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BS yer sick of...

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by GaijinPunch, Jul 24, 2003.

  1. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Don't post characters in general, or LEGIT moves, or people that post spam. Just stuff in the game that ain't working right.

    Yesterday, playing against an Akira who was by no means an ass-kicker, but not a scrub either.
    I'm down, he doesn't have a guaranteed down attack, but goes for the pounce. (I'm Pai). I slightly delay my rise, but I get up, nonetheless, with ample time. I even throw in a [1][P]. The animation is almost over (IE - the attack was about to hit him, and his feet were about to hit the ground) and we go straight into the pounce animation.

    That just ain't right.
  2. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Two days ago, I as playing Akira vs Lion is Quest mode.

    This is the fifth round, I have very little life left, my opponent has 40+ health.

    I use the [1][6]+[P]+[G] throw which of course the computer uses exact recovery on.

    Now, from the exact distance of me from my opponent after he quick rose (in place), I started to duck.

    My Lion opponent immediately from the rise used [3][P][P], and both hits nailed me from a crouch position, even though I was nearly half way across the damn ring.......it was the worst collision detection I have ever seen in VF, hands down......don't know wtf triggered that to happen................
    - - - - -
    Other things are the inconsist ring out potential of Kages [6][6]+[P]+[K]+[G], depending on distance, you might end up getting the win, or the game registers that you go out of the ring first.......and you take the loss.........
    - - - -
    That's one thing I am sick of with the Quest AI, is that they always get exact recovery on stuff life Wolf's GS and KS, and Akira's [1][6]+[P]+[G]........annoying.
    - - - - -
    Oh, in regards to Gjp's comments. I have seen this not only with pounces, but with moves like Aoi and Pai's high jump kicks (command is like [8]+[K]+[G] or something like that......don't play those two much).

    The animation is like, you'll be standing in one frame, and in the next frame it will be as if you had been lying prone, in anticipation for a down attack, dunno what the cause of this problem is, most likely bad collision detection.
    - - - - - -
    "Just stuff in the game that ain't working right."

    Do you mean like in regards to screwy collision detection, and general inconsistencies that affect gameplay (negatively)?
  3. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Do you mean like in regards to screwy collision detection, and general inconsistencies that affect gameplay (negatively)?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Bugs, or what appears to be a bug, in general.

    I've got another to add. I was playing against the CPU as Kage. The CPU Aoi dodged my [3][P] both ways in a single round, and neither were her evasive attack. /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
  4. Event_Horizon

    Event_Horizon Well-Known Member

    I'm sick of the range on some moves. I don't know tons of specifics but some sweeps/spinning kicks stand out and I kind of get that overall feeling of the game. That's always been my only complaint about the game. Of course after you experience the game you know the range of the moves and you can play like normal. But once and a while I get hit when it doesn't look like I should and annoys me
  5. hikarutilmitt

    hikarutilmitt Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    EmpNovA said:

    That's one thing I am sick of with the Quest AI, is that they always get exact recovery on stuff life Wolf's GS and KS, and Akira's [1][6]+[P]+[G]........annoying.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    So, you're expecting the AI to screw it up knowing fully that there are players that almost never screw it up?

    [ QUOTE ]
    EmpNovA said:
    - - - - -
    Oh, in regards to Gjp's comments. I have seen this not only with pounces, but with moves like Aoi and Pai's high jump kicks (command is like [8]+[K]+[G] or something like that......don't play those two much).

    The animation is like, you'll be standing in one frame, and in the next frame it will be as if you had been lying prone, in anticipation for a down attack, dunno what the cause of this problem is, most likely bad collision detection.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Well, I can tell you from USING them that Aoi's [8]+[K]+[G] has a large amount of priority and tracking. It's also possible to guard against it and even roll away. What you need to do is work on getting up and guarding rather than try to actually attack her out of it. Hitting her out of it is like trying to swing an axe to stop a nuclear missile barreling towards the ground in front of you (and, yes, I'm aware that they explode above the target). It might work if you're really lucky, but you're also likely to get hit big time.
  6. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    One of the things I really hate is missing throws after blocked moves that makes characters go back turned. Like Kage's [3][K]+[G], the timing for the back throw is kind of iffy, you have to delay it a little bit and that makes it dangerous of letting kage do a BT attack if you don't time it correctly. I think players should be severely punished for getting a move blocked like that.
  7. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I know what you mean. There's some other moves like Pai's [9][K][K] that finishes high, but it takes her a second to recover to high. It's throw counter-able, but you have to wait before you input the throw. Kinda bullshitty if you ask me. Depending on your character, you may or may not be able to rape her after that one.

    Lion, for example, gets pretty lame guaranteed damage on that one. still shouldn't be as punishing as the BT moves like Kage's.
  8. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    hikarutilmitt said:
    So, you're expecting the AI to screw it up knowing fully that there are players that almost never screw it up?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, there is no one player in the world that can nail exact recovery from [1][6]+[P]+[G] every time, I have seen every player take the extra 20 damage from a wrong timed [P]+[K]+[G].

    To say that people almost always get use ER on this move is not true, of course I don't think there is a way of knowing the exact percentages of this, so whatever.

    The point is that if the AI is going to model human opponents as accurately as possible, they shouldn’t' t be using exact recovery every damn time, because even the best VF players don't.

    The extra 20 damage of that throw (and others throws that can take reduced damage from ER) is impossible to take advantage of in the higher arcades of Quest mode.

    It is unrealistic to expect that an opponent can ER every time from throws like this. Not that there is much we can do.......
    - - - -
    hikarutilmitt said: u+k+g has a large amount of priority and tracking. It's also possible to guard against it and even roll away. What you need to do is work on getting up and guarding rather than try to actually attack her out of it.

    Ok, the point was that when I rose from a grounded position, I attacked while Aoi was in the air. Once she hit me, it had been as if I had already been on the ground as opposed to being standing up.

    I said nothing about tracking or attack priority, so what are you talking about? I was talking about bad animation/collision detection, nothing about me working on my VF game vs. Aoi.........please read both my post and Gjp posts again...........we are only talking about odd animations, going from standing to immediately crouched positions is certainly not supposed to be in the game, I would hope not.
  9. HiddenEvil

    HiddenEvil Well-Known Member

    Yeah, well try knocking them out of some of the rings that are closed.

    For instance, flip Sarah out of the water stage using [9][K],[P] and watch in horror as she sinks through the floor.

    Also, on Lei Fei's stage when the opponent is knocked out of the ring, when they are about to hit the floor, they suddenly appear levitating back mid air just outside the arena.
  10. catharsis

    catharsis Well-Known Member

    Something I was sick of in VF4, and I don't know if the Evo Quest AI has changed this, is the disturbing frequency with which the CPU escapes throws.. I mean, I was playing kumite against a High King recently as Lion, and out of nowhere I pulled the [9][P]+[G] throw, figuring it would be the last on his priority list. Of course, it was escaped.

    What player, even if they actually are physically capable of triple throw escapes, would choose to reverse that garbage throw? The regular [P]+[G] throw AND the [3][P]+[G] are far more dangerous.

    Has this been changed yet?
  11. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Funny you mention that. There was a clip in one of the old Beat Tribe tournaments where a Kage performed a throw-counterable move against Chibita. Chibita tried the [9][P]+[G] which would've won the match (2-2, and both guys had about 20pts of life left). The Kage escaped it, and threw in a quick attack and one -- it was quite amazing.

    As for the CPU... I've never played quest mode. The way the arcade works is it USUALLY won't escape a throw until you try it 3 times in a row. If you try a different throw each time, it'll rarely escape.
  12. catharsis

    catharsis Well-Known Member

    Y'know, in that case I sorta understand.. it's a mindgame.. guaranteed damage to end the match.. i would probly assume he'd go for the least likely option.. it's funny, though /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif Chibita must have been pretty shellshocked.

    Nice to hear the throw escaping is low-key in arcade.. but then, it's also low in kumite until you get to around 10th dan or higher, when it kicks in ridiculously. I guess I'll have to see. Hehe.. two more weeks!
  13. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    I don't know about throw escaping is low key.... good players escape throws very often... especially when it's a throw counterable move...
  14. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Yeah, but most good players don't do a whole lot of throwing after throw-counterable moves. In fact... more not than often I'd say.

    But, what Strider originally said is totally true - throw-escaping is VERY key in the arcades... you just have to know when, and it's usually when you'd least expect it.

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