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My YouTube channel got terminated, so all of my VF5US videos are gone including the VFDC ones. F**k YouTube and their bots bans. Sep 7, 2024

RawrCookie was last seen:
Sep 7, 2024
    1. RawrCookie
      My YouTube channel got terminated, so all of my VF5US videos are gone including the VFDC ones. F**k YouTube and their bots bans.
    2. RawrCookie
      *cough cough* this place and its game are dead. Genshin impact, Star rail and Zenless Zone Zero are my only "fighting" games now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    3. RawrCookie
      FFXIV & Genshin Imapct took all of my gaming time! All these games are about "farming" in nutshell. It's exhausting ...
    4. RawrCookie
      I love how YouTube kept recommending me random VF5US Japanese players LIVES and how all of them greet me by Cookie-san when i do comment lol
      1. Myke and DomAug like this.
    5. RawrCookie
      Give My Eileen A 220Dmg Throw. Thank you.
      1. Tricky likes this.
    6. RawrCookie
      HEY! HEY! Wanna hear a joke?! VF is balanced especially female characters pfffffffff LMAO
      1. Sonic The Fighters likes this.
      2. Sonic The Fighters
        Sonic The Fighters
        It's clearly not perfectly balanced even more online.

        But the godlike gameplay and mechanics of VF make it possible for every characters.
        Feb 5, 2022
    7. RawrCookie
      What's with these 99% winratio & over 2k match players?! Are they Pro-Robots by SEGA to challenge us or smth? Cuz this sht creeps me out lol
      1. DK
        Its just nero
        Dec 29, 2021
      2. RawrCookie
        @DK Check again, i met one of them with a weird name that i can't remember also there is plenty with same pattern in Asia database ranking. They usually use highest tier list characters which we know what this means.
        Dec 29, 2021
    8. RawrCookie
      I contacted SEGA about the demoting issue Akira bug caused to one of my characters, and their respond was we can't fix it...REALLY?! LOL
      1. DomAug
        looks like patch 1.31 is supposed to fix that
        Dec 18, 2021
      2. RawrCookie
        @DomAug Nope, this update only fixed the appearance of Akria bug but didn't fixed the demotions that it did to characters. I had to rank my Aoi again from 10th kyu to the rank i used to be at cause SEGA don't want to fix it.
        Dec 19, 2021
    9. RawrCookie
      The game is bugged. When you play ranking it makes you play as akira and when you win as him they demote ur character to 10thkyu. GJ SEGA :)
      1. RawrCookie
        It is already happend to many players other than me. So guys when you play as akira, get out of the game or you will be demoted.
        Dec 12, 2021
    10. RawrCookie
      Guys what do you think of my new profile pic? I collected all my mains best arts in one pic with adjusted contrast and effects :p
    11. RawrCookie
      Is it me only or when i play T7 a lot then get back to VF, my respond gets faster and i loosen up a bit? That's weird.
    12. RawrCookie
      FF14 Endwalker got released and i didn't get it. No more toxic community, boring story, recycled content, monthly subscription milking sh!t.
    13. RawrCookie
    14. RawrCookie
      Here i come with my Eileen huge pigtails goin' to kick y'all azz! I warned ya :P Those pigtails used to boost my fighting energy in FS loljk
      1. DomAug likes this.
    15. break
      Thanks again for the encouragement !
      Hope to catch you online.
      1. RawrCookie likes this.
      2. RawrCookie
        @break You're welcome! Tho we live in far places from each other, i am afraid the connection would be weak. But hope when i get the time and mood for it that i meet you to do casual matches.

        Take care and enjoy.
        Oct 8, 2021
        break likes this.
    16. RawrCookie
      No one can convince me otherwise that Dural isn't Pepsi man wife! She is Pepsi diet the silver one lol
    17. RawrCookie
      How VF is spelled by different people: Ordinary: VirtuaL Fighter USAFans: Virtua Fighter Japanese: Bāchafaitā then British...VETUA FAI'A!!!
      1. Myke, nou and BlackGeneral like this.
      2. Myke
        Don't forget us Aussies: Vuuurchua Foightah
        Sep 22, 2021
        RawrCookie likes this.
      3. RawrCookie
        @Myke WAIT... NOW THAT'S A WHOLE NEW GAME! LOL don't tell me that "Kaageh-marrow~" its protagonist too
        Sep 23, 2021
        Myke likes this.
    18. RawrCookie
      My rate for characters faces in VF5 US VS FS. The score is from 10 and every mistake i think on face will reduce score by one.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Stl_Tim
        FS core game engine, not graphics engine. (0)<~~Fail!
        Sep 12, 2021
      3. RawrCookie
        @Stl_Tim VF5 engine was one of the games who broke the polygons record back then. For average 40k polygons per character and 300k polygon for background, This was the highest character polygon count at the time, giving it the most detailed character graphics of its time.

        Like its predecessor VF4, Virtua Fighter 5 was considered the most advanced graphics in a video games back then when it first released in arcades.
        Sep 14, 2021
      4. RawrCookie
        @Stl_Tim Ummm ok for your editing, but i was talking about aesthetics work and facial graphics anyway. I missed the glossy effect too.

        But of course core engine is still old and not the best compared to now.
        Sep 14, 2021
    19. RawrCookie
      ハハハッ!かかってこ~い!(hahaha~! Kakatte-ko~i!) This quote and its voice sure triggers the annoyance out of a lot of players there i know lol
      1. DomAug likes this.
    20. RawrCookie
      I love the fact how the likes i received so far are number "69" now! DO NOT GIVE ME MORE LIKES AND RUIN IT!!! Lol joke.
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