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How and when did you find (yourself playing) VF?

Discussion in 'General' started by CobiyukiOS, Sep 4, 2008.

  1. CobiyukiOS

    CobiyukiOS Well-Known Member

    I remember the first time I played VF seriously. It was in September 2006, and VF5 was in its early days. I was on a school trip to Japan, which I very nearly missed, when we got into Akihabara, Tokyo in the schedule. I happen to find the Club Sega nearby, I couldn't miss it. In the bottom floor was a disco theme I didn't get, and a whole floor full of VF goodness. It was the only game I played there, I played for two games, playing Vanessa for both games. I beat the computer easily, but got whooped 3-1 in both challenges.

    I also had a demo of VF4 Evo for PS2 from what is now known as Official PlayStation Magazine Australia. And I happen to still have it. And I happen to have the issue with the article where they review VF5 and Narayan "Naz" Pattison had an interview with Myke. There was photoshopped pictures of them beating each other up to a pulp in the game. I haven't asked permission to put the images here, because I don't plan to.
  2. Shidosha

    Shidosha Well-Known Member

    Ur Not Shidosha
    I'm actually gonna answer this cuz its funny...

    I actually played VF since the first one but i was too young to remember any of it actually. the most recent memory i can share is when my DOA4 broke and i had no fighters to hold me off... I was known for trashing all my friends in DOA and they had the nerve to say "man you play DOA ALL THE TIME!!! TRY THAT SHIT IN A NEW FIGHTING GAME WE ALL START AT THE SAME TIME! I said Okay fine (you fucking crybabies)... my cousin from ct said the same to me (i was living in GA at the time)
    so he sends me a copy of VF5 and i rape him with pai... got my name from my yip kick shenannegins and proceeded to rape my room mates as well!!! afterwards i met a friend who looked like jeffry... so to make fun of him i started picking jeff every time he was in the room (he was around alot)!!! and here I am today!
  3. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    It came out on the 360 last year.

    True story.
  4. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    around late 93 or early 94 basically whenever the first one dropped i was on it in playland arcade.I was a Lau player because he could stomp twice lol! I became a Jacky fan in VF@ after seeing his Beat Knuckle and Soccer kick. They tone down the violent animation on the kick in VF3 LOL!
  5. quash

    quash Well-Known Member

    the christmas my brother got a saturn it came with vf2, so... 95 probably?

    then i remember getting vf3 for dreamcast in like ~2000, then i got vf4 in ~02.

    it was in 03 when the boardwalk got their vf4 cab and it was there for about a year. there were some half-decent players that came along every so often.

    then last february, my friend had just gotten a ps3 and vf5. we played for hours that week.
  6. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    My first contact was this: Got a VFR PC disc and Saturn pads as a freebie with the pc my parents bought back in 95 or 96. I played that game for some eight years. Managed to Grand master the ranking mode once with Akira, didn't know all the moves, nor frames, nothing, I was ecstatic for days.

    Later I rediscovered my love for fighting games through emu's. Bought a PS2 in 2004 (to reward myself for passing the exams for the five subjects I failed the year before in college), got KoF, VF, Tekken, SFA, the lot, and I automatically gravitated toward VF4E. Somehow, between all the stuff I tried all at the same time VF had a system that seemed logical to me, we just clicked.

    With the advent of the PS3 and VF5 I hooked up with some other guys (initially NGKrush, Spoon and Sofiane) who wanted to play the game and I turned to competitive play instead of AI-only work.
  7. Sidna7

    Sidna7 Well-Known Member

    XD I use to pick Lau in VF2 for the same exact reason...that double stomp was just bone-crushing brutal. *sigh* why did they take it out?

    I played since VF1 but only really got into VF5 (6 months ago) after getting my ass handed to me by a very thoughtful Wolf player...and realizing how much greater of a fighter it is than the rest.

    Sometimes it just takes a beating to smarten up heh
  8. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    I seen the original in an arcade in oklahoma city, ok and thought it was just completely awesome being all polygon. I used akira, i love the way he played back then (much more than now) all his slippery action AND reversals (maybe he just had those on the saturn). Then me and my bro rented the saturn a few occasions just to play #2 i think it was, maybe 3, whatever was on the saturn, when shun was brand new. those were the days. have always loved it, but the 360 primarily just for it and it is the game i play 99% of the time. worth every penny of a 400+ dollar system. long live online play. i know many hate it, but its made the difference b/w 100 hours of gameplay and 1000 hours of gameplay, some of us just don't have the resources to play more than one person (if that) locally.
  9. MP

    MP Well-Known Member

    was on holiday @ Center Parcs, and i saw a VF1 cabinet in the small arcade within their sports center. (this was a long time ago about 94 i think) I loved how everything was in 3D and it was so different to the MK's & SF's i grew up playing. (i remember playing as Kage on my first go) and from then on i wanted to get a Sega Saturn and VF2, years later i bought VF4:Evo to check out the series again, enjoyed it and started (well i tried) to play it more competitively, and been following everything Virtua Fighter ever since. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  10. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    I played vf1 for a few months and even made a moves list guide with a friend that we were selling at family fun arcade for 50 cents. There wasn't much comp for the game and it felt more lke a novelty than anything. Then, some time in '94 I was at pacman arcade in pasadena when I saw vf2 for the first time I watched the intro with shuns kata and I was hooked right from the start. I'd really liked jacky chans drunken master 1 and 2 and seeing some of those movements in the game was really awesome.
  11. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    I knew VF1 as a game, but wasn't interested in it that much. Some time later, when VF2 hit PC I started playing it with my friend. We had a blast. I didn't understand the concept of frames, adv., disadv., among many others, so they game was as serious for me as MK was at that time.

    I skipped VF3, as there were no arcades with it anywhere in Poland (AFAIK) and I never bought Dreamcast. I got back to VF on part 4 and started reading different Faqs and VFDC forum. I learned a lot about the game and started treating it more and more seriously.

    I bought PS3 specifically for VF5, nuff said...
  12. FatalRose

    FatalRose Well-Known Member

    I used to play VF1 all the time at my friends house, and at the arcade before VF2 came out. I sucked pretty bad at it, but it was still loads of fun. Then I bought a Saturn a year or so later, and VF2 came with it. I was hooked!
    I have always loved VF but was never any good at it, I also never really had human comp to play with. But I always appreciated the animation and the effort they put into the martial arts.
  13. Truesonic2k

    Truesonic2k Well-Known Member

    When I was a child I always used to go to roller rinks and my favorite arcade was Virtua Fighter. I remember playing Jeff and Kage having no idea what I was doing but the colors were so vibrant and it was the first 3D Fighter I had ever seen so it was appealing. Many years later I happened to venture into a small local arcade and saw Tekken 4 then saw Virtua Fighter 4 Evo right next to it.

    Once again it was the graphics that drew me to the game. Never before had I seen such a graphic display in a fighter before. I started playing it and really wished I had it for home so I wouldn't have to travel to play it.

    Once again a few years later I go into best Buy and see the discount games and see Virtua Fighter 4 Evo (at this point I had forgotten all about VF) since it was $20 I took it home and played it. Picked up Lion and went to quest mode and fell in love with it, I had never went through so much to learn a game before but Evo did it for me.
  14. Rare_Entity

    Rare_Entity Well-Known Member

    Rare Entity
    I first played VF when I was a little kid and I got VF2 which came with my Sega Saturn.

    Then I briefly played VF3 for Dreamcast. In early 2007, I managed to track down a copy of VF4 Evo for PS2 which I played for about a month.

    When I got an Xbox 360 in Feb.'08 VF5 was the first game I bought for it. I didnt have Xbox Live at first so after a few weeks I moved on to another game. Then a few months ago I started playing this game more seriously, got Xbox Live in July and started playing online.
  15. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah Content Manager Aoi

    I started to play vf1 after i saw it in a shop... i was curios about it becaus i saw the first episode of the anime with a friend...
  16. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    I actually played VF4 for the PS2 and hated it. I played for maybe 5 minutes and felt it was slow and boring compared to Tekken. Then EVO came out and a friend read that VF was far more in depth and faster then Tekken. So we agreed to give it a real try and play it for a few days to see what all the fuss was about. After a full day I loved every second of it. The game was beyond anything Tekken could be. I have been playing every since never looking back /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  17. raspyrateur

    raspyrateur Member

    When I was kid, I played on megadrive and when saturn was launched I stay to the 16bit world, and progressively abandon console for PC.
    But, VF2 was one of the games that have retain my attention by articles I have read, they describe it like a pseudo-realiste game by its gameplay and caracters (specialy the two news fighters, lion and shun di), and as I like the visual of chinese martial arts...
    Time passe, MMO invade PC, and I met a friend that have VF4evo on his PS2, I play with her and discover a kind of new gameplay for me (never touch a fighting game exept... samurai shodown3, in casual way... ^^' ).

    And of course, some months after the revelation of VF4, I buy VF5 and an 360 /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  18. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    I saw VF1 on TV when it first came out and was really impressed with the 3d models. VF1 and 2 and various other fighting games (Killer Instinct, Tekken, KOF) never came out in the places I went to though so I never got a chance to try them. We had SF2, Mortal Kombat Fatal Fury but never got any 3d fighters at the time(maybe too expensive for small shops). I got a Playstation instead of a Saturn so I didn't play VF1 or 2 on console either and ended up getting into Tekken.

    I saw VF3 on Gamesmaster with Kyaso and really liked the look of it and the idea of the of the dodge button.


    (I noticed a couple of people from VFDC watching it again now).

    I played VF3 at the arcade and was amazed at the graphics and artwork seeing it firsthand. I remember Tekken 3, SF3 and VF3 all came out around the same time and VF3 being the one I wanted to play most. I even got a Dreamcast for it, but struggled to get into the game as there was little explanation in the manual and incomplete movelists (limited internet back then too). I gave up on it, when back to it after seeing a great combo vid on sky but gave up again and played Soul Calibur instead.

    I was looking forward to trying again with VF4 which was getting hyped up and again set a new standard in graphics (even though they changed the art style and took away the dodge button and Taka). The console port was disappointing though with butchered graphics compared to the arcade making it look very bland. The game had a very difficult system to learn and the style of movement was tough to adjust to. With little competition and terrible AI I stopped playing it after 6 months.

    VF4:Evo had me very interested again especially the new characters and improved customization. The PS2 port this time was much closer to the arcade version and crucially was gonna have high quality AI and lots of help to learn the game. This finally helped me to understand how I should be playing VF. With that and getting some good competition as well I've stuck with VF ever since.
  19. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    It began when I saw a VF2 arcade machine at an arcade near by house as kid. I was hooked once I started to play it once. I also had a chance to VF3 at the arcade and bought the game on DC. I sold the game and required it again later on. I also saw VF4 evo at the local arcade as well but I was hooked on the console version so I didn't play it much. I didn't even have a real main character until I VF4 and fell in love with pai, vanessa, and aoi. Until then my favorite was Lion but I didn't really try hard I was a 2 KK and pounce spammer back in those days.
  20. biggz316

    biggz316 Well-Known Member

    I played VF1 and 2 way back in the days when I was a kid but never really got the feel for it. Didn’t own a Sega Saturn so I never got to play the console versions for 1n2, VF3 never made it to arcades in the Virgin Islands. By the time VF4 had came out I was like 18 and had became somewhat of a hardcore gamer. I use to always read EGM back then and they gave VF4Evo an awesome review EGM: 10/10, 9/10, 10/10 hailing it as one of the best fighting games ever. I think I bought it for like 30 bucks or something. I was hooked, esp. with the cool quest mode and character characterization. Sadly it felt like no one else played VF in the V.I! Never the less I was already hooked and spent countless hours melting away brain cells playing the A.I which actually was pretty damn good. Ounces again when VF5 came out arcades were completely dead in the V.I, so I read reviews and waited patiently for the console release. At the time it was just me and one friend (Che22) that owned a PS3 and he wasn’t a big VF fan so ended up buying him a copy for his birthday which happened to be the same month the game was released. And the rest is history……am so hooked on VF that I own it for both consoles…not to mention I bought SC4 played it for about the first two weeks and haven’t seen it since….my 360 crashed so am back to playing it on the PS3 until R is released….

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