Dead or Alive 5: Last Round

Discussion in 'General' started by Wiztick, Jul 8, 2013.

  1. DestructionBomb

    DestructionBomb Well-Known Member

    Well surely there has to be some notion of respect. There's even a VF thread over there and hardly anyone bash on the game. In fact, part of it is not even bashing. Most of them have issues adjusting to the game mechanics because they have either never played VF before or they haven't thought of a character they want to use..but majority definitely respect VF over there, I even told some of them that if you are playing VF you *have* to adapt to VF mechanic. There's no have no choice because at the end of the day, you have to. If anything, most of the common complaints about VF at the DOA site is usually people playing against them in a match who are unfamiliar with them or not heavy on frame data (And this is common due to core fighters.) *Cough Jyakotu & Argentus on FSD Cough* (No offense to those two on FSD.) Still, best believe that if someone was to bash VF over there in that VF thread I would tell them "Damn I mean, they are just guest characters who have a DOA model in this game. You calling players scrubs because you pick VF characters in DOA? these characters are not easy to play with...try that in the VF site. They are likely to bop you for it." But totally not like this. Some few people over there even believed the VF characters have some sort of advantageous super safe hidden abilities over there. (In *Lag* maybe.) but that's another topic I'll write shortly.

    I can come up with a few reasons as to why the struggle is real with the game on DOA.

    1) The approach and mindset - You simply can't make VF and DOA to be the same. The game wasn't made to be the exact same, It was not made to be another VF. The mindset and approach you use in VF may not work in DOA because the mechanic behind it is different. Even the wallsplat attacks and juggles are different. The system behind it forces you to go with a different rewarding scenario. An opponent throws out a move that's like -16. Like what? you are at a disadvantage and even a free throw. If you hit another button I am slapping that ass (Oh she's even wearing one of those DOA bikinis? Oh yeah that ass definitely getting slapped with a K.O sign on both of those cheeks, maybe then you'll stop using those outfits.)

    2) DOA Lag - Not the typical lag. Hear me out.. I'm talking about that lag where you have the opponent throw out a move that's like -4 on block and he somehow got away with it by doing a i12 mid blowing up my standing i10 jab type of lag at the duration of my strike turn. This is the ultimate sin that has been roaming around DOA online as of late. That horrendous type of nonsense that takes a shit ton of bricks to deal with so even I am against DOA's online. I pray to trillions of gods in the universe that DOA5LR has an improved stability with the online because that alone can draw players away and even players who haven't noticed the lag at a moderate skill level can be drawn away.

    I truly believe some of you guys have been playing in constant DOA lag to go this far. I seriously would like to sit down with you guys and say "Yo check this out...I know you've been playing DOA and I know the game infuriates you and I know you won't believe me..but you've been playing in lag bro and I'm here to save you so that you can provide unholy retribution to these sad excuse of DOA players online. Trust me man, you'll thank me later." I even go to Next Level often to play the game because it's just overall a better experience and cleanse your minds from the shitivity in DOA online. If anything, I can gladly talk it out with you guys at Next Level to fully explain what I mean..or online with a mic.

    Gotcha no worries man. I got a Bass, Kokoro and Sarah video coming up but likely I'll do them on Last Round. After that, heading to Next Level. Not sure on dates because work.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2015
  2. Wiztick

    Wiztick Well-Known Member

    Dam. This game looks bad.
  3. def

    def Well-Known Member

  4. Yeah, I find that two of the worst things that players of other games do when trying to learn DOA is expecting to be able to play the game like every other fighting game or basing how the game is entirely on online play. DOA5U is miles different offline than online to the point that it feels like two different games. I.e. Never ever base how DOA5U is on online play. Offline play is where the game shines.

    In my experience, most DOA players that I have known tend to have a lot of respect for VF, with the only exceptions being the truly scrub-minded players, which you find in any fighting game community anyway. What I have seen in here though in some previous posts is a complete lack of respect for DOA and its community from a couple individuals at least. Like was said before, the VF community is not really in a position to be turning off entire groups of people from wanting to learn the game by insulting them and their game, because if I am not mistaken, DOA5U was one of the stronger 3D fighters in the West this past year. Some Capcom players do it because they can be elitest assholes, but I expect better from VF players. To be clear, this is not necessarily aimed at the VF community as a whole, and I have a lot of respect for the VF players in my scene.
    og23 likes this.
  5. og23

    og23 Well-Known Member

    I agree with force, we're not exactly playing umvc3 or usf4. VF players shouldn't exactly be bashing on DOA players who want to learn because, your scene isn't really going to grow that way. and i'm pretty sure that we all want the VF scene to grow. I'm not saying all of you are being like this, and I'm sure you all have complaints about it. It's understandable, I personally don't like how the game encourages you to punish with throws, I still think the game is alright regardless. Like it or not, can you at least be a little mature about it?
    BLACKSTAR and Force_of_Nature like this.
  6. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    You guys got trolled by 2 people and are talking about 'VF' and 'VF community'. Well done.
  7. og23

    og23 Well-Known Member

    Funny you mention that, I'm pretty sure we both made it clear that we were not talking about the VF community as a whole, but whatever
    Force_of_Nature likes this.
  8. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Why even say VF players or VF community? Of the people you're arguing with just what section of the VF community do you think they represent?

    You have the opinions of 2 people. How does VF even come into it? Saying VF players and then "I'm not saying all of you are being like this..." is a cop out. 2 people. Say their names, refute their claims.
    Tricky, Ellis, Kamais_Ookin and 2 others like this.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    oh man, this x1000000000
    Ellis likes this.
  10. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Let it go yall. No need to stay on the subject anymore and re-stir/start poking the coals to get the fire heated up again. Things have been established already.

    So yea. Isn't there two more characters to be announced? I know (think) there's only about 10 days left until release.
    Puno_de_Leyenda and $ir JDE like this.
  11. Virtua Kazama

    Virtua Kazama Well-Known Member

    While we all get off this stupid drama, this came in yesterday:
  12. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    As well as taking away all that money for Winning you get Guaranteed sponsorship for 2016 finals. Amazing.
  13. Sorwah

    Sorwah Well-Known Member

    What? I'm sorry, and I'm not trolling, but I just don't understand what you just said. Could you reword it or expand on it?

    Nah, Raidou and Honoka are the only new characters.
  14. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    It says "Winner is guaranteed player sponsorship to 2016 finals". So i'm assuming it means as the winner you qualify for the grand finals next year and they'll sponsor you so play for flights and stuff.

    It makes sense but isn't commonly done for FGs. Good move imo. Champ should be there to defend title.
  15. Sorwah

    Sorwah Well-Known Member

    Nice, I never even noticed that sentence before, and I agree with you.
  16. Puno_de_Leyenda

    Puno_de_Leyenda Well-Known Member

    Here are all of Akira's changes, courtesy of translator werewolfgold on FSD:
    214P (success): Frames changed from 23 (5) 19 to 23 (2) 22.

    214P (failure): Frames changed from 23 (5) 21 to 23 (2) 24.

    2_3P+K: On standing hit, changed to small stagger effect.

    66K: On crouching block, changed from rising stagger effect to float effect.

    BT P+K: Guard advantage changed from -12F to -22.

    BT 4P+K · 43T · 6P: Adjusted the camera.

    T: Frame advantage following the throw shortened by 1F.

    46T: Changed to 10 frame startup. Damage changed from 66 to 60.

    64T: Changed to 12 frame startup.

    2T: Advantage following the throw shortened by 1F. Instead of sending your opponent through the floor (if applicable) on the first punch, it now happens on the third punch. Also changed the attack sounds.

    SS P: On counter hit and above, now causes critical stun (24~16).

    SS P+K: Big fix to the hit detection.

    As for the nerfs, could be worse, no worries.

    And here are some combo vids for Raidou and Honoka:

    Force_of_Nature likes this.
  17. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Seeing commands with T just now really confused me. Is it a button on the arcade machine now?
  18. "T" just means Throw, which is inputted by "H+P". Since "T" can be set as a button, it's included in the notation when talking about throws.

    As for the Battle Royal 2015, I love this kinda stuff and am looking forward to it. I'm not from the US but will try to attend at least one of the tournies. EVO2015, SJ9 & TFC'15 are on my radar.

    Technically we were also showing how stupid it was to place a whole community in a bad light when we just meant a few people. But it's whatever lol.
  19. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    I know what T means. Usually when I see official data for a game shortcut commands like T aren't included. It's just button +button. Since its there my question was is it now actually a button in the arcade or is it still H P G?

    And getting trolled by 2 people doesn't put a community in a bad light (if you have sense). It does make everyone involved seem ridiculous though.
  20. Project Bokuho

    Project Bokuho Active Member

    Next Tuesday, the fun begins!
    Puno_de_Leyenda likes this.

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