Beat Tribe Cup March 20, 2004 (Call to US Players)

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Shou, Dec 16, 2003.

  1. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: Beat Tribe Cup March 2004 (Call to US Players)

    school ends on the 19th for me, so i should be clear. I just need to beg my parents for my money. Anyone in LA willing to offer me a job???

    btw how many teams is yamagishi holding for international?
  2. vf4akira

    vf4akira Well-Known Member

    Re: Beat Tribe Cup March 2004 (Call to US Players)

    Hell, I'm there. Screw work. Too bad my usual hotel is booked solid already (damn it!), so i guess i'll see what others are going to do and tag along.

    Plus, my akihabara trip is looooong overdue. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  3. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: Beat Tribe Cup March 2004 (Call to US Players)

    The dates are good, my tickets are booked, I'm in!!

    Shou, let me know if Kyasao and the BT guys prefer me to:
    - Join a Japan team (would we still need to qualify though?)
    - Join a U.S. team
    - Try and assemble a Singapore/Hong Kong team
  4. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Re: Beat Tribe Cup March 2004 (Call to US Players)

    Hehe, this is turning out to look like the olympics. (too bad this isn't Basketball /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif )
  5. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    Re: Beat Tribe Cup March 2004 (Call to US Players)

    Jerky are you going, it would be hella fun to have you in Japan.
  6. Namflow

    Namflow Well-Known Member

    Re: Beat Tribe Cup March 2004 (Call to US Players)

    Does the tournament take the whole weekend? I'm not sure if I'd be able to miss Monday at work, unless it is some kind of holiday or something.
  7. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: Beat Tribe Cup March 2004 (Call to US Players)

    i think [TM] Brian can do this,
    Im pretty closed to being set
    Still working on Sean
    Bryan seems definately in
    David is basically already there
    and we need to pull on mike.

    It seems like we can form a Team Cali / Socal whatever you want to call it.
  8. Shou

    Shou Well-Known Member

    Re: Beat Tribe Cup March 2004 (Call to US Players)

    [ QUOTE ]
    ice-9 said:
    Shou, let me know if Kyasao and the BT guys prefer me to:
    - Join a Japan team (would we still need to qualify though?)
    - Join a U.S. team
    - Try and assemble a Singapore/Hong Kong team

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The last choice would be his preference but if that can't be arranged we can fill your team with Japanese or US team members.
  9. vf4akira

    vf4akira Well-Known Member

    Re: Beat Tribe Cup March 20-22 2004 (Call to US Players)

    [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]
    So does posting to this forum with the intent to attend count as a confirmation? If not, how do we confirm? I just want it to be clear for everyone involved.

    Also, I'd like to remind people to take the time difference into consideration when you book your flights! It would suck to plan this months in advance to find out that your flight will be getting in after the tournament starts. /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif

    Since I'm familiar with west coast (cali) time zone in relation to Japan I'll just use that as an example. I'd suggest that people there leave on the 18th at the latest. Let's say you left around 8-9am on the 18th from LAX, you'd get into Tokyo about 3-5pm on the 19th. Hopefully you'll be able to adjust to the time difference and fight jet lag so you can kick ass on the 20th! /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  10. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: Beat Tribe Cup March 20-22 2004 (Call to US Players)

    Good luck to SoCal crew + David.

    Catherine and I have zero dollars to put toward this trip. Sorry, we won't be going.

    We will throw a VF party some Friday night in February, though. Gathering play plus a tournament will be in order. It will be a great send-off for our SoCal International competitors.
  11. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Re: Beat Tribe Cup March 20-22 2004 (Call to US Players)

    I' m in ...sign me up. Japan here I come /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif....They shall feel the LPC of DEATH MUHAWAWAWAAA...SHHHINNEEEEY WIZZZZARD!!!!!!
  12. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: Beat Tribe Cup March 20-22 2004 (Call to US Players)

    damn i thought you said you were out

    did you buy tickets already?,
    if not give me a call, hopefully we can book the same flight.
  13. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Re: Beat Tribe Cup March 20-22 2004 (Call to US Players)

    I figured what the hell. Should be fun...

    I went to expedia/orbitz...looks like 580 is going to be the cost for the flight... Thai Airlines and United have similar prices.

    Also I will be taking off on the 18th and arrive in japan on the 19th the I will leave on the 26th. I want to visit some sites while I am there.
  14. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

  15. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Re: some prices for flights out of Los Angeles area

    socal people that our going can you give me a ring

  16. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Re: some prices for flights out of Los Angeles area

    Hey Shou.

    Me and Jedi are confirmed.
  17. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    Re: some prices for flights out of Los Angeles area

    I love the smell of Tokyo in the morning, SMELLS LIKE VICTORY!!!!!!!!!
  18. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    Re: Beat Tribe Cup March 20-22 2004 (Call to US Players)

    I wanna go I wanna go. How do I confirm my resirvation? If anyone from east coast going holla at me. I would like to get a room and such with someone knowlegable
  19. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Re: Beat Tribe Cup March 2004 (Call to US Players)


    Looks like me, Goatcheese(Brirah), PhoenixDth (Alex), are the ones coming from socal. Vfakira (david) wants to know if you can put him on the U.S. team since he is from the Diego. As it stands we will be leaving on the 18th and arriving in Japan on the 19th via United.
    Anyways give me an update on the whole situation. Thanks in advance - Brian
  20. MADrox

    MADrox Well-Known Member

    Re: Beat Tribe Cup March 2004 (Call to US Players)

    Thanks for all the info:

    I was already planning a trip there in 04,
    so i'll definatley have to try to make it for this...
    I'm mainly interested in the free play instead of the tourney.. i get more out of that..
    It would be cool if all countries were in same vicinity to have some free play...

    Anyway.. its great that U.S. gets a calling at this type of game..


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