Beat Tribe Cup March 20, 2004 (Call to US Players)

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Shou, Dec 16, 2003.

  1. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member


    sorry if it seems like I'm using you as a scapegoat, I guess I went off. If everyone's happy and knows what's going on, then it's fine. But, Srider, Jeff, and others posts over the last several weeks have lead me to think otherwise (as well as grumbles I've heard within the Socal group).

    I think there's been a BIG mis-communication gap between the people here, who were invited in this thread, the people who heard the original invite and best understand what it entold (NYC & guests at the last NYC event), Kyasao, and the people running the tourney.

    Here's what I mean:

    this thread openly invited any player from the US who could put together a 5 man team to play in the Beat Tribe Cup.

    This was later changed to: you'll probably have to qualify.

    Later: definately have to qualify, might not get to play.

    And, as the truth comes out, bit by bit, the REALITY of the situation (as I see it) comes to light: ONE TEAM from outside of Japan, whose members may or may not include Adam, Shinz, Ryan etc is expected. This most likely the only team that will be allowed to play.

    This is reflected in the bit of info found on the site by Llanfair, and further confirmed by rumors I've heard elsewhere.

    What's the most disturbing about this is that it suggests that some have known for a long time exactly what's going on, and aren't bothering to enlighten anyone. Again, maybe I'm wrong here...

    That's the big problem I have, that the people who know, are going to be there, are organizing this thing, were truly invited in the first place aren't communicating at all with people a little more on the fringe.

    Kyasao: no communication publicly
    Yamagishi: no invite, no clarification on how the tourney will run
    Adam: isn't talking about particulars
    Shou: relayed the invitation, now saying he isn't involved anymore

    so, we have out of a possible 4 points, 0, 0, 0, and 1/2 a point, publicly, in this thread. When you, as the only real contact in this thread for most of the people I know that are going, said you wouldn't be involved anymore, I kind of flipped out. Most of the people I know that are going are REALLY counting on being at least being able to play in a qualifier. No one even knows if this will be allowed at this point.

    Adam: if you know that you're going to be playing on a team of players from other countries, and not a US team, why didn't you let people know? I know that this is a minor detail, but I think that people looked to the fact that an NYC team was going to be playing as a hopeful sign that other US teams would be allowed to play. I'm basing all this on the info from the site.

    Just seems that as of now, you have more info than some others, wanna share? If i'm wrong, I apologize in advance.

    okay, once Srider gets me the list, I'll get on it w/ Yamagishi.

    BTW people shouldn't ask others to meet them at the Airport in Japan. Narita is quite out of the way, and even the cheap way to get there is like $30 each way. So, for someone to meet you at the airport, they have to spend at least $60, not including getting to Tokyo/Shinjuku stations. And, Narita express is not so quick, at a little over an hour each way. So, askng someone to meet you there is like asking them to waste half a day and $60+.

    It's really easy: get off your plane, get on the little shuttle train from the terminals to the main area of the airport, go through imigration, get your bags, go through customs, then you'll go through some doors into the lobby of Narita. Change your money on your right or left, same side as you're on.

    Across the lobby, there's ticket counters for the "Narita Express". Get a ticket to Tokyo or Shinjuku station. Take your wheeled cart down the escalators to the "JR" (Japan Railways) platforms. There are big signs everywhere in English. Follow the #'s on your ticket to the correct platform (there's signs that show departure times and platform #'s, match it with the info on your ticket). There are people everywhere in uniform, ask them if you need help.

    BTW the way train tickets/turnstyles work in Japan is this: you'll get a small ticket made of paper, when entering the train, you'll put it in a little slot that eats it then dispenses it for you on the other side of the turnstyle. Take it and keep it where you can find it. When you get off, put it again in the exit turnstyle and this time it'll eat it for good.

    Everyone should be able to get to Tokyo or Shinjuku station by themselves.

  2. Namflow

    Namflow Well-Known Member

    Hey all, I'm comfirmed to be in Tokyo that weekend, I'm all booked and everything.

    1. Name: Namflow (Rich)
    2. Arriving: 6:00 am Friday the 19th on an overnight bus from Fukui. Leaving Monday 4:30pm via train back to Fukui.
    3. No need for a roommate, I'm already booked
    4. I'd want to play in the tournament if at all possible, but it's looking more and more likely that may not be an option, and I'm cool with it. But if anyone wants a Shun for a team to try and qualify I'm in!
    5. I've been living here since last summer so I'm set to go.

    Anyways, I'm staying at the Kiba hotel, with I believe stomp, jedi, and a few others. (Who exactly else is staying at Kiba?)

    I'm really looking forward to seeing all my peeps from the US and being able to speak real English for a change. See ya guys in a few weeks!

    And thanks alot Srider and Spotlite for finally posting some info on the subject and give us at least some clue as to what is going on, even if that is that everyone has no idea what is going on. I really appreciate it, as we we all do.
  3. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    An update for people who are planning to attend Beat Tribe.

    There will be an entry fee of 11,000 yen for each player planning to be in the tourney. This is roughly $100 USD.

    There will be an entry fee of 2,500 yen for each spectator. This is roughly $23 USD.

    I don't know if yamagishi will be able to let all the foreign players play or enter for free, but I wouldn't bet on it as I'm sure this event costs alot of money.

    Also, <font color="white"> the deadline for entry is March 7th. </font>
    <font color="red"> Everyone planning to attend needs to give me their information at least by midnight Friday. </font>

    Here are some more additional information about the tournament.
    - It will be 5 on 5 team battle
    - All bouts will be first to 3 wins. (Best out of 5)
    - 45 seconds to each round
    - The challenger will select the stage
    - You can only use one character throughout the tournament
    - You must use more than 3 characters each team
    - Control Cabinet will be decided by paper rock scissor or voluntary agreement.

    I will try to update with the flow of the tournament as quickly as i can but it's rather complicated. But here is the tentative allocation of teams.

    Teams decided by preliminary : 4 teams
    Foreign invitational team: 1 team
    Seeded teams: 10 teams
    Recommended teams: 7 teams
    General entry teams: 38 teams

    This brings to a total of 60 teams.

    Note: There will actually be much more teams than 60 teams, but the preliminary will eliminate most of the teams down to 60.
  4. supergolden

    supergolden Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    [ QUOTE ]
    There will be an entry fee of 11,000 yen for each player planning to be in the tourney. This is roughly $100 USD.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's pretty rough! They kick your ass and take your lunch money too... /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif

  5. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    supergolden said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    There will be an entry fee of 11,000 yen for each player planning to be in the tourney. This is roughly $100 USD.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's pretty rough! They kick your ass and take your lunch money too... /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif


    [/ QUOTE ]

    LOL, well in that case the Gaijins all better watch each others back & hopefully tough it out. I would like to wish everyone who's going to Tokyo and the Tournament good luck you're going to need it & enjoy. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  6. Namflow

    Namflow Well-Known Member

    It's kinda late, but from what I understand it's like we can all register a team and try to qualify (if we register before the 7th). If so, what are the current teams who are going to enter, and does any team need an extra Shun player? /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif Like I said, if at all possible I'd love to get in on some hot hot tourney action, 11,000 yen or not! /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  7. vf4akira

    vf4akira Well-Known Member

    hell, i'm still waiting for socal team to give me their ring names and the chars that they are gonna use so I can register. If not, screw it.
  8. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    namflow, I'll join you if you don't have a team. I don't have one either. :)
  9. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Here is how the tournament will run.

    Like what I've posted before here is the break down of the teams.

    <font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>
    Preliminary Selection: 4 teams
    Foreign invitational team: 1 team
    Seeded teams: 10 teams
    Recommended teams: 7 teams
    General entry teams: 38 teams
    </pre><hr />

    Here are the explaination for each teams.

    Preliminary Selection Teams: These are the top 4 teams from the preliminaries. (It will be explained later who will play in the prelims)

    Foreign Invitational Team: This is obvious.

    Seeded Teams: These are the top ranking teams from VFR team tournaments.

    Recommended Teams: These are teams recommended to play.

    General Entry Teams: These are teams composed of ranked players. The points each player earned so far will be added towards his teams total. The top 38 teams with the highest total will be in this category.

    Since the preliminaries have not taken place, we don't know who the 4 teams there will be. So as of now 56 teams have secured a spot in the Preliminary League. (This will be explained) All other teams not in those 56 teams will play in the Preliminary Selection.

    Here is the order of events of Beat Tribe Cup
    Preliminary Selection [6] Preliminary League [6] Wild Card Selection [6] Playoffs [6] Finals

    <font color="white"> 1st Stage: Preliminary Selection
    </font> All the teams will be split up into 4 blocks, as evenly as possible. They will play single elimination to decide the winner of each block, of whom will advance into Preliminary League. There can be up to 128 teams to participate in the preliminaries.
    An example of the tournament chart at this stage can be viewed here.

    <font color="white"> Second Stage: Preliminary League </font>
    Now the 60 teams will be finalized and placed into the Preliminary League Blocks. Each block will be consisted of 3 teams. It is important to see a picture of the team placement at this stage ot understand who will advance to which stage. I'll give an overview of the different colored boxes so you can see what's going on.

    Dark grey boxes with no text: These are the general entry teams. If you count the boxes, there are 39 of them intead of the previously stated 38. This suggests that the one international teams that foregoes the preliminaries will be placed in one of these boxes. Most likely in block 17.

    Dark Grey boxes with japanese text and A,B,C,or D: These 4 boxes represent the Preliminary Selection Teams. The winner of each block A, B, C, D will be placed here accordingly.

    Light grey boxes with japanese text and number: These are the recommended teams. You will noticed that having only 7 of these teams leaves a blank area in block 17, this suggests that the foreign team is likely a replacement for one of the recommended teams this year.

    Dark Grey boxes with no text: These are slots for the general entry teams. The placement of these teams will be decided by random drawing. Note that all other types of teams already have a designated slot and will not participate in the drawing. It is likely that the foreign team will participate as a general entry team and will have to participate in the drawing to determine its placement.

    Black boxes with japanese text and number: These are the seeded teams.

    You will see the significance of this particular placement right now.

    The 10 winners of each of the blocks with seeded teams, namely blocks 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, will advance to the finals unconditionally.

    The 10 winners of each of the other 10 blocks, namely blocks 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17 will advance to the playoffs.

    The 2nd place of all 20 blocks will advance to the wildcard selection stage.

    The preliminary league stage will effectively eliminate 20 of the 60 teams. 10 of the 40 teams remaining will advance to the finals, another 10 will advance to the playoffs, and 20 other teams will go to the wild card selection.

    <font color="white"> 3rd Stage: Wild Card Selection </font>
    The 20 teams will be split up into two groups and single elimination to leave 2 teams remaining, who will advance to the playoffs. The chart for this stage can be seen here.
    You will notice that some of the teams don't have to win as much as other teams to advace at this stage. The placement of each team will be decided by random drawing. So hopefully you draw a slot that's one of the inside branches! /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif This stage will eliminate 18 more teams.

    <font color="white"> 4th Stage: Playoffs </font>
    The 12 teams, 10 from the prelim league, and 2 from wild card selection, will play each other by random drawing. There are no brackets in this stage, they will draw two teams to play, winner of each match will advance. So 6 teams will be eliminated in this stage and 6 will advance to the finals.

    <font color="white"> Last Stage: Finals </font>
    The 16 teams in the finals will play single elimination tournament battle to decide the winner of beat tribe cup. The bracket can be viewed here. This is fairly straight forward.

    As you can see, it will be very very tough to make it to the top if you start from the preliminaries. Anyways, good luck to all who are planning to enter. The tournament will go from 8:00am to 8:00pm tentatively. It will be a very tough, long and strenuous event, but it should be fun and exciting none the less. Good luck.
  10. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    I am just as clueless about specifics as everyone else. I stayed out of the loop and just assumed that Kazu (or anyonle else in contact with Japan peeps) would eventually let me and everyone else know, but he himself doesn't have specifics aside from what everyone here already knows: 1 or 2 Int'l teams may not have to qualify, but most foreign teams will.

    Just recently i was extended an invitation to join Kyasao's International team. Maybe i should have mentioned that detail, but i didn't think that piece of info would have been any more helpful.

    Maybe i was a bit too lazy and i apologize for that. Again, I just assumed that whenever someone finds out more info, they would just let us all know. I in no way promised anyone anything. I simply did not want to be a central figure in organizing this mess.
  11. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    simply did not want to be a central figure in organizing this mess.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Are we sure this isn't being held in Canada?

  12. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Socal team is registered... at least thats what Vf Akira told me
  13. vf4akira

    vf4akira Well-Known Member

  14. Mike90210

    Mike90210 Well-Known Member

    HOLLA!!! /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif
  15. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member

    Right now, it suxs to be poor and not goin to japan as many of the names on there make me a sad panda (I really only had to see chibita but there are FAR more name recognizable players) /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
  16. Namflow

    Namflow Well-Known Member

    Here's a question - if we are just going to watch do we need to register beforehand? Thanks
  17. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    I think you should register...Just to be on the safe side, but you need 5
  18. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    No, you don't. I sent out the list of people who pm'ed me. Waiting for words back from yamagishi about the specifics. (Maybe he'll let you guys in for free.)
  19. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    I'm going to call Yamagishi tonight about the tourney. I couldn't find the Kaz/Cappo/Sugoroku/Andy/Jerky team among the registered teams, but I may have missed them. I'm gonna ask if they can get in, even if they missed the registration deadline (could someone from this group let me know if you're already registered?).

    I'll let people know what he has to say, but it looks like everything should go smoothly. Everyone should thank Srider for getting together all the info at the last minute about what's going on.

  20. supergolden

    supergolden Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    Hey guys,

    The event sounds like a lot of fun - I hope everyone who goes writes about it for the rest of us to see /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    And even though I'm not going, I'd like to thank Srider and Spotlite for helping to keep everyone up to date with information... Out of curiosity, how many Americans are going?


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