Hori Real Arcade Pro (360) out 29Dec08 in the USA

Discussion in 'Console' started by Gernburgs, Nov 16, 2008.

  1. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    Re: Hori Real Arcade Pro (360) out 29Dec08 in the

    I actually got some omron from the sanwa website in Japan, I never used cherry but I heard they are extra soft, so the stick doesen't go back to neutral as fast.
  2. ZeroEx

    ZeroEx Well-Known Member

    Re: Hori Real Arcade Pro (360) out 29Dec08 in the

    I got mine from Renchi.com, ages ago.
    Some of the guys who had sessions at Neo-Empire or at my place, have had a chance to see and try out the stick.

    Personally I think it's awesome, everything is pretty precise. The layout is annoying tho, but you can either get used to it or re-arrange the buttons.

    First thing I did when I got mine was swap out the Hori buttons for Sanwas. I also changed the ball top for the stick.

    If anyone needs help with anything let me know, I can help you out.

    I've also got pictures if you need to know what the insides look like and how to take it apart, and put it ack together.

    It's pretty easy.
  3. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    Re: Hori Real Arcade Pro (360) out 29Dec08 in the

    Finally go the stick!

    OK, first of all, you pretty much need to open it up to remove the plastic cover, and to swap buttons.

    The metal place is like a mirror and I would have preferred a rougher surface.

    The stick is huge and it's quite weird to use at first after so long spend on a EX2.

    The positive thing is that this is the last stick I wil ever need because modding it is so convenient. Let's just hope the Xbox 360 lasts a few more years!

    More impression to come after I get a chance to play some more.
  4. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Re: Hori Real Arcade Pro (360) out 29Dec08 in the

    Looking forward to hearing more Matt.

    Let's hope it improves your game, because...damn. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/tired.gif
  5. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    Re: Hori Real Arcade Pro (360) out 29Dec08 in the

    OK, I posted some pics of the mod in the gallery, crap quality though....

    One of the weird things about a New Stick is that buttom placement is hard to get used to. The old Agetec stick was:

    X Y

    A B

    And that made a lot of sense, but the EX2 was:

    B X Y


    And that doesen't make a lot of sense at all, but since I have been using it for the past 2 years I got used to it!

    So anyway, The Hrap EX is like this:

    RT X Y RS

    LT A B LS

    TBH there are too many damn Buttons lol, so I got rid of the last 2 buttons on the right side, and it's already better. I disconnected the wires and put some sticky tape around them, I probably will never see them again.

    One Strange thing of VF5 though is that you have to select your figher with the A button, but then to start fighting you have to push P. Thing is, A is not always P, so confusion ensues. I know I could just rewire A to the P button, but what if one of my friends whant to adjust the button setting? we would be there for days.

    Sega should make it so that A is always confirm, not the P button in short...

    Regarding the stick itself, It will not make a scrub like me in to a champ, but at least I will not have to worry about soldering and fucking up yet another EX2 6 months down the line.

    Conclusion: Good, but need time to get used to. I kinda liked the size and feel of the DC agetec better.
  6. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Re: Hori Real Arcade Pro (360) out 29Dec08 in the

    I recommend one of two options regarding button layout (you can change it by switching wires).

    a.) make it so that the VF5 game's "default" layout corresponds to what you want. So you can just press "default" when selecting buttons. This is what I have in my own stick.

    b.) make it the same as EX2 so you dont have to change the layout when playing with friends with EX2's
  7. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    Re: Hori Real Arcade Pro (360) out 29Dec08 in the

    Manji, I will think about what you suggested, but when I was loking at it yesterday I could not get my head around the fact that the VF5 default buttons placement is wrong, but then you have to press A to select a mode, then P to select a fighter.

    Normally in VF4, once you change the default buttons placement, then you dont have to worry about pressing P, just the usual X to confirm, 0 to go back.

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