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I am coming to NYC on Monday

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by adsega, Nov 24, 2001.

  1. adsega

    adsega Well-Known Member

    Hi all,

    I just wondered where the best place to play VF4 is in NY? I am actually taking a week's *vacation* from Monday, my first since gamerweb started, and I was wondering if anyone would be interested in some friendly VF4 matches? I do not profess to represent the best the UK has to offer but at least it would give any NYCers dissing my performance to do so justly! Seriously I would only be looking for some games and a bit of fun. Any advice on where to play in NY? I am staying at 75th/Broadway.
  2. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    Broadway City is your best bet right now, unless the port authority or china town magically get VF4 on Monday. Check out the "VF4 finally hits New York" thread in this forum from a couple of weeks ago for details.
  3. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Just confirming what Yupa said.

    The spot to play at for now is Broadway City located on 42nd St between 7th and
    8th Ave. I go to play or watch every other day and there's always someone there
    playing now, even at $1,25 a game.

    Chinatown Fair has stated they will get it. <YES!!>
    Port Authority *might* get it, a friend told me the manager placed an order for
    it and it will show by the end of the year. No confirmation though.
  4. Big Dipper

    Big Dipper Well-Known Member

    if you are still here dodee... going early to Vf4 broadwaycity this AM
  5. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    he didnt show up on that monday, btw.
  6. Big Dipper

    Big Dipper Well-Known Member

    hope you are still here Adam.
    Chicken Arcade gets it. See you at the chicken arcade Saturday. For those people who haven’t been to NYC. The Chicken Arcade got it’s name many years ago when they actually had a live chicken that could beat 70% of tourists that paid to play Tic Tac Toe against the chicken. Henry, the owner is the best host in NYC for fighting game tournaments. Narrow loud and always bustling Chinatown Fair is my favorite arcade. As you go in the door you must wend your way past the Capcom Vs SNK 2 players and Tekken 4 gamesters to find the new VF4. (Huah!)
    its an arcade in New York City's famous Chinatown on 8 Mott Street. They are open most everyday of the year and is reachable by bus (M12 or M9 bus) or subway (N,R,W,Q,6) trains at Canal Street. Walk east toward Mott and head into the winding street. Terrific Green Tea shop opposite side of street. Cordial restaurant hosts. Sometimes it has the feel of a surreal Shenmue like mystical place. For more info call (212) 964-1542 or visit www.chinatownfair.com nycat,,, Great competition from all over the world to surprise you, like tofu chunks in soup.
    be there at 11 AM today.!
  7. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Nice so if I call the chinatown number wil l they be able to speak english? I'll be up that way in about a week and will definately be up for some vf4 action.

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