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Evolution too Easy

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by Anton, Jul 25, 2003.

  1. Anton

    Anton Well-Known Member

    Does anybody think that if you had a vF4 character eg Akira and he was at high king that when you play VF:Evo you seem to win nearly every match with an excellent,even on standart.the only challenge comes is when you are in WMAC or training Challenges.Does anybody thin k VF:Evo is easier than VF4??? /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif
  2. HiddenEvil

    HiddenEvil Well-Known Member

    My experience of VFEvo is that it is easier. However, this is probably to be expected considering the experience that we have got from playing the original VF4.

    I doubt a player new to VF would find it quite so easy.
  3. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    I got my Akira to High King in vf4 ver c but I wouldn't call evo easy at all.Sure it is easier to rank up and get hold of items and that but at higher up levels of play especially against Champions it's still just as hard as some of the High King fights from vf 4.Theres definately NO WAY I win every fight with excellents on intermediate and I can't see any one else doing it either, unless you're playing the first 2 arcades on beginner level.The only challenge comes in training or WMAC you say?Have YOU mastered all the chars you play as.Is your defence so good that you never get thrown or countered?Do you have a 100% win rate?No offence meant but I severley doubt it.IMO vf is made primarily as a 2p game.One which would take the averagely skillful player an age to master.
  4. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    I'd say the A.I. in evo has improved, actually. It seems less susceptible to tricks, and ring-outs seem less common. I just wish it didn't still insta-throw pretty much any guard cancelled move.
    As for "harder", for me its somewhat character dependent. Akira seems a lot easier to deal with, but the a.i. pai can be downright evil.
  5. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Yes AI has definately been improved though in some sense it is very painful to be hit be a perfect counter combo over and over by the higher ranked players.Yes I must admit Pais (and Shuns IMO) ai seems a lot harder to beat than in vf4.Her float combos are deadly and like it has been said many times before players like Kage Akira and Lau will always nail you with a precision combo when a real fighter might mess it up.

    Yes I have also suffered from in ability to trick ais with guard cancelling, it doesn't appear to work like it does against a human opponent. /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
  6. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    Something I've noticed from playing Quest mode.

    1. AI never try to break Akira's catch throw.

    2. AI falls for Lei-fei's sabaki turning punch almost all
    the time.

    3. Shun hardly drinks.

    4. They do big moves when they are far away from the

    5. They don't use reversals.

    6.They don't use catch throws.

    7.Kage doesn't use ring-out combos.

    8. Lei-fei never dance. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  7. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    mmm At the later arcades things gets harder.. and those things on your list I have to disagree with except for 2,7, and 8. Those I observed as well, although they don't make fighting the harder cpu's any easier...

  8. Anton

    Anton Well-Known Member

    On my version kage uses his massiv air throw(dont know its name)all of the time and in stages like palace he uses it to throw me over the wall most of the time.

    Also in earlier stages A.I fall for most of you charges but later they just evade them all.
  9. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Its called the ten foot toss TFT and is easily escaped with [4][P]+[G].Its one of the main throws he goes for and if he gets it 99.9% of the time he'll do high damage.Every now and again I've fought an ai who's missed some moves after it.

    With regards to madagascar Shun definately drinks in the PAL ver ( can't see why it would be different to other versions ) Akira and Aoi definately reverse me though Pai never has and always goes for her inashis , Lei doesn't dance though and thats a shame /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif.Oh yes Kage does go for ring outs with TFT a lot as well.

    Theres not that much call for using charged moves in fighting any way as a human opponent will clock on straight away.btw anton you didn't answer my queries from up the post...
  10. HiddenEvil

    HiddenEvil Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    madagascar said:
    3. Shun hardly drinks.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Oh but how irritating it is when if he wins a round he takes a load of drinks before the game moves onto the next round. I really hate playing against Shun. It's hard to get a throw in on him, and even harder to lure him to an easy ring out as he prefers rather than to follow you, to lie down across the stage. God, I could quite easily rip his head off.
  11. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    First off what has this got to do with character training.

    Now for the second for people who hate shun imagine how hard it is to use the guy considering u have to start from 0 drinks and build you way up and other moves that people do to shun take his drinks down.

    and for the third [ QUOTE ]
    Does anybody think that if you had a vF4 character eg Akira and he was at high king that when you play VF:Evo you seem to win nearly every match with an excellent,even on standart

    [/ QUOTE ]

    what the heck does the rank have to do with how good you are (unless i'm reading it wrong it does not make any sense to me) i mean u could be at 3rd kyu and still whip the shit out of the cpu. Rank means nothing.

    [ QUOTE ]
    the only challenge comes is when you are in WMAC or training Challenges.Does anybody thin k VF:Evo is easier than VF4???

    [/ QUOTE ]

    the challenge never lies with playing the cpu it's the vs mode and no vf4 evo is harder.
  12. Player_1

    Player_1 Well-Known Member

    This could be allready covered,but didn't find it immediately so here it goes:
    Didn't anybody notice the cpu is much tougher to beat on "very hard" setting in arcade than the cpu-level of the Champions at the final arcade(yes I am playing Standard) or am I the only one thinking that.

    I mean I completed the "3 excellents quest order" without any problems today(ok wasn't fighting 2 technically here) and had a winning streak of 20+ yesterday without ever really getting into trouble, didn't lose a single round today either facing several Champions beating them mostly with only 1 lost round on my behalf...

    While in arcade mode doing the Aoi route I came into serious trouble as soon as stage 4 facing Wolf: finishing the whole route cost me almost 40minutes!(3rounds) & I even gave my same tactics a try I used to get the excellents against the Champions: immedediatly going for the offensive powerful blows (playing Akira btw) =It didn't work, they simply blocked & throwed, beat the shit out of me.

    Seriously it was like the first time playing the cpu I was punished for not immediately evading; BD; throw guarding,...Simply [P] and [K] were my best friends since I really had to go 4 "sure shots" when I finally said 'Now I'm just gonna beat your ass' after the xxxx-time I faced Goh, Lei-Fei,...(only Sarah&Lau didn't gave me any trouble since stage 4) fighting in my proper style losing-I swear-with the SLIGHTEST difference EVERY time...

    So how about it, is this normal-does everybody knows this or does everyone finishes Arcade mode while cleaning their stick??????
    P.S. @Madagascar I even saw Lei-Fei dancing /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif(the one with the the stance standing on 1 leg auto-countering[P] and then quickly ducking/crossing his feet or something like that-they would make it easier 2 explain If they made it look like salsa, cha cha,twist,... /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif)

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