Cable Pullers Thread 360 Live

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Jide, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. crewwolfy

    crewwolfy Active Member

    +1 on this guy. Piece of work..
  2. smoky

    smoky Well-Known Member

    AAAHHH! It just happened again! This time it was ozaki3 (as Eileen), his rating was Hunter and I still mopped the floor with him in round 1, then the **** disconnected when it was obvious I was going to win round 2 as well. I sent him a message anyway asking if he dropped on purpose, but alas, no response. It's disappointing to note that the two disconnects I've had today were Japanese players, neither matches were laggy tho (not that that's an excuse IMO).
    I seem to be in the zone with Pai today...
  3. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Shoryken(2-4 dan akira) seems to be one, although I havent managed to play him a second time to know for sure.. He had pretty good win% so I guess it might be due to pulling..
  4. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    something new I've noticed:

    Japanese players pulling the cable BEFORE the fight even starts! They'll host, and once they see that they're being challenged by someone side of Japan, they pull the cable before pushing "Ready".

    Someone who's done this over and over is called "Oguman", and there's one Aoi player called Xion something that beat me once, then refused to fight again, pulling every time pre-match

  5. AyuFanb0y

    AyuFanb0y Well-Known Member

    Super Gun Ninja and miyakuro.

    SGN disconnected and decided to laugh and call me a loser. I replied by saying that I was such a loser, that I had to disconnect.

    miyakuro, who played Lau, simply lost 2-0 and was losing the last round. I admit, I already was suspicious with his 176-17 record, but I played for the hell of it. He stopped responding and two seconds later he disconnected.
  6. Cupcake_Desu

    Cupcake_Desu Well-Known Member

    yep super gun ninja, wot an idiot, losing and pulled, messaged his ass then blocked him, bleurgh, avoid and not even worth playing
  7. smoky

    smoky Well-Known Member

    That's what happened to me with miyakuro, I knew it was intentional, u've just confirmed it for me. What a c**t...
  8. MADrox

    MADrox Well-Known Member

    LOL ...
    Another warning here for Super Gun Ninja ...
    OMG... he is a 1 trick pony.. he owned me first couple matches.. but figured he just likes to back up and do jacky's hit chains,,, then just does d+p an entire round..
    Figured his ass out and he pulled during a splash moutain. > then his infamous messaging...

    so now i connnect with him and not play ,, but Discconnect on his win for being a frkn prick..
  9. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    this lei, something something NBK (never blocks kick is what I think it stands for) is a puller

    will update with the actual name soon

    he seems to enjoy trolling player matches for an easy mash victory
  10. cadorna

    cadorna Well-Known Member

    To the ones mentioning me, I NEVER EVER pull my way out of a match as my incredibly high number of losses -and many players here- can easily testify. After losing more than 1200 fights I can't really care less for another one and my rank never got better than 7th dan so there's nothing for me to lose down the line.

    If I disconnected on purpose before the match starts, that's a completely different thing and the reasons could be:

    - I marked that player as "avoided" but the stupid system keeps letting him enter my games.
    - It's insanely late (like now) and I had enough.
    - That player keeps coming back again and again after having beating me over and over. If I didn't have the time to send him a text message telling him "GG, see you!" and he enters once more, I might disconnect if I'm not in the mood for another beat down. Sorry!

    Besides, I've been having disconnections from the server after EVERY SINGLE fight, won or lost, for the past week or so. No idea WTF could be happening.
  11. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    True that. I saw people discuss it in the shoutbox too.
  12. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Yeah, it's been happening a lot. Xboxlive went a bit mad just before Christmas and their still fixing it.
  13. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    I can attest that Oguman is a complete ass!! I posted about him but couldn't remember his name at the time. This is the guy that would play the match until he felt he might lose. I kept playing him just so I could try to pummel him before he could get to his cord. Then he finally beats me and it was a Hunter vs. Hunter match. I was pissed to say the least. I don't usually like agression but I swore at him in Japanese. And of course no response. I did ask why first though before I swore. Still no response.
  14. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Cyrus NBK is the puller I was talking about

    He never blocks kicks.
  15. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Oguman uses Kage right? I've played him before, and beat him. I landed all of my combos and escaped all of his throws so, since things went my way I didn't think about the connection at all especially cause it wasn't stutter stepping and everything, and I felt it went pretty smooth. I immediately joined his game for a second time but he quit on the ready screen. At first i was mad, but then i looked at his profile and it said "Japan Only" so I sent him a message saying my bad for joining, and then he messaged back saying sorry himself.

    So IMO it just goes to show that he's just real strict about who he plays due to a possibility of lag deciding a match, cause maybe he felt some key things mistimed on his part. I wasn't too upset because I agree with that. But if he would've won it couldve been a different thing entirely.
  16. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member


    I dunno, I witnessed first hand a loss by you followed by disconnection to Bizazedo (I was over his crib)followed by you cursing him out calling him cheap or something. I don't know if it
    NEVER happens all I'm saying. Granted you let me pulp you a lot =)

    (Though he is cheap I bought him the damn game.)
  17. cadorna

    cadorna Well-Known Member

    True, the exception that confirms the rule. I pulled on him and he knows why, and all is good now I hope.

    So speaking for yourself you know I go through every beating of yours without ever pulling -your repeating kicks and jumping on my floored Vanessa after EVERY round you win notwithstanding... ;-)
  18. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    True, but yknow she's digital. That's the only way I can beat that shit up. I mean she's such a tease come on....put some clothes on her.
  19. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Hahaha Pri3 cable puller of the worst kind, slaughtered the poor boy. I mean if you got some trim after losing a fight I could see but add'em to the list of shame:

  20. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Loki Jih:

    Pulled on me fearing derank I tell you as time goes
    on seems like we have more and more pullers. It's

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