This is awesome... but it cracks me up that Jeff doesn't even rate being included
[2][K][+][G] yay
I'm gonna keep my expectations as low as possible... and still end up disappointed.
That's funny... I'm probably gonna be in NY that weekend hanging with a buddy. Will see if he + our sons want to stop by on Sunday.
We have a winner! Someone has solved the island sexcapade riddle, and will be the proud recipient of a free copy of VF6! Winning answer will be...
Good job Kurt. Enjoy your box of rocks ;) Also good job to shang and flash for an entertaining thread. Much better than watching people argue...
I clearly answered the most number of riddles correctly. Oh, and I'm the only person who asked a riddle no one has been able to answer. Please...
"Which way would the other guy tell me to go to get to yomiland?" Then do the opposite.
Epic trolling is epic. Oh, and I'll give a free copy.of.vf 6 to the first person to answer my riddle.
Man you guys are losing a lot of sleep over a keyboard... only to find out that Shang says "Anyone with an 'M' in their forum name is disqualified"
Jacko world must have double letters. The irony of Shang asking for admin help!!! I love it!!!
Alright, Combolammas has the first good (but incorrect) guess: Since Unicorn and Stl_Tim are aftaid of of STD's you can only insert one condom in...
First person to answer my riddle gets donated my points! Let's see your responses, post them in the thread since flash and shang have decided...
Separate names with a comma.