1. Hey Guest, looking for Virtua Fighter 5: Ultimate Showdown content? Rest assured that the game is identical to Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown so all current resources on here such as Command Lists with frame data, Combo Lists and the Wiki still apply. However, you can expect some VF5US specific changes to come soon!
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Last Activity:
Jul 16, 2024
Aug 9, 2004
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37th Chamber
Software Developer

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VF Martial Artist, Male, from 37th Chamber

Bronze Supporter

I'm A.K.A Bruce Lee's Bully, Donnie Yen's Body Guard, Jet Li's Hero, Tony Jaa's Back up. IP Man's Sifu, Bak Mei's Assassin Jul 5, 2024

masterpo was last seen:
Jul 16, 2024
    1. masterpo
      For anyone that can make it through the 35 chambers, I'll see you in the 36th
    2. masterpo
      Virtua Fighter is a "Virtual Martial Art" in its own right, and those who are dedicated to this art form are VF Martial Artists.....
      1. DomAug likes this.
    3. masterpo
      Yea I know, but which emperor banned Koen Ken and is it too late now?
      1. beanboy likes this.
    4. masterpo
      Virtua Fighter, Ride or Die
    5. masterpo
      If a man dwells on the past, then he robs the present; but if a man ignores the past, he may rob the future.
    6. masterpo
      He who conquers himself is the greatest warrior. Do what must be done with a docile heart. Fear is the Enemy. Trust is the Armor.
      1. beanboy likes this.
    7. masterpo
      I just rage quit in VF4 Kumite Mode
    8. masterpo
      I'm Training For World Martial Arts Championship XVII
    9. masterpo
      Virtua Fighter.... Ride or Die!
      1. jimi Claymore likes this.
    10. masterpo
      Dead Duck Broken Wing Kung Fu > Five Animal Kung Fu
    11. masterpo
      Virtua Fighter has always had the best AI in a Fight Game
    12. masterpo
      Speed without movement, Force without effort, Time without duration . Loss without defeat This is the way of Dead Duck Broken Wing Kungfu
      1. beanboy likes this.
    13. masterpo
      Just ranked up to High King in VF4 does that mean I finally beat Kumite mode?????
    14. masterpo
      New Years Resolution: Teach my Dead Duck Broken Wing KungFu to at least 2 other VF losers in 2019
      1. Ares-olimpico likes this.
    15. masterpo
      Never, Ever Kow Tow to the A.I in VF! Just Rage Quit
    16. masterpo
      4 Now, Its Kumite Mode VF4
    17. masterpo
      My Dead Duck Broken Wing Kung Fu has transformed me into the ultimate Lau Killer.
    18. masterpo
      Having Retro Fun with VF4 and my AI partner
    19. masterpo
      It only seems like I'm getting faster... The fact is you're getting slower, a lot slower. Please spend more time in the Dojo.
      1. Stl_Tim likes this.
    20. masterpo
      my Kung Fu will protect you from Loot Boxes. Since Losing is winning, there is no need to upgrade skills and no need for loot boxes!
      1. MrJostar likes this.
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  • About

    Home Page:
    37th Chamber
    Software Developer
    Fighters, robot simulations,Artificial Intelligence , Samurai, Kengo, Bushido,
    Ghost in The Shell, Applseed, Blade Runner, Demon Seed, Phillip K Dick, Hirome Uehara,Baslisk, Trinity Blood, Dynasty Warriors, Prolog, C++, Java, Linux, UltrSparc, Opteron, Tenchu, Ninja Gaiden, Marvin Minsky, Orion SkyQuest 8TI, Yamaha MOX8, The Motif (Black one), I Robot, The Script of the Matrix, Vexille, DeathNote,Plato, Socrates, Socom 4, Star Trek, all, Borg, Spock, Data, The Cylons are real, Software Epistemology, Vampire Hunter D, The Seven Samurai, Donnie Yen, Jet Li, The Day the Earth Stood Still, Jacky Woo, Tai Chi Chuan, Armored Core, Einstien's General Theory of Relativity,The Higgs Boson. M-Theory, Inductive Logic Programming , Kill Bill, The Dark Knight, Herbie Hancock, Chick Corea, Lang Lang ,Zone of the Enders, Forbin the Colossus Project, Aliens 1 & 2
    John Coltrane, Miles Davis, Pitch Black, Mitsurugi, Hanzo Hattori, UFC Undisputed, Sugi Pai, The Large Hadron Collider, dark matter, Nomad, Vyger, Shaka Zulu, Prometheus


    Combo'ed-Ken is the art of combining a combo with combat. It combines the combination
    of combos while combating any combatant and all the combinations that the combo'er
    has combined or could ever combine, neutralizing your combo'ing opponent while
    you remain non-combative and your movements flow from a single combinatorial stance
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