F**K**G fake cards...

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by GaijinPunch, Jul 16, 2002.

  1. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Yes - I know of him. He's a very skilled Kage. He was dogging the fuck out of everyone on Evolution at High Tech Land the other day. Ice9 was there with me -- both of us lost.

    I doubt this will help, but I jumped in their with Shun and abused him, winnin 2-0. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif Even though Shun has been severely weakened in Ver. C, there's a certain edge he has, in that he's still a relatively unused character, meaning people don't have a very good defense scheme against him.

    If I witness this shit when people start getting high ranked in Evo, I'll probably make a stink about it.

    One thing I did do though, is when each match starts up, my PR statement says, "Use a sub-card, and you'll get a Gaijin Punch." Kind of hard to make it work with the limited amount of characters though. :)
  2. Cros

    Cros Member

    One thing I did do though, is when each match starts up, my PR statement says, "Use a sub-card, and you'll get a Gaijin Punch."


    I find that funny for some reason...

    But really; I hate it when people mess with the system like that. Though it’s not extremely abusive, I can understand why it is annoying.
  3. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    I know this Kage! He is VERY good, especially in EVO. When I played against him in Version C he was a 77% Devil King.
  4. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Yet feels the need to have another card, knocking down obviously players ranked lower than him on the way...

    ...hopefully that illustrates it a bit better than my other rant. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    Ice -- when you coming back this way?
  5. Neo

    Neo Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah BTW GP , I now have a date set to come back to Japan , 7th October. I know it's still about 10 weeks and I'll be a bit behind on EVO but it's the best I can do.

    Hopefully you will still be there and we can meet up, share Aoi strats,have a laugh etc.
  6. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Most likely, I'll be here. No vacation planned. I live in Tokyo, btw.

    Try to steal a friends mobile phone so you can use VF.net. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  7. Neo

    Neo Well-Known Member

    I'll be able to use my Girlfriend's phone if it is enabled for J-Sky by the time I arrive. Otherwise I'll just get the card for the dan rating system /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  8. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    J-sky service starts sometime in the "Fall". They're not being specific.

    An update to the original post -- I met up with that guy that convinced me not to say anything to that fake-card jerky. After giving me my last sphere I needed to get all 7, as a gift, he mentioned that that player got his sub-card up to 9-dan, where my friend continued a 4-win streak with his 9-dan Jacky to knock him down to 8-dan. Hehe.
  9. Neo

    Neo Well-Known Member

    haven't been on for a couple of days, had some PC problems:( I really can't wait to come to Japan now.

    I wll be counting the days lol!

    How's Evo going? What rank are you up to now?
  10. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    I've got my Aoi up to 2-kyu. Not playing too much. I'm like 38 wins & 32 losses or something -- not bad considering the competition I'm playing against. My Ver. C Aoi is up to 8-dan, and will likely not go anywhere, as there's only 10 days of Ver. C left if I understand correctly. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    Lei-Fei & Shun are like 7-kyu and 8-kyu, with less than 10 fights each. Haven't made a Lion card yet. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

  11. alucard

    alucard Well-Known Member

    These ppl have their reasons for "cheating". Some ppl only play ONE character but they would like to challenge other ppl without losing their hard-earned spheres, so they keep two cards. One for collecting spheres(usually the better ranked card) and one for challenging others.

    Another reason is that some ppl simply can't find enough high-ranked players in their area(they usually don't live in Tokyo), but they love the thrill of ranking matches, so they start another card and what do they do? They start challenging players for ranking matches.

    Whether their actions are justified is indeed debatable, but hey this is how the world works. You wouldn't be complaining if he had lost right? Afterall, Its not like you haven't defeated name-ranked players before so its not impossible.

    I suggest you concentrate on improving your game and not worry so much about such things, I think the same old story is going to be played out in EVO as well, so you gotta cool it. /versus/images/icons/grin.gif
  12. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Good points, but we're all allowed to bitch. I wouldn't have complained as much had I lost, but I didn't, so here we are. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    As for the sphere-holding cards. Yes, we all do it. I've even got one, but to get the card up to 2-dan, I used MY OWN shodan cards at a non-busy game center, as I'd feel bad knocking down other shodan players. That's just too mean.

    While we're on the topic though, I was playing w/ my 7-dan Aoi the other day. Beat a 7-dan Wolf, then a 7-dan Kage jumps in. He had 193 wins & like 50 losses. However, I'm 95% sure based on his name that he was a name-ranked. Meijin or so if memory serves. I've seen his name on VF.net. Got to the 5th round, and kicked his ass with an excellent. The Wolf jumped back in, and I beat him as well. Next day, I beat a different 7-dan wolf twice, so I'm back up to 8-dan, so I can't comlain too much.

    Also, beating the guy that knocked me down in Evo 3 out of 3 times felt pretty good.
  13. Neo

    Neo Well-Known Member

    Actually I don't think it will be possible to use my GF's phone /versus/images/icons/frown.gif

    How much do you know about the PC VF.net?

    Do you reckon I could use it considering I won't have my own PC.

    Damn I really want to use VF.net, maybe I could rent a mobile or something.......
  14. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    Aoi beating Wolf and Kage

    <font color="white"> playing w/ my 7-dan Aoi the other day. Beat a 7-dan Wolf, then a 7-dan Kage jumps in. He had 193 wins & like 50 losses. However, I'm 95% sure based on his name that he was a name-ranked. Meijin or so if memory serves. I've seen his name on VF.net. Got to the 5th round, and kicked his ass with an excellent. The Wolf jumped back in, and I beat him as well. Next day, I beat a different 7-dan wolf twice, so I'm back up to 8-dan, so I can't comlain too much.</font color> <font color="33ffcc"> Excellent GP-san. What round openers do you prefer against Wolf and Kage? What specific moves do you "go to" when Wolf is opponent. ..same last question for Kage. /versus/images/icons/blush.gif BTW- By applying your suggested strats w/ Aoi I've actually been doing better w/ Aoi in arcade than with any other characters, which has surprised me. /versus/images/icons/blush.gif /versus/images/icons/shocked.gif </font color> /versus/images/icons/crazy.gif thx for all your input. /versus/images/icons/grin.gif <font color="#666666"> I play almost everyday against wifey and on Saturday at arcade against all players willing to challenge.</font color> If the answers to my questions are the same as outlined in your excellent Aoi Guide posted on 27/06/2002 in Character section please disregard my spamming your post. /versus/images/icons/blush.gif
  15. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Re: Aoi beating Wolf and Kage

    Yamato: VF.net for PC will be the cheapest and IMHO best way to go. It should be out by then. You need a dricas account which you can likely create from anywhere in the world if you can make out the characters. Might need to use your GF's address though. I can't recall what the Dricas account costs. VF.net is 400 yen a month. The killer w/ VF.net is the packet costs when connecting w/ iMode or J-Sky -- my phone bill was $300 one month, and I promptly started using the PC. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    Wolf, I've gotten much better with. Until Evo comes out, I wouldn't be in the habit of reversing too much, as that shoulder really does a LOT of damage, as does his giant swing. The only continuously aggressive attack Wolf has with any distance is [P][P][6][P][4][P]. On that note, [4][4][P]+[K][G] is a decent round opener. As for other stuff --- well, depends on the person... just be sure he doesn't dodge you too much, and watch out for low throws, as he's got 3.

    Kage: I suck w/ Kage round openers. He's decievingly quick. [4][P]+[K]+[G] isn't bad, and of course dodging in the event he doesn't coming punching in. My main advice is to not punch low too much. If so, you're begging for his dodge attack, or elbow. Also don't do [P][P][P][K] to much, as his [3][P] easily keeps him out of harms way, and floats you by the 3rd punch. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  16. Neo

    Neo Well-Known Member

    Re: Aoi beating Wolf and Kage

    Thanks for the info GP. I guess that I would have to pay by credit card right? So I take it after you create the VF.net account you just have to log in to Dricas. If I have any problems about it after I arrive could you help me out please......

    and regarding vs. Wolf or Kage round openers

    *f p+k,(p)
    *crouching back
    *b p+k+g

    *f p+k
    *b,b p+k or b,b p+k ,g cancel
  17. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Re: Aoi beating Wolf and Kage

    Kewl info -- I'll give those a shot. I try [6][P]+[K] w/ Kage sometimes, but doesn't always work. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    About the Dricas thing, just PM me a month or so before you come and we can try to figure it out. I'm pretty sure you can pay by CC for VF.NET, but I'm not sure how Dricas works now. I got my account via my Dreamcast, which it was defaulted to do. I'll try to dig around a bit though.
  18. Neo

    Neo Well-Known Member

    Re: Aoi beating Wolf and Kage

    OK! Thanks a lot GP

    I'm not sure how the Aoi round openers got in to this topic but never mind /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  19. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Yet another tale of these punk ass niggas. Sorry to bring up a relatively dead thread, but I saw it more fitting than starting a new one. Hopefully it'll be a story of hapiness and inspiration to all.

    Minding my business, playing w/ my 7-dan Shun on my lunch break. A 7-dan Aoi comes in, and beats me. I try again, and he beats me again -- it should be no wonder, he played exactly like I do. I never reallized how useful my little guide was until it was used on me. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    Anyways, figuring I"d just get bumped back down to 6-dan, and that my Shun wasn't up to par w/ Aoi (I've only played against two different Aoi's since Evo came out, and only beat one of them) I got out my 6-dan Lion and one, in the 5th round, barely. So this stupid wanker, toying with his existence, pulls out a 6-dan Aoi card. (I know it was the same guy, as it wasn't crowded, and I could see his reflection in the glass.) So, a split second before I went and ripped his card out and told him what a hack he was, I decided to humor him, as my Lion is relatively healthy. And as such, I smoked him, knocking his fake card down to 5-dan. Hehe. Bastard. He then got out a Lion (2-kyu) and beat me after a couple of matches. Got out my Aoi, and spanked him. He LEFT the game center after that, only to show up 2 to 3 minutes later, to play my Aoi, on another machine. He beats my Aoi, then I beat his. He leaves and comes back yet again, for a few more ass-whippings courtesy of GP, and I finally had to get back to work. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  20. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Think you'd ever work up the nerve to walk up and rip a card out of someone's machine? That'd make quite a scene.

    If you do it, bring the camcorder.

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