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Character popularity polls

Discussion in 'General' started by Combolammas, Jan 14, 2025.

By Combolammas on Jan 14, 2025 at 5:36 AM
  1. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Over the past 5 or so days the official VF discord hosted a poll for character popularity.

    Here are the results

    For EN discord

    1. Akira
    2. Aoi
    3. Vanessa
    4. Sarah
    5. Goh
    6. Jacky
    7. Kage
    8. Pai
    9. Wolf
    10 Jean
    11. Lei-Fei
    12. Brad
    13. Lion
    14. Blaze
    15. Shun
    16. Jeffry
    17. Eileen
    18. Lau
    19 Taka

    For JP discord

    1. Akira
    2. Aoi
    3. Jacky
    4. Sarah
    5. Kage
    6. Wolf
    7. Pai
    8. Lion
    9. Vanessa
    10. Blaze
    11. Lau
    12. Jeffry
    13. Goh
    14. Jean
    15. Eileen
    16. Shun
    17. Brad
    18. Lei-Fei
    19. Taka


Discussion in 'General' started by Combolammas, Jan 14, 2025.

    1. akai
      Here is the exact tally. Vanessa, Goh, Lei, and Lau seems to be the big difference between the English and Japanese poll.

      For those that have discord and not checked out the Official Virtua Fighter discord - https://discord.com/invite/GvPrfJXHVg
      Last edited: Jan 14, 2025
    2. Combolammas
      There is now a total sum table of both polls added in the official Discord.

      smbhax, erdraug and 40i4 like this.
    3. smbhax
    4. IttoLago
      Taka, Eileen and Shun are not popular!
      Strange; so many very competitive players utilize them. I thought Lei, Jean, Brad and Jeffrey were more popular too. You see so many of them online !
      Lauchador likes this.
    5. Lauchador
      These polls worry me, I fear for Lau. They already murdered Gen in Street Fighter (though some claim the report of his death is greatly exaggerated, the fact is he hasn't been seen since 4), Wang Jinrei in Tekken, retired Gen Fu from DoA and Tung Fu Rue (not playable in KoF XV, won't be in FF:CotW either) in exchange for either nothing or a younger, bishonen replacement I couldn't care less about.

      These are hard times for wise old kung fu masters, and the illness they decided Lau would be suffering in VF5 doesn't promise a bright future for him... I really hope they fight against this trend, and not only keep him in and laughing at a defeated opponent but bring in even more senior fighters, grandmas too, with soft, subtle techniques.

      Also, I share IttoLago's surprise, going by the matches I see I would have said Eileen and Jean would be among the most popular. I wonder whether there's bias in my anecdotical experience or perhaps Discord isn't that representative.
      IttoLago likes this.

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