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Goh vs. Shun Help!!

Discussion in 'Goh' started by SanFran_MAN, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. SanFran_MAN

    SanFran_MAN Well-Known Member

    Tsumaki Kid
    Recently I was in a Ranked match against this Shun player who was ranked as a warrior, when the match started I started noticing that most of my attacks were useless all through the match, but I managed to get one round win on him I mostly noticed that he used alot of the sliding moves which gave him an advantage to his drinking guage and by the end of the match I got so salty just because I felt so powerless against this guy are there any tips on how I can manage not to get caught into his attacks?
  2. Demonstormlord

    Demonstormlord Active Member

    You are going to need to be more specific if you want real help! Did you save the replay? Consider fighting this guy again and saving a replay if you did not save the first one

    In general, Shun is going to be better at poking than Goh, so fighting at range is a disadvantage for you. Also, Shun has a very large bag of tricks to dig into on unfamiliar opponents, consider going through Shuns moves in Dojo to get a general feel for what he can do.

    Finally, you need to control Shuns drink gauge! Left alone, Shun will increase his dp quite fast, and past 16+, he becomes quite powerful, in addition to unlocking some very useful moves. Use whatever attacks Goh has that sober Shun up! Of the top of my head, the second hit of [3][P],[P] sobers 1 dp, and Tsukami [4][P]+[G] as well as Tsukami [6][P]+[G] sober 2 dp. Go into Dojo mode or look at VFDCs command list to find out what sobers Shun. [​IMG]
  3. hseiken1

    hseiken1 Well-Known Member

    You must be talking about REPEAT OFFENDA. [​IMG] That guy's so gimmicky...lol
  4. SanFran_MAN

    SanFran_MAN Well-Known Member

    Tsumaki Kid
    Yeah I think that's who I was facing lol
  5. Jide

    Jide The Super Shinobi Silver Supporter

    I could help if you gave me some footage?

    What I will say is that Goh's catch throw will scoop up Shun even though he is laying down.

    [K] and [3] [P] [P] are good for hitting him off the ground.

    Try and finish a round with [K]
    Sober him by doing [3] [K]+[G] [9] [P]+[K] [3] [K] + [G].

    If Shun gets to high drinks.. You're fighting a losing battle.. LOL
  6. TSF

    TSF Active Member

    don't you mean [6][K]+[G], [9][P]+[K], [6][K]+[G] ?
  7. Jide

    Jide The Super Shinobi Silver Supporter

    Yeah sorry. No idea why I put that command in.
  8. SanFran_MAN

    SanFran_MAN Well-Known Member

    Tsumaki Kid
    It always feels as I have to put the pressure on the Shun player, instead of picking my spots where I could possibly have an advantage from a distance where Goh is good at range, but don't get me wrong Goh can be really dangerous up close.
  9. MalahkAngel

    MalahkAngel Active Member

    Yeah, I have an assload of difficulty with Shun players. I'm usually pretty good with yomi but Shun's erratic movements tend to throw me off. The one way I've really found to even kind of deal with Shun is like the guy above me said. Just keep the pressure on. Instead of going for those huge damaging combos, stick to close-range quick pokes. Try to move around him and just keep poking. I find 3PP and 2_6(33)P+K to be pretty effective if used correctly.

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