the wall, the first hit of 33PK causes a small wall hit on normal hit and does not allow for the second attack to connect with the wall.

    If you are directly on the wall you want one of two things to happen when using this move:

    1. The first hit of 33PK is a CH and guarantees the K which crumples and guarantees a wall combo.


    2. They block the first part of 33PK and are hit by the second part which causes wall stagger.

    If the spacing is correct, you can also have the first hit of 33PK connect on NH away from the wall and have the second attack connect with the wall also giving you a wall stagger.

    EDIT: After 66P on the wall 1P and 33P chain are your strongest options as they both wall stagger on CH and are safe.
  3. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the info GT, and I'll practice at DOJO to see how it works.

    Do you have any idea how to do the wall setup when characters are parallel (kind of) with the wall, not against the wall? I'm trying to figure out the setups after 66P, which means nitaku for mid or low to make a wall stagger. For example, if your back is toward to the wall, Jean's 1P is able to make a wall stagger. On the other hand, if your front is toward to the wall, Jean's 33PKP(the last slap) can do it as well.

    Btw GT, what's the best way to sober Shun after KO? What I try is after 3K, 6K+G charge > P+K. Do you have better idea?
  4. Lucky_GT

    Lucky_GT Well-Known Member

    It seems like you have the right idea for parallel to the wall. Jean can't do much outside of what you listed except his charge cancel low kick will wall stagger parallel if you're close enough.

    One thing you can do that I haven't used in matches yet is OM to the side and do 1K if you are in a parallel position. Sideturned 1K will cause wall a stagger as well.

    For sobering Shun after 3K, 6K+G(charge) > 3K+G > P+K takes 5 drinks.
  5. ieatpaste

    ieatpaste New Member

    What moves give Jean wall splats?
  6. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    I know [6][6][P][+][K] causes a wall splat on normal hit or counter hit.

    I'm sure Jean has more attacks that causes a wall splat but have no idea what they are. You'll have to discover them through experimentation in the dojo.

  7. Lucky_GT

    Lucky_GT Well-Known Member

    If the second hit of 3KK counter hits, it also wall splats.
  8. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    Jean's only straight wall splat moves are 66P+K, 6K, 66K and at least 4K charge P, maybe some other charge moves splat too but I forget.

    For a sneaky wall setup, during 4K charge P and PP charge P, for example, you can do a low kick by pressing K while charging. This move causes a wall stagger if your opponent is about one character width away from the wall and can be very surprising considering most of the time Jeans tend to charge his moves fully and then mix the followups, plus the low is half circular to Jean's stomach AND is safe on block, so the likelyhood of landing it is pretty good. It recovers fast too as it normally gives you +2 on hit, so couple this up with the surprise factor you can easily wall splat them afterwards with 66P+K into a wall combo of the apocalypse.

    I hate this stupid character.
  9. Lucky_GT

    Lucky_GT Well-Known Member

    ^ Every character in the game can do similar things. 66P+K after Jean's charged low is not guaranteed.
  10. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    I didn't say it was guaranteed, just that it's a good setup to try and land it.
  11. seyu

    seyu Well-Known Member

    If you connect with a 4K near a wall, you should just go through with the 4K,P. On lightweights and midweights in some situations you can still get 112 damage. On mid-heavies and heavies you can still get around 90.

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