Glad the team has stuff planned but I'd much rather enjoy the game for a *short* time and jump over to VF6 asap:LOL: Fingers heavily crossed for a...
I wouldn't get my hopes up for *REVO* on other platforms, but VF6 will almost assuredly be crossplay enabled That setting is for the amount of...
What about my ring-outs? I'm kind of hoping that stage is from a world-tour type of mode, but whatever VF is back baby!!
I think it would be fun for the game to group players by city and host a series of tournaments to determine that city's representative, who would...
I'm playing a lot of street fighter 6 these days and the new systems certainly are interesting, but it feels like they're starting to get into...
Fighters megamix for single player because of how much fun stuff is in there, and final showdown for multi because there are are actually...
Definitely not, itagaki filed a lawsuit against tecmo on his way out the door.
I thought Kage would have a yoshimitsu costume. Very disappointed.
Well, you're not wrong. If somehow Tekken 8 came out tomorrow with the same delay based netcode, I would expect people to still play it - it is...
To add a little bit to what @Dragonps said, Tekken hit consoles in 2017 and SFV in 2016, almost four full years before COVID-19 made rollback...
I had been feeling a bit iffy about the upcoming Tekken collaboration but after watching these videos it really seems like everybody is pulling...
I assume Sega would add in a different character with a similar moveset? Or even a non-canon kind of "scroll off the side of the character select...
I got the impression that it wouldn't be a reboot, but more like how it's *Marvel vs Capcom Infinite* instead of MvC4. It would still be a vf5...
Well, I've always been civil even when I disagree but seeing as how we're now getting into name-calling, I suppose it's time for me to leave this...
I think I understand what you're trying to express but the same thing could easily be said about people who ------I don't know, let's pick...
Separate names with a comma.