1080p mode with black borders, pls!

Discussion in 'Console' started by Wakke, Aug 5, 2012.

  1. Wakke

    Wakke Active Member

    What I really would like to see for this game (or for any game game that runs in 720p really) is an output mode of 1080p, with the unscaled 720p image in the middle, surrounded by black borders.

    There are two reasons why this would be good for TVs with 1080p native resolution:

    1) No upscaling required by your tv, resulting in less display delay (crucial in this game!)

    2) Finer gragphics, as there is no upscaling to 720p image in the middle of the screen

    Only downside is a smaller effective screen, but there would always be the option of not using it for people that are bothered by this.

    I'd figure that it should not be a problem for the ps3/xbox360 to do this and maintain 60 fps, as the real, computed image would still be 720p.

    Ofcourse a true 1080p mode with no black borders would be even better, but I suppose it would not be possible to achieve 60fps with this.

  2. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    My advice: Set 1080p as your TV resolution in your console's display settings and the console will do the upscaling from Final Showdown's native 720p. The internal hardware upscaler of the current-gen consoles is supremely superior to any TV's (no lag/delay).
  3. Wakke

    Wakke Active Member

    Is this possible with the ps3 though? When I set my ps3 output to 1080p only (480p is always included), the game will run in 480p. Is there something I am missing?
  4. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    VF5FS outputs only 720p, you can't get 1080p out of it no matter what, if you try to tick only 1080p and the mandatory 480p/576p at Display Settings, it'll use 480p/576p. The 720p is an odd choice considering vanilla VF5 was 1080 native on PS3.
  5. Wakke

    Wakke Active Member

    I did not know that, never played VF5. Still, this doesn't change my suggestion from the OP: if true 1080p is not possible for vf5:FS, I would like the option to play with borders. I don't like playing with stretched out graphics.

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