Dead or Alive 5...naw, just Dead

Discussion in 'General' started by ice-9, May 22, 2008.

  1. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    None of these games are perfect and in every new game they get easier and cheesier. Fuck all that I take Megamix over VF. Now if a DOA5 came out right now i would play that until VF:R comes out.
    VF IS overated to the max and i love it dearly. DOA is Fun also and i love it dearly. Both game are vital to the success of one another period. Too much VF Fanboyism going on in this post. Must of you dudes were never around were VF2 popped off much less 4.

    BTW KristinaNardone on Second Look DOA4 Hair may look stupid at points but its still looks slightly better than VF IMO.I
  2. Necro76

    Necro76 Well-Known Member

    aaaah DOA. Well the graphics are good. And...and it easy to play so its good for players that CANT play VF. And.....its accesible........and...its got boobs ( if u r a teenager maybe that impresses u )and.......its easy to do combos.....and....its got really cool stages, something VF is lacking. Even tough maybe it would unbalanced things. And...u cant evade so u can only rely on the reverdals....and they are easy to do..and it has an online lobby. And...its easy to play it..u just have to do strings....stop mid string.....start again..high low mid low high low low mid high...then your opponent starts their own string high mid low high mid high low low high mid....u try to guess correct reversal...if u get hit you are STUNNED....then u try to guess correct what else can I say? Id say thats IT. Maybe somebody finds it fun. And it has some fun stuff. But thats it. I understand why so many people like it. Im not being a VF fanboy. Its just 2 VERY different fighters thats all. To each his own. But everybody has different tastes it seems. And its easy to play so it might be good as a secondary fighter I guess. Theres no use in bashing DOA,a lot of people wil play it because its easy, its accessible, its fun( supposedly), its easy to do the moves, it has good graphics. I can't go telling somebody to just go ahead and play VF with Akira...c'mon. And if they try playing with Jacky, Lau or Pai.....well its not as easy as it seems. Then there's the issue of VF's defensive options. Evades are hard to do correctly. And then there are so many rules and details to the system. Most players quit early. So VF is rewarding for the dedicated player while DOA is a more lighthearted fighter. I think its OK that such a product exists. But really there is not a way that u can compare the two things. Both games are made for a completely different demographic. Its like Itagaki wanted an easier and simpler version of VF while implementing some new ideas. Like the stages, for example. At the same time he made Ninja Gaiden wich is too hard for most players. So, there u have it. Different products for different people. That is how the gaming industry works. The fact that very few people actually take the time to learn and enjoy VF makes even more valuable and ejoyable to me. Even if it means that nobody plays it in my country ( sigh ). Most people are not willing to spend time dealing with VF's difficulty level and choose and easier fighter, like DOA or another that has stuff that can be easily abused thus taking away the mind/guessing games factor. Like,Tekken for example. So its just a matter of what u expect from your fighting game. Me, I wanted the most balanced,most deep experience. And I got it from VF5. No other game compares to its depth. You cant say other fighters aproach its depth. U can like DOA, but c'mon, lets be fair in acknowledging each games features. I dont think DOA or Tekken are bad games. They are just, NOT FOR ME. I like Soul C tough. Too bad previous versions are broken. Ahhhh Namco you never learn. Namco and Tecmo,they should enroll on a summer seminary by AM2 on HOW TO BALANCE A FIGHTING GAME. Yeah, they should do that. It should be an employment requirement. Cuz, really, IMO, thats what I hate about most fighters. And VF's balance its what made me stay. Because I considered it to be "fair". I dont know what Namco and Tecmo will do with their next sequels. But we already see what AM2 is up to. Specially from the beta reports that low P is no longer as useful. So, yeah u can enjoy DOA and all. Thats nothing bad. And yeah u can find it more fun or enjoyable than YOUR PERSONAL VF5 EXPERIENCE. But dont try to post that its BETTER or DEEPER than VF. If in your personal experience with DOA you find that u enjoy it more. Well thats OK no problem. But people,please, dont try saying that its BETTER that VF in terms of DEPTH or BALNACING or WHATEVER. You enjoy it more? OK!!! FINE!!! GOOD FOR YOU!!! But just dont try to cast a shadow over VF5's OBVIOUS talents. Note: This was a general post, not aimed at anybody.

    ..........pssst!!!!......Tekken SUCKS!! Bwahahaa Bye!

    BLACKLAC Well-Known Member

    great wall of text
  4. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Yeah it's pretty scary, i'm not even gonna attempt to read it.

    EDIT: Whoa, I tried and it felt like my eyes were melting?!
  5. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    hahaha, oh man, i saw what you guys wrote and I thought "oh, come on, it can't be that bad" then I scrolled up and I was like "whoa! omgbbq+1" hahaha, i'm still laughing /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  6. PompousKristina

    PompousKristina Well-Known Member

    DOA4's hair animation has and will always look terrible compared to Virtua Fighter's hair animation. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/sick.gif

    By the way, if anything, to tell you the truth, Tekken is overrated to the max. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  7. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Please, Kristina, tell us all how you really feel about Tekken and DOA. We have not not heard enough and nobody here really knows how you feel on the subject.
    Tell us about how great the hair animation in VF is again. Oh, and please don't leave out your intriguing opinion about how Tekken is overrated. Is it really, how so? Please, do go on.
    I just can't get enough.

    (to any mods out there that care about this site and where it is headed: please put a hole in this thread's head, please, don't just lock it, delete it and bury any evidence that it ever existed in a desert somewhere, please, do it now, for the love of VF, please)
  8. PompousKristina

    PompousKristina Well-Known Member

    OK, I'll stop. And yes, bury this thread for good. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/whistle.gif
  9. DaBadSeed

    DaBadSeed Well-Known Member

    no no keep DOA alive i love those big tit bitches /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  10. Dive2Blue

    Dive2Blue Well-Known Member

    So, does a possibility of a Dead or Alive 5 may occur since Tomonobu Itagaki left Tecmo?[/size]
  11. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    You have to figure the series won't die just because some idiot that wears sunglasses indoors has left.
  12. PompousKristina

    PompousKristina Well-Known Member

    I heard a rumor that Dead or Alive Online will have DOA 3's or Ultimate's fighting engine. Let's hope it's much better than DOA4 or else it's not worth playing. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/whistle.gif
  13. Reznor

    Reznor Member

    Maybe he was just to busy making DOA bikini volleyball version... make it more bouncy?
  14. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    Some damn body needs to just hijack the damn game and redo the guts of it. Maybe Sega? Hell, I'd take the current SNK/Playmore right now. Suggestions?
  15. Unforgiven_1

    Unforgiven_1 New Member

    the creater of DOA just retired so DOA 5 is going to REALY different because other people are making it from what I hear but the orginal creater is not thats for fact
  16. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member


    1up pulled a rumor out of their hat that 36 members of Team Ninja are backing Itagaki's lawsuit.

    One guy might not make that much of a difference, but this is something quite different, eh?
  17. darknessredefine

    darknessredefine New Member

    yeah he is and idiot but he is the creator and the main man behind that shity gameplay so it should die unless there are going to completely revamp that trash
  18. darknessredefine

    darknessredefine New Member

    and he didnt retire he left because they where not paying him all his money that they were suppose to give him after the releases of NG AND DOA.Well since he is not doing ninja gaiden 3 maybe they can that out all that creature fighting and put in more ninja fighting i mean really why am i fighting more creatures and werewolfs than ninjas
  19. DaBadSeed

    DaBadSeed Well-Known Member

    nah i love doa its no vf but its got its good points
  20. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    No doubt. VF5 is cool no doubt but DOA is More Fun to me. You'll find more players in DOA than VF5. Half of you dudes up here is weak and the only games you do play is VF5. I play any motherfucking fighting game regardless of Big Breast or not DOA is Tough. The Online Mode is way more satisfying than VF.

    I wish the Hurry up with the New KOF so i can Retire VF5.

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