Update: Stream has ended! Archived of the tournament is now available to watch below! The winner, who received ç ´é‚ªé¡•æ£ title (hajakenshou, "crush evil/spread truth"), is listed in summary link
The seventh tournament of Battle Audition 4th Season will be in Kyushu - December 11, 2:30 pm Japan Time. Unlike the previous Battle Audition tournaments being streamed on the Battle Channel, this event will be streamed in the VF.TV Live Channel. Summary of previous Fourth Season tournaments - Link
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Hey Guest, looking for Virtua Fighter 5: Ultimate Showdown content? Rest assured that the game is identical to Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown so all current resources on here such as Command Lists with frame data, Combo Lists and the Wiki still apply. However, you can expect some VF5US specific changes to come soon!Dismiss Notice
Battle Audition 4th Season in Kyushu - Dec. 11th
Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Dec 9, 2011.
Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Dec 9, 2011.
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