Good Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by westtrade, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. TheHolyVagabond

    TheHolyVagabond Well-Known Member

    ggs to:

    KaminariOyaji - Fighting you makes me realize how much I need to improve my Aoi. Right now, I don't know how to chaneg my offense up to do more types of moves. So I end up being too predictible on offense. Your Sarah's too good for me to have so many moments of hesitancy.

    Jaaaaaaaamn - Fun. I dominated early, you dominated late. And I started to get sleepy late. It was fun though. It's hard to chase Jacky a lot because I know that's playing into his hands. But I know if I can get in, I can take you with the FL.

    ggs to Killaken07 and some people I forgot as well
  2. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    Ouch. You don't know. Maybe i really, really suck at the game and do have to put in a lot of work to mix up lei's mid,low, throw game. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crazy.gif DoNt JuDgE mE
  3. turpenoid

    turpenoid Member

    Good late night games to Shobu Kasaijin and SilentNephilim. Those were awesome, Kasaijin.
  4. SilentNephilim

    SilentNephilim Well-Known Member

    GGs to WEIAND 8 71, QueenofCarnage2, MOD3L, turpenoid, and everyone else I played! ^_^
  5. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    ggs to gentleman theif. so good. so frustrating. inspires me to try and get better.
    ggs to WEIAND. if you haven't played him yet, you should make it a point to. I always like playing you, u have such an interesting take on Jeff. So different from most. I really like that. Sometimes i get the feeling u sacrifice the best options just so that you can play your very own style of jeffry. Props on that.
  6. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    GGs ZeroEx (Zeextremekid) - You're the first Akira I've fought against so far. Interesting to play against him as he doesn't have the same feel from VF4E.

    Also, fought against a good Jacky who had a hell of a poking game. Couldn't remember his name if I wanted to as it was a random string of letters (IE: jpkflkjfwkljelnfjewpov).

    Both of you handed me my rear a lot, but I am gonna keep working at El Blaze and losing just helps me learn. Blaze is quite fun, but he is still just awkward feeling. Gotta figure out his tricks. Plus the Xbox 360 controller blows. I miss my NAMCO joystick. QQ
  7. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    another OG playah just got on xbox live /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  8. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    You know I just realized I'm probably more than twice as old as you... and you're a better player than me already... why do I keep playing this damn game? Lau and Jacky? Do you have a main anymore?
  9. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    Yes, somewhere along the lines our connection quality has suffered. The sessions where you end up bowing out b/c the lag is too much are the ones that run perfectly smoothly for me, and when i'm having issues it seems to be just fine for you. its a little disappointing to say the least. but even in a moderately laggy environment its still fun, whoever is getting the butt end of it simply has to adjust and adapt, and they are still competitie and entertaining.

  10. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Lol, good one. I use to think that maybe you were too serious (more than your bro for sure) but this made me lol, thanks /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif And I don't mean to offend but if this game was perfectly balanced the characters would all have the same DMP+K's, throw damage, hit box detection, etc. Hence, it would prob be boring /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  11. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    ohh noo, tony, don't let that joker make you think he's serious. our childhood was one of constant laughter, fun, and shennanigans. JB consistently brought 30% of the funny on a night-in night-out basis (of course i brought 70%, but i'm just fuckin hilariuos, no slight to him!).

    srsly tho, he is probably the funniest person i know, i mean, when he's not busy getting sucked into pyramiad schemes and all, but even that holds a certain innate funny, amirite?
  12. ultralewis

    ultralewis Well-Known Member

    GG`s to...

    SoulKatana - I never played your jefferey before only your kage. either way it was fun as i got more of my goh practice in.

    Weiand - I do not play many jefferey players online so its refreshing playing against you. i should stop charging after you when i knock you down i got punished like hell for doing so.

    OhNoYouDidnt VF - Nice games and a good connection today. your game was tough as Lei Fei lots of different attacks/hard to read etc. also i have a bad habbit of repeating my mix ups and you begin to notice them so the effectiveness wears off quite quickly.

    SCHAKAL81 - Your Shun scares me. I find myself being hit out of most things. im gonna need to study some combo`s and attacks that will sober you up.

    ZeroEx - Long time since our last game. Did not do to great to begin with. thankfully i smartened up and gave you some more challenging fights. your defense is getting rather good i must say.

    Mana Knight08 - Since the last time we played you seem to have taken on some more new characters. I enjoyed the Akira mirror matches. i am by no means great with akira but i hope you noticed a few of my mix ups for him. just glad i managed a SPoD, i should try using them a bit more often. other moves i should try using more of are the single palm and 1 frame knee.

    Also GG`s to anyone else i may of missed.
  13. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Good games to Dblax20. Fun times.
  14. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    SoulKatana, sorry I forgot to put you in my last GGs shoutout. Fun games, very intense and aggressive Kage.
  15. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    Great games to Methylidene your Akira and gave my Lion a harder time than your Sarah did and your assumption that Sarah is a weak character is something I don't agree with at all. If that is what you believe then I won't stop you from believing it that is your opinion.

    Good games to SilentNephilim as well, that aoi is as nasty as ever.
  16. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    ggs to borisofwhales. Nice long set. Everytime i play lion it is definitely a learning experience. His off axis move can be tough to deal with, especially while rising.
    ggs to blahzie. As alwasy, represents brad in a strong way.
  17. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    oh yeah, ggs to kamanari oyaji as well.
  18. SilentNephilim

    SilentNephilim Well-Known Member

    GGs to ShadooLord1979, AbidingSet, WEIAND 8 71, and everyone else I played! ^_^
  19. SoulKatana

    SoulKatana Well-Known Member

    haha no prob. bro. ; )

    GGs to followin' players i played in the last time:

    - Truesonic2K - good & funny jeff/jeff games! ROFL@youtube ^_^
    - DrFamilia - short but nice playtime, hope 2 meet u again ; )
    - OhNoYouDidnt VF - awesome akira/kage games! thank u!
    - Phanter NeoGeo - the counter god... still awesome!
    - mataare - allways good'n clean games bro.
    - UltraLewis VFDC - haha yeah ggs goh/jeff was very interestin'
    - pjklmmtqjipohik - funny wolf/jeff games! (what means ur nick?!)
    - social ruin - man i HAAAATE lei fei's stagger combos...
    - SeedyRomme - never saw him before, but he send me a ggs msg.
    - WSTSD obi 1 - also new 2 me... ggs
    - bigboss 1806 - nice but crazy mixed games. haha ggs ^_^
    - ThaBlackJew - clean ggs.

    thank u guys, cu online!


  20. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    He also has a pretty mean Jacky with a sick poke game.

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