Good Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by westtrade, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    Same to you.

    I hope you explore what Jacky's options are back turned. He can be a bastard, but I could stop everything you did by blocking low. I'm sure it's been discussed in the Jacky Dojo or in his wiki pages, but I have to confess I don't check those out much. You need to find some mid-level mix up.
  2. Zym_Dragon

    Zym_Dragon Active Member

    ggs to everyone I played the last few days. I played well against some and not so well against others.

    Panther: While I may have shown up, I don't think I was really there for that match. I'll make you work harder for your win next time.

    LA Akira: Thanks again for the matches and tips.

    xx Shao xx: Glad I am starting to figure out your Shun. It was quite a shock to get trounced by your Pai and Lei Fei though.

    NanoMario: Not sure if you visit this site since you are from Japan, but I wanted to say good games. Our connection was rather good and I learned some nice tricks from your Pai.
  3. xx_Shao_xx

    xx_Shao_xx Active Member



    zym dragon: my shun was not doing what shun do the other night. I tried to find you to land some knees with jeffrey too /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif but everytime i tried to join it was taken. Good work, you have expanded your offensive game immensely, this will only help in the future.

    ayufanboy, quit breaking the random match function!!!!!

    and everyone else i've played over the weekend.
  4. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    GGs to my groundhog squad for their constant support. I appreciate you guys; I wonder how good I can get?

    GGs to Flash tonight! You had me cracking up man.
  5. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    ggs to *gulp* templario. I think he's better than people give him credit for, but he's earned his bad reputation. Still, he plays several characters at a good level. And then...he afterwards he pms me that "u've leveled up social ruin. U have some good combos and a cute style."
    lol, oh well, i knew what i was getting.

    ggs to dennis. Excellent movement. Nice oki. I knew you wouldn't stay long so i felt extra pressure to (hopefully) play well. Hmmm, i had mixed success at playing well. Nice wolf. All ur characters, in my limited experience vs u, are real solid. I like that since it's the weakness of my playstyle.

    If i knew i could get good games every night i'd reinvest myself in the game and start the grind again, rather than fading into a casual status. Hate to say it, but i've thought about main-ing SFIV for it's full community /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  6. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    ggs social~
    sorry I couldn't stay longer coz something came up and I need to left that movement. Nice Lei Fei and I need to learn some lecture from you!!! Lei can always keep fresh by different players, a lot of set ups need to be used to. Fucking Lei!!! Haha~~
  7. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    ggs to erdraug. Man, it was a night for taking a beating last night. I was getting whooped all over the damn place. Not a good night for me since i'm not good at taking my lumps /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif

    Thanks for giving me a dose of humility everyone. As much as i hate it, it's good for me and reminds me how much i need to focus on and improve. I just hope my joystick can take it, it almost died on me when i went judo slam on it.
  8. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    GGs to social_ruin (the beatings went both ways /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif ) and zeextremekid (thank you for putting up with my Lion's antics). Also ggs to Light K and SpareDifference, playing Sarah defensively must be hard.
  9. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Quoted for truth! Good games to Marlyjay and Happyfriend Lau yesterday.

    Marly: I dont know what exactly you were doing in the last few matches. You just stopped moving. Oh well, Good games for the matches you actually played.

    Happyfriend: Thanks for sticking around to beat me up for 2 hours lol. I actually was able to start figuring out your jeffery but I am not quite sure you were playing as best you could. Either way, next time Ill improve just like last time. Suprisingly I got more than 10 wins this time around! Though i wonder if they were real wins lol. Either way, GOOD GAMES!
  10. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    GG's to Zym Dragon, Ayufanboy, Tatsuki(Ghetto Grind / None Other), Silent Nephilim(sorry don't know spelling) and anyone else I may have forgotten.

    AyaSempai VFDC - Sorry man, but every time you invite me it's always moments to late or I'm AFK. I excepted your invite, but before I could exit the match I was hosting, Ghetto Grind joined LOL so I played him 1 match then exited to join you, but you already found someone. So I went back to playing him.

    I'll try to look for you tonight.
  11. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Big thanks to Paper Lion01 for lots of games last night.
  12. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Yeah i guess i have bad luck with stuff like that, Either way. Looking forward to playing with you again man!
  13. Fu_unji_kun

    Fu_unji_kun Well-Known Member

    GGs to many people lately.

    GGs to...Rodney, Jesse, Mista Tee VFDC, AssasinCP and anyone I've played lately.

    I was using my friends account "ghetto grind" yesterday and last Saturday for improve my Jacky.

    Also in the past, I was using other friends account "bgsniper21" (or 23? I already forgot, lol)

    to Jesse. long time we didn't play (like half years? i think...), and we finally played yesterday, I think you got alot better! thanks for kicking my Jacky's ass. haha How was my nasty Shun's wall combo? lol

    And my friends and I were so surpurised when you asked me "Tastuki?" we were like "whaat?!! how did he figure out?!!!" but that was really funny. haha

    to Rodney. damn! you kicked my Jacky's ass with your Kage too! yeah I think you guys got alot better now, I was wondering if I can use my Shun next time, but I don't think you like to fight against Shun though...

    to Mista Tee. kicked my Jacky's ass too! lol I wish I could play you more...we need to play again soon! I think I'll be on wednesday for sure, so let's play! if possible...
  14. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    You can use your Shun anytime Tatsuki... really I don't think anyone likes to fight Shun, but they just deal with it.
  15. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    GGs Tatsuki!!

    I too think I have overall become better against a wide variety of playstyles. However... your Shun completely kicked my ass, even more than before. I can't figure out why I am so at a loss when we play.

    Yes, your wall combo is FUCKING nasty!!! Congrats on using Shun's 46P+K with success!
  16. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    out of curiosity,

    can you guys tell me what the wall combo was?

    and lol@ rodney, too true. (hope u don't mind me calling you rodney, not sure if we are on a first name basis :D)
  17. Mista_tee

    Mista_tee Well-Known Member

    AHAHAHAHAHAAH that was you!!! I was like who is this 1kyu Jacky player? He's good but he's trying to 2p my FL too much. Poor guy. LOL. I check your friend list and I see we have "none other" in common. Then a moment latter I see none other comes on. LOL I was going to ask you if you knew who this guy was.
    Yeah I want to face your shun more. I think we know each others tricks a little to well. very nice matches. sorry I had to go because I had dance class. What time Wed?? I can only play late weds cause I am working all day. I'll use my shun. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  18. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    It's not truly a wall combo, more so a wall flowchart. I can't remember if it starts off with /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/b.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif but that is the move that is used. Basically he did that, then /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif, then repeated.

    Actually it can be somewhat of a combo if you slam into the wall but not fall down. It's nasty and drains the life out of you.
  19. TheUgg

    TheUgg Well-Known Member

    I played templario yesterday and wow, this guy does not ever stop attacking. There is no blocking,evading or use of spacing involved, just as soon as the round starts, he will insanely mash every combo/string he knows.

    And this is coming from me, a person who has a very abare style. I asked him after the match (which I lost) if hes ever heard of blocking, and he sent me a message saying "his style is the one of full attack" which may work well against me, but will definately not get him far against alot of other players online.

    The guy obviously knows how to play but chooses to overwhelm opponents with a maniacal flurry of inputs...ah well if it works then all the power to him
  20. Fu_unji_kun

    Fu_unji_kun Well-Known Member

    okay I think I'll be on tomorrow around 3PM to 8PM? I don't know what time I'll be playing yet, more than that, I might not able to play VF tomorrow...Well but I'll try anyway.

    Well, I don't know many of Jacky's stuff, and I love to use nitaku from 2P, so that's why I used 2P alot. lol

    I can figure out FL with Shun, but still FL is hard stance for me since I don't use Sarah...haha Maybe I should use her sometimes.

    Like Jesse said, it's not exactly wall combo, but it is wall combo. lol

    If you get hit Shun's 46P+K, you can't guard next Shun's (chokarou stance)P(P). (well I think, at least frame data says you can't guard/dodge it), and Shun's 64P or chokarou stance's P will hit you to the wall, and then you need to recover it, but it almost impossible to recover when Shun tries to do something right after attack.

    so what I did was 46P+K(hit)-(chokarou stance)P(wall hit)-46P+K-(chokarou stance)PP.

    also, Chokarou stance's P will decrease 2DP from shun, and as everybudy knows, that JHow guy always tries to get DP as he can get, so I also tried to decrease his DP.

    well, I hope you will understand my really poor english, if you have question about this combo, let me know. I'll try to explain you.

    (I tried to find a vid that has that wall combo, but I couldn't find it...)

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