Bad Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by ThePrince, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

  2. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    told you guys... I'm not that good! I've average at most!

    Sorry had to edit... or else I wouldn't be me

    true indeed you won't hear complaints from Denkai, CidKid, etc... but that's not to say they don't complain. Come on Denkai we've all had some complain pow-wows in my living room quite a few times in the past years or so. I'll give that and say yeah you don't complain on the VFDC boards, but come on man are you seriously going to make such a statement???

    Only people in the history of VF who never complains is Adam and Nelson (who doesn't play anymore). I complain mainly because of my strong passion for the game. While like everyone else I want to win, but I'd rather have a quality 15 game losing streak than a 1 game win filled with shenanigans and parlor tricks which is pretty much all you see online these days.... that type of stuff bores me and makes me feel what's the point in playing. Characters have 50-80 move set (fuck I don't know maybe more), but when you are having a session and 2 hours later you are still looking at the same 6-7 moves you can't help but ask yourself why am I playing this game / person.

    This is why I praise players like Slide and Gentleman Thief so much. I get owned up by those two a lot, but I don't care. I'll sit there and lose to a 10 set and feel good about it because those guys are throwing all the moves sets at you. They don't treat every match like it's tournament play. It's all fun and games and a whole lot of exploration.

    Yes I understand the whole concept behind adapting and exploiting... so he does his 6-7 moves and I use my 6-7 moves to counter his BS... sorry I can't play that way and you guys know that. Yeah it's highly frustrating for me, but I do my best to fight through the madness my own way and hope that in the end my way prevails. Sure I also understand that because of this mentally is why I probably never place first in tournaments, but again we are fighting for 2 different things. I fight to uphold Konjou style which is to just be an all around good and respected player who delivers some sort of flair / excitement to the game... you fight to uphold the anything for the win style which is why you only play most of the strong characters. And since you are probably a more skill player than me then naturally your style will own mines in the end.

    I have never once on this board proclaimed myself to be elite or a good player. If you back track and look at most of my posts where players tried to give that type of status to me I often down played it and say that I am not that good or just an average player. I guess the people like me or maybe my style of play which is why some praise it. It could also be because I'm in my 30's so everyone just makes the assumption that I'm great because of the many years I have spent playing VF.

    Well it looks like Conqueror status is getting to your head, so guess I have to try and do what I gotta do to knock you out of WCG this year huh? Guess it's war!

    I'll admit that it will be very hard... maybe next to impossible since online really has made me into a really horrible player. I've lost my movement, throw escaping success rate has gone down, mentally I'm not as strong anymore and I think I am still the only player who still doesn't know how to fuzzy guard properly.

    Any way my days of complaining are numbered. Just like you I'll be saying good by to VF on September 27th and probably won't be back to play it until VF5R or VF6. So very soon no one has to read my tiresome complaints any more.
  3. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

  4. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Adam isn't the only person, you even complained about me and my character before(though like you're supposed to, you did something about it.). But it'd be kind of wack for me to just start naming out other names in this thread like that, especially since our definitions of complaining are obviously different, too. I don't just blast people in that way.

    Fortunately for you, and some other players, when VF5 360 dropped, you guys were already at the top of the ladder anyway. There's plenty of petty complaints from anyone, on a video game that's brand new and foreign to them. I used to complain about Sarah so much, but I always sucked that shit up and did something about the complaints I would make.

    And besides all that, our mentalities are completely different, total counterparts.

    I know for a fact, that if you're not winning, you're complaining, because you HAVE to win. It just so happens that in VF5 though, you were already winning before most of us even had picked up the game, and you continued to remain there, so we wouldn't overtly read or here complaints from you about that game or players from it all the time.

    And all of the other fighting games out there, you're doing the exact same thing your average SRK'er does when it comes to VF.

    I had to say something man, cause now you acting like your shit smells like roses. What's the difference between someone complaining/whining about a player in the game or the players and characters? It's still complaining, and no one is exempt cause everyone does that shit, and if it's not direct complaints, it comes out in the form of excuses that everyone tanks with nonstop(I'm tired, I'm hungry, my hands hurt, my feet hurt, I'm going to lose anyway, etc.).

    You know how it is, and nobody's innocent. As I've said, someone's complaints always come out somewhere(might not even be for what they were doing, it'll come out in something else). Some people are just naturally quiet and reserved individuals though, and so you'd never overtly hear them complain about something at times, so it just looks better on them by circumstance.
  5. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    here's my complaint...


    this aint no BAD GAMES thread, it's YAP AND CRY LIKE A PUSSY thread
  6. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Fixed [​IMG]
  7. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    Yea, apparently our definitions of complaining is totally different that's for sure.

    Yes that is true however their is a slight difference. When complaining about other players you'll get people like HotD that get so pissed off that people are bad mouthing his style of play they decide to up and leave. The whole reason I decided to post was because I thought it was pretty wrong to PUBLICLY go on a site and talk about how bad a person style is. Granted, if HotD is the type of player that would quit a game so easily then ehhh so what I guess but still I think it's somewhat wrong.

    And no Konjou being Conqueor status isn't getting to my head you know I just like to tell it like it is. Theirs been several times I said this to your face so I know you understand. However it would be nice if you can stop me at WCG just make sure you don't get taken out by any unnames will ya? [​IMG] you know I love my shit talk
  8. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    This is why I love the bad game thread. VF needs more grudge matches and shit talking like this. Now all we need is some vids go down between you guys so newbies like me can see who better and who to challenge and learn from or who full of shit. People can get fame. forum need to learn from you guys.
  9. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Yeah I agree
  10. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    See peoples gotta be more like me. People complain about my ass all day and I do what? PLAY THE MOTHERFUCKERS ANYWAY!

    And yes Konjou I will Worst Wobble on yo shit, ALL DAY! EVERYDAY! [​IMG]
    Gernburgs you WANT NONE OF THIS!
    Beligerent FEcK Fucking AyE MATEY!
    Slide! STOp BeaTing ME!
    DENKAI! Stop beating me with my own character!

    uhm.....I'm done.
  11. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    What did I do now?! I didn't even post [​IMG]
  12. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    Bad games to myself i just bleeping suck sorry to those that played me tonite i didnt bring any effort [​IMG]
  13. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    "Bad Games Thread" revived by request.

    Alright Feck. Spam away.
  14. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    All I wanted is an excuse to post somewhere so I could overtake T Fam on the userlist but now you've gave it away Libertine, so i'm not going to post.

  15. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Which is why I think this thread should go back to its original purpose of warning about pullers.
  16. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    If A player pulls on you should go to there name in the window and just put avoid player so you never have to see there bitch ass again.
  17. TexasLion

    TexasLion Well-Known Member

    Played Jons Up and played a crap load of matches using Kage where it was back and forth, then he switches to Jacky and Wolf and I switched to Lion and he pulls after not being able to touch my main. I guess he'll play you as long as you don't dominate him, otherwise expect the pull.
  18. TheUgg

    TheUgg Well-Known Member

  19. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    There was an interesting link in that youtube vid manjimaru posted about BlazBlue:
    <object width="480" height="295"> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="480" height="295"> </embed></object>
  20. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Too bad that doesnt work at all.

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