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Euro VF Gathering in Amsterdam, 29-30 August, 2009

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Krye, May 5, 2009.

  1. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    Thanks to MP_Lupin for creating this sweet banner!

    After asking if there were any Europeans interested in having a big gathering in Amsterdam, we got a huge amount of feedback, with 32 players from 9 (!) countries expressing their interest.

    Of course, this has gotten us very excited and therefore we would like to announce the first European VF Gathering held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. This will take place in the weekend of the 29th and the 30th of August.

    First, our plan was to just play casuals, but we figured that with so many players coming, we needed something that would stick out for everyone, so we figured we’d do a tournament. The tournament itself will be held on Saturday the 28th, so if you want to participate, please be there on Saturday. When we’re not doing the tournament, it’s all casuals [​IMG] .

    If you would like to play even more, it’s okay to come over on Friday as well. We would recommend coming over on Thursday and leaving on Monday, this way you can check out the city and get familiar with where you’re staying on Thursday. This will also enable you to get drunk without the hangover affecting your VF enjoyment. Then on Friday, you can go sightseeing/play VF/party some more if you’re really into it/do whatever. Then play VF all day on Saturday and Sunday and leave without stress on Monday. Aside from having plenty of time to do whatever you want, this will probably also cost you less money in terms of travel, since flying outside the weekend is usually cheaper.

    Where will this take place?:

    Pilotenstraat 34, Amsterdam (Google Maps)

    What kind of tournament will it be? Rules etc. :

    It’ll be a Double-Elimination style Tournament, with a group phase before that.


    We will be using this spreadsheet to set everything up beforehand, so we won’t have to waste time on discussions etc. at the tournament itself.

    How do I get there?:


    Taking the bus:


    Taking the train:

    This line goes to and from the UK if I’m correct

    From Paris to Amsterdam (comes through Brussels as well). Very comfortable!

    The ICE runs from Germany to Amsterdam. These trains are also really comfortable!

    Taking a ferry (for the UK guys [​IMG] ):

    This seems to be a cheap and comfortable way to get to Holland. I’m not too familiar with the various ferry-companies, so I’m just going to list the one I know of:


    Trains in Holland:

    Should you arrive at places outside Amsterdam, you will probably need to take a train to get to Amsterdam. I do NOT recommend taking a taxi, as taxi’s are really REALLY expensive in Holland. You’re far better off using the public transport.

    Trains run from pretty much anywhere to everywhere, especially to Amsterdam. You have to buy tickets on the trainstation, you cannot buy them on the train. If you don’t have a valid ticket on the train, they will charge you the price for the trip PLUS ~35 euros, so buy your tickets! You can buy tickets at yellow ticket machines, you can set them to a variety of languages, so you’ll understand what to do [​IMG] .

    Public Transport inside Amsterdam:

    It’s a bit difficult to explain how the public transport system works in Amsterdam, since it’s about to be radically changed from the way it’s always been…

    I can tell you about the various means of transport available, though.

    What/Where do I eat?:

    Well, we were thinking of getting dinner for you on Saturday.. Proper Dutch fastfood! If everyone puts in a little money, we’ll just get some dinner somewhere and bring it back for you guys to eat [​IMG] . Then on Sunday we can order somewhere, or maybe go to a restaurant with the whole group (although this might be quite troublesome, depending on the size of the group [​IMG] ).

    For those of you that want to eat traditional Dutch cuisine, too bad. I’ve never seen a restaurant that served things like boerenkool or hutspot, mainly since these are just farmer’s dishes, which consist of mashed potatoes, carrots and unions mashed together into a stew.

    There’s lots of McDonaldses, Burger Kings, Subways and a lot of kebab shops (these serve a delicious dish called ‘shoarma’ pronounced shwarma, try it if you’re hungry!).

    Where do I stay?:


    Hostels are the cheapest way to get a place to stay. Average price is about 25 euros a night.

    I recommend you guys to book your rooms together, like in groups of three or something. This will probably be a little more comfortable for you. I’ve slept in a hostel on my own before and it’s quite uncomfortable with unknown people all around you, haha.

    If you don’t have enough money to book a flight AND a hostel or can’t find roommates for some reason, but you would still like to come over, send me a PM, I’ll see if I can help you out [​IMG] .

    What to bring?:

    Note: We'll only be playing the 360 version! Don't bother bringing PS3 equipment!

    Please bring your own arcade-stick (or your pad if you prefer that). We won’t be able to provide sticks for everyone. If it’s impossible for you to bring your stick for whatever reason, that’s okay, but if it isn’t impossible, just bring it along, please [​IMG] .
    Also, it would be nice if some people brought their memorycards, it adds a little flavour if everyone plays with their own customized characters [​IMG] .
    Finally, it would be great if some of you could bring your xbox. There’s probably quite a number of people coming here and I think we can all agree that it would be nice if everyone could play as many games as possible.

    Who will be there? :

    The Netherlands (8):

    Real Name: Wouter Strankinga
    Nickname: Krye
    From: Purmerend, the Netherlands
    Main Character: Lau
    Confirmed?: Yes

    Real Name: Twan Mul
    Nickname: NGKrush
    From: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    Main Character: Jeffry
    Confirmed?: Yes

    Real Name: Kareem
    Nickname: Fulan
    From: Maarssen, the Netherlands
    Main Character: Goh
    Confirmed?: Yes

    Real Name: Pascal van der Sluis
    Nickname: MasterPasje
    From: Maarssen, the Netherlands
    Main Character: Lion
    Confirmed?: Yes

    Real Name: Chris Roverts
    Nickname: Craven
    From: Maarssen, the Netherlands
    Main Character: Lau
    Confirmed?: Yes

    Real Name: Maurits d'Anjou
    Nickname: Vortigar
    From: the Netherlands
    Main Character: Brad
    Confirmed?: Yes

    Real Name: Ake Hu
    Nickname: Akebueno
    From: the Netherlands
    Main Character: Shun Di
    Confirmed?: Yes

    Real Name: Christiaan Bruinsma
    Nickname: Spoon
    From: Apeldoorn, the Netherlands
    Main Character: Aoi
    Confirmed?: Yes

    The United Kingdom (4):

    Real Name: Jon Crofts
    Nickname: Beligerent_Feck
    From: United Kingdom
    Main Character: Akira
    Confirmed?: Not yet.

    Real Name: Marlon Jacobs
    Nickname: MarlyJay
    From: London, the United Kingdom
    Main Character: Eileen
    Confirmed?: Yes!

    Real Name: Lewis Hare
    Nickname: Monkeypunch
    From: Surrey, the United Kingdom
    Main Character: El Blaze
    Confirmed?: Yes!

    Real Name: Jide
    Nickname: Jide
    From: London, the United Kingdom
    Main Character: Kage
    Confirmed?: Not yet.

    Germany (3):

    Real Name: Christian Hartmann
    Nickname: Aidan
    From: Bensheim, Germany
    Main Character: Akira
    Confirmed?: Not yet.

    Real Name: Darius
    Nickname: Mr. Rock Howard
    From: Germany
    Main Character: Lei Fei
    Confirmed?: Not yet.

    Italy (1):

    Real Name: Fabrizio Lerch
    Nickname: Mister
    From: Cagliari, Italy
    Main Character: Wolf
    Confirmed?: Yes!

    Poland (1):

    Real Name: Piotr
    Nickname: lotrzyna
    From: Warsaw, Poland
    Main Character: Kage
    Confirmed?: Not yet.

    Finland (2):

    Real Name: Ville Suokas
    Nickname: Combolammas
    From: Järvenpää, Finland
    Main Character: Lau
    Confirmed?: Not yet.

    Real Name: Juha Laukkanen
    Nickname: Manjimaru
    From: Helsinki, Finland
    Main Character: Akira
    Confirmed?: Not yet.

    France (1):

    Real Name: Nabil Alimi
    Nickname: StarNab
    From: France
    Main Character: Kage
    Confirmed?: Not yet.

    Sweden (2):

    Real Name: Jonas Ohlsson
    Nickname: Jeneric
    From: Stockholm, Sweden
    Main Character: Vanessa
    Confirmed?: Yes!

    Real Name: Bob
    Nickname: Bob
    From: Stockholm, Sweden
    Main Character: ?
    Confirmed?: Yes!

    Number of people confirmed to show up: 11!

    Where do I sign up?:

    Please fill in this little form:

    Real Name:
    Main Character:

    And post it here.

    Here’s an example:

    Real Name: Wouter Strankinga
    Nickname: Krye
    From: Purmerend, the Netherlands
    Main Character: Lau

    Then, when you’ve booked your trip and hostel/hotel, please say so here, so I can put you up as confirmed. Thanks [​IMG].

    PS: To all the Dutch guys participating: please sign up here as well.

    I'll finish with saying that I'm really looking forward to this!

    Let's make this a great success, guys!
  2. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    Real Name: Twan Mul
    Nickname: NGKrush
    From: Amsterdam, NL
    Main Character: Jeffry

    Really looking forward to this!!
  3. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Real Name: Jon Crofts
    Nickname: B_Feck
    From: UK
    Main Character: Akira

    I'll make sure to post when i've booked the Ferry/Flight/Train whateva /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  4. Aidan

    Aidan Well-Known Member

    xX SETTRA Xx
    Real Name: Christian Hartmann
    Nickname: Aidan
    From: Bensheim, Germany
    Main Character: Akira

    But I´m not quite sure how to get to Amsterdam or where I´ll sleep, but I post when I know everything. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  5. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    Real Name: Kareem
    Nickname: Fulan
    From: Maarssen, NL
    Main Character: Goh
  6. masterPasje

    masterPasje Well-Known Member

    Real Name: Pascal van der Sluis
    Nickname: Masterpasje
    From: Maarssen, NL
    Main Character: Lion
  7. Craven

    Craven Member

    Real Name: Chris Roverts
    Nickname: Craven
    From: Maarssen, NL
    Main Character: Lau
  8. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    Real Name: Sławek Krukowski... actually full name is Sławomir Wladyslaw Krukowski
    Nickname: Griever
    From: Poznan, Poland
    Main Character: Brad/Vanessa

    I'll be in Amsterdam on 27th (travelling from Brussels). I have almost everything booked so I'd just need you to let me play on 28th, or else... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif Cheers /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  9. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    Re: Euro VF Gathering in Amsterdam, 29-30 August,

    Real Name: Eddel Dioquino
    Nickname: Flash
    From: Virginia, USA
    Main Character: Wolf

    ok im NOT attending this event, but u guys just sound so cool! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  10. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    Haha, I love your name, Griever! It sounds badass when I say it out loud /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    I'll put you down as confirmed /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    It's awesome to see you so enthusiastic about this, you booked less than 24 hours after I made this thread! Great stuff, man!

    @Saramus_Prime: /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  11. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    I'm not confirmed yet but because Feck said he was getting lonely with having the only British sounding name on the list, here's my details.

    Real Name: Andrew Smethurst
    Nickname: Ash Kaiser
    From: Rotherham, UK
    Main Character: Wolf

    I'll probably be there though. It sounds like fun, and shouldn't cost too much.
  12. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    I'm pretty sure i'll make it.

    Real Name: Marlon Jacobs
    Nickname: MarlyJay(Marly)
    From: London, UK
    Main Character: Eileen
  13. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    flash, you asshole. I actually got hype.
  14. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    You were right on the shoutbox. That is a pretty cool name.
  15. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah Content Manager Aoi

    Real Name: Fabrizio Lerch (my father is swiss XD)
    Nickname: Mister (Mistersicstinai)
    From: Cagliari, Italy
    Main Character: Wolf

    edit: i'm not coming with griever.
    Well i'm probably going to arrive the 28 to bruxelles and take a train or buss for amsterdam from there. If anyone arrive in bruxelles the 28, contact me please.
  16. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    Important: Does anyone attending the gathering has, and would be willing to take with him, an XFPS converter? Thank You in advance! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  17. MP

    MP Well-Known Member

    Real Name: Lewis Hare
    Nickname: Monkeypunch
    From: Surrey, UK
    Main Character: El Blaze

    I'll most prob be attending, depends how much funds i can accumulate over the summer but I should be ok /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  18. Jide

    Jide The Super Shinobi Silver Supporter

    Real Name: Jide
    Nickname: Jide
    From: UK LONDON
    Main Character: Kage

    I'm not confirmed either but I'm definitely interesting in coming. I know some of the other UK guys are too. I have been pre occupied with Tekken at the moment. Blasphemy!!!!

    I'll let you know guys later.

    This event really does sound awesome though.
  19. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    Krye NL
    United Kingdom represent!

    Nice to see you guys are so interested /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif I hope all of you can make it!

    I'm gonna start sending PM's to all the people that expressed interest in the other thread. As well as send all the Europeans in my XBL friendslist a message telling them that this thing is happening. Hopefully that way even more people will want to show up /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  20. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep

    I'll definately come if I can cough up the cash. For the time being I'm not confirmed, though.

    Real Name: Ville Suokas
    Nickname: Combolammas
    From: Järvenpää, Finland
    Main Character: Lau

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