Arrogant developers (Comments from DOA3's Itagaki)

Discussion in 'General' started by adamYUKI, Aug 31, 2001.

  1. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: Arrogant developers (Comments from DOA3's Itag

    I'm pleased that I won anyway.

    Again, I want to stress, this is NOT personal. I said before that I am not picking on you. This is not a pissing contest. This is not about who gets the biggest pile of shit heaped on them behind closed doors in the VF community. If people say "CreeD runs at the mouth and doesn't always check his shit when he posts" then they'd be absolutely right. At least, that's how I used to be sometimes. It's something I've been working on. As long as we're being brutally frank, why not mention that my armpits could use a good scrubbing and that I would have sex with a 16 year old? Let's take it one step further and look for comments to make about my mother! Are you up for that?
    You once again miss the point. You ignore my argument, post some petulant high school kid crap, then try to pass it off by saying you don't give a fuck about what people think of you based on your posts.
    Guess what?
    That's exactly your problem.
    Try giving a fuck. It makes for higher quality posts. And for christ's sake, if you're going to waste time replying to this, then at least stick to the point. Again, how is there ANYTHING wrong with an anonymous poster asking a legitimate question?

    /versus/images/icons/mad.gif<font color=red>~~~ Don't make me rape you with a sharp stick ~~~/versus/images/icons/mad.gif<font color=red>
  2. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: Arrogant developers (Comments from DOA3's Itag

    OK, I was gonna ignore your response, but I will try to expand further because you did ask in a semi-polite tone.

    I'll attempt an analogy, but obviously the analogy won't be entirely valid; most analogies aren't.

    Imagine you're a visiting teacher and had just given a lecture at some school on why you think George Bush is a lousy president. Next day you get a message in your temporary mail box.

    Note reads: 'can you please expand on your lecture (give as much info as you know, and where you got it) this "He knows not to say talk foreign policy cause it was Gore that gave him all his ideas..."
    Gore gave him ideas on foreign policy?
    thank you'

    No name, but let's say a return address was listed.

    You have no idea who asked you for this. If you were this teacher do you think you would be rushing out to type up a dozen more pages to "expand" and "give as much info as you know" on the subject? Would you send this stranger all your notes?

    See where I'm coming from now?

    Now, if you don't think this is rude or disrespectful, FINE. That's YOU, and your level of expectation from other people. Mine are different.

    Had someone else wrote that request...GLC, Andy, Myke, or anyone else that I am familiar with, even if the request was written word-for-word, I would most surely respond without the oh-so-offensive "I don't respond well to anonymous users." Dude, even if the guy just signed off with "Some Anonymous User" I would have been more accomodating.

    Personally, looking over the thread, I think the gist of this post was adequately demonstrated in previous posts. It's exhausting to have to clarify oneself at every juncture like this; you must understand that we do not all have the endurance or time to write Chanchai-length essays every single time. Maybe you want to take some time to try and understand where someone is coming from before "bashing down". Christ, I can't believe there's been this much ruckus over a freaking "I don't respond well to anonymous users"--can someone please give me some damn perspective!! Not even an ounce of profanity in that post!

    Creed, if you're thinking of writing a post to criticize something nitpicky on where my analogy falls short, stop. Read it again one more time and try to see where I'm coming from. Emphathize and understand that not everyone is like you, and that some people are pretty damn happy with who they are. If you can't even do that, God, you better stick to your gummi worms and pass on the bubble tea.
  3. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: Arrogant developers (Comments from DOA3's Itag

    Well, you claim to lack the stamina to do long and repeated posts, but damn, I must be getting old. I'm having a hard time kicking ass fast enough. I have to go to bed. Your point appears to be this:
    A: I'm overreacting about the anonymous line, which was at worst a littly snippy.
    B: It's too much trouble to elaborate on something for someone who hasn't taken the time to sign their posts, especially since you felt it's covered ground.

    Okay. A: If I'm overreacting, it's only because I desperately want you to understand. Anonymity has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE QUALITY OF THE POST. If you continue to ignore anonymous posts, -you're- the one being disrespectful, because you're dismissing someone's arguments out of hand without even taking the time to listen to them and respond. That's childish and I want you to stop. You could really manage a decent posting style, if you worked at it and wanted to badly enough. But as it is, you came across as an arrogant shit on a thread titled 'Arrogant Developers'. You have to see how sad that looks.
    And you have to admit that it was a snotty thing to say.

    B: Time is clearly not a factor here. You're a prolific poster and your defense here has taken hours that could have been invested in better ways. I didn't see you explain the gift-of-the-model-2-algorithms thing yet, and while *I* know what you're talking about, it's not common knowledge and Captain Anonymous might still need the point to be made. That's how you should have invested the last 15 minutes, in my not-so-humble opinion.

    If you leave this post with anything at all, leave with this: What determines whether or not you respond to a post has NOT A DAMNED THING to do with who posted it. I could logout and retype this. I could have been the dude asking the original question. I could have been the dude threatening to infect your system. Whatever. You see the gist of it? The text in the message is the ONLY thing worth responding to. The name attached to it means nothing. I might think CrewNYC or Ice-9 are asses. I might think Mr. Bungle is a dick. I might think Chanchai is longwinded. I might think CreeD is CreeD. But I <font color=red> DON'T </font color=red> tailor my replies and change the content of what I'm saying according to whose nick is at the bottom of the message. I will just as gladly answer a question from a newbie as I would from Myke or Llanfair. To ignore a post or adopt a snotty tone with the poster just because of whoever-the-fuck-it-is defeats the purpose of a message board. It's elitist and kills potential intelligent conversation. It intimidates newbies into not asking what they need to know and it turns off the anonymous people on here. Don't believe me if you want, but I swear to you by all that is holy, some unregistered guy somewhere read that and was thinking "Man, what a prick. Fuck this." That is not the impression I'd want anyone to leave with.

    Please just consider this. I'm willing to drop it and acknowledge that you can invest your time however you want, without CreeD telling you how to do it. But take a second and think about the point I made regarding content of a message vs. who posted it.

    /versus/images/icons/mad.gif<font color=red>~~~ Don't make me rape you with a sharp stick ~~~/versus/images/icons/mad.gif<font color=red>
  4. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Re: Arrogant developers (Comments from DOA3's Itag

    Sorry to butt in on your lively debate...

    The only information you have on Feixaq is that he once was a VO player

    I actually *did* play VF2 a lot (far more than VF 1 and 3), not just VO, so there! /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif I did a search on "Chris Tan" on the Google Groups RGVA archives just for kicks earlier today...

    [end off topic post]

  5. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: Arrogant developers (Comments from DOA3's Itag

    Stick to your gummy worms.
  6. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    Heh...getting back to the topic at hand. This is more detail on what he had to say about DOA3 compared to T4 and VF4...

    Snippet from Interview from IGNXBOX:

    IGNXbox: Well, it's certainly looking that way. On that note, I have to mention the competition - Tekken 4 and Virtua Fighter 4. I'm sure you've had a chance to see both titles in arcades, so what do you think of them and out of both titles, which one is the better one?

    TI: Well, Virtua Fighter 4 is the better game to me - I would pay money to actually buy Virtua Fighter 4. Tekken 4, even if someone paid me, I wouldn't play it! Let me explain my reasons why.

    SEGA, of course, their infrastructure allows them to support hardware and software exceptionally. Virtua Fighter 4, as a fighting game, is a good game and my overall respect for it, in its detail and the overall gameplay, is high though I feel Virtua Fighter 4 plays a bit too identical to its previous versions. The hardcore gamers will realize that the card system [of VF4] idea originally came from Dead Or Alive 2: Hardcore's User Profile System. I really don't care about SEGA using my idea especially with a company that has a good infrastructure that allows them to provide this [the VF4 card system] for the gamer. I think it's a good thing - it's a game that the players out there need. Of course, I'm referring to the arcade version and I'm not sure if the US version or console version have the same things. I respect the overall content of the game from the outside though from the inside, the game isn't really up to par. The game was made very conservatively and it's kinda old. But again, I can excuse that because the game carries tradition. In terms of the actual gameplay, they failed with VF3 so they went back to VF2 and used that as guide for VF4. From that perspective, I'm a little bit disappointed in VF4.

    The content for Tekken 4, the inside, is very incomplete and as everyone knows, Tekken is a 2D game. So the fact that everyone has been saying that, they're not really happy about that. For that reason, they've tried to change that feeling with Tekken 4 and truly make it 3D. But I can see that it's a failure. Would you like to hear why?

    IGNXbox: I'm sure all our devoted readers would love to hear.

    TI: (smiles) If Namco listens to what I'm about to say, they'll be able to make better games in the future. The attacks in Tekken 4 are made possible only because of the 2D nature of the game. Unless they change that basic motion, you'll never be able make a game that feels like you're in a 3D environment. I don't know, maybe it's by accident that we released the title around the same time on the same platform [DOA2: Hardcore and Tekken Tag Tournament on PS2], but I did my research on that game quite thoroughly. And I was quite surprised and shocked at the lack of motion in the title. For instance, the lack of distance of a certain move, or just movement in general, is very limited. The way they made the game look better was to keep the action moving forward and combinations of forward motions with flashy effects, they - in essence - cheated players in making the game look better than it actually was. So, I said to myself, if I were to make a sequel to Tekken, what would I do? First off, the game has to increase its motion capabilities to make the game more realistic.

    In our game, we have huge environments yet there are a lot beautiful things packed in there, but if they were to maintain their style of forward movement and motion and make their environments as big and 3D as ours, their stages would be bland, plain, and flat. As a result, from an artistic point of view, the game is a bomb. So, for them to increase their level of artistic quality and the feel of realism, they basically reprogram the motion and everything from scratch. But I'm assuming they didn't have the ability to do that, so that's why they just switch the background. The small stages make the level of the game very low. So, I guess to compensate for that, they made an airport as a fighting stage. Do you think your reader's will feel that's an appropriate background for a fighting game in 2001, especially after seeing what we've done? Team Ninja wouldn't even use a stage like that for our games, even if it were for testing purposes! My main purpose is to create a fighting game so I don't want to focus too much on the backgrounds but it's also important to have a realistic motion and moves and to do that, they have to incorporate more realistic backgrounds. As one of the major developers that are trying to make the fighting genre grow in the industry, to see a game like Tekken 4 is a major disappointment; a game like Tekken 4 will "stunt the growth" of this genre as a whole. If Namco is serious about making a 3D game, they need to redo their game from scratch and if they're not willing to do that, they should go back to doing 2D games. Which reminds me (starts laughing), I guess they're bringing out Tekken on the GBA and it's looking pretty good on that system.

    IGNXbox: Well, it does look good on the GBA. Still, the changes that the Tekken team made for Tekken 4 should keep Tekken fans happy. Do you think they didn't have time to make any huge changes or do you think they've made just the right amount of changes that will keep fans of the series satisfied?

    TI: I just think they're lazy... that development team has become lazy.

    IGNXbox: Well, let's concentrate a little more on your game then - Dead Or Alive 3. How much do you feel this game has improved over Dead Or Alive 2?

    TI: First of all, we didn't have ending movies in DOA2 and now we're doing that. We're going to end up with a lot of good ending movies. So we got 50 members at Team Ninja developing the game but in addition, we have about 100 Tecmo staffers working on the movies. So I think that's one of the biggest differences from DOA2 and DOA3. Of course, the gameplay and controls are much easier with DOA3. Of course, the fighting areas are enormous now. Hmm… you know, I can't pinpoint every single thing because everything has been significantly changed and improved.

    Riiiiiiight...He complains about vf4 and T4 not evolving much, but then says that the biggest difference from DOA2 to DOA3 are the friggin' movies?! What a dik boy...

  7. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    All this crap Itagaki is spewing forth has made me resolve NOT to buy DOA3 for the X-Box. =)

  8. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Ugh, what a dick indeed.

    He says Namco's development team is lazy. While I'm not Namco's no.1 fan, I will say that there's been more effort in making T4 different to T3/TTT with all the added gameplay elements compare with what's been revealed of DoA3 so far, and it's looking no different (gameplay wise) than DoA2. I'd rather a lazy development team who take their time between major releases over a greedy games developer who milked a title (in this case DoA2) from here to the moon and back. DoA3 is looking to follow suit.

    He bags Tekken for the wrong reasons, calling it a 2D game, yet it has more 3D elements during a fight than DoA2 could ever hope to have. DoA2's 3D gameplay doesn't stretch beyond "free" walking while the opponent is either down or too far away. Ooooh, hardcore!

    It's really funny to see what he uses to measure the value of a fighting game - backgrounds, stages, ending movies - and nothing about the actual game itself. He seems capable of ranting on and on about other games, yet can't say much about his own apart from how much easier the "gameplay and controls" would be (fuck, like they were difficult to start with? Are we returning to single-command reversals again?) and how bigger and more beautiful everything will look.

    My favourite line:

    Hmm… you know, I can't pinpoint every single thing because everything has been significantly changed and improved.

    How weak.
  9. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    my fav line is when he says was his idea

    come to think of it...high, mid low level attacks originated from VF1..n since VF1 was the 1st 3d fighting game...that means he himself is copying as well~

    <font color=black>~~~ 'Flock off feather brain, or u can stick around and find out the hard way!/versus/images/icons/mad.gif~~~'
  10. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I think both VF players and Tekken players will agree that DOA is the worst of the 3...
  11. RedQueen

    RedQueen Well-Known Member

    u know, after playing tekken the feeling most ppl get is "oh damm wat was that move he made? @#% awesome!!!" or "wtf combo was that? so much #$@# damage!!!!"
    after playing vf3 is "damm didnt see that coming....." or "u tricked me u dirty #@#$ hehhe damm u"
    but after playing doa2 its like "wow look at the titties...." or "#%@% lucky @%$%" or "@5$%$# instant death tag combo....."
    i guess the player comments i've heard already says a lot about these games dosen't it.

    ~ Bomb Has Been Defused ~
  12. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Wasn't some horse racing game (by AM2 as well) the originator of the idea?
  13. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Horse racing game? AM2? Huh?

  14. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    I read somewhere some time ago (was it on this forum?) that there was some horse-related game where they also had cards that kept track of stats and such and may have been i-Mode related, which was supposedly the test-bed for
  15. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    ah... never heard of it, unfortunately.

  16. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Came across this in a IGN article (

    Sega AM2 has announced, in conjunction with the release of finished Virtua Fighter 4 arcade machines in Japan, that users of the VF.NET online stat-tracking service also have the opportunity to unlock special features of the game and save them to their Character Access Cards. Similar to the options available in Club Kart and Sega's arcade horse-racing games, repeat players will be rewarded with hidden character accessories and other assorted widgets.

    I knew my memory wasn't playing tricks on me...Itagaki is an ass for trying to steal undue credit.

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