Just <3 VF4

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by BK__, Jun 18, 2009.

  1. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    <object width="480" height="295"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/whD1Ro5wZtU"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/whD1Ro5wZtU" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="480" height="295"> </embed></object>

    man this is early EVO.... wow..
  2. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Yeah I jsut realized I got that wrong. Im in no condition to speak about VF now anyway.
  3. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    *cough* character dependent *cough*
  4. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

  5. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Only had time to flick through a few but looks like some good vids there, ill definitely be watching through them tomorrow [​IMG]
  6. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    Another set of vids, Some of my all time favorite memories [​IMG]

    UK Ranking battle!! EZone #1

    F BK__(wolf) vs GeeHo(pai) 1
    F BK__(wolf) vs GeeHo(pai) 2
    F BK__(wolf) vs GeeHo(pai) 3
    F BK__(wolf) vs GeeHo(pai) 4
    SF BK__(wolf)vs Optimus(aoi) 2
    SF BK__(wolf) vs optimus(aoi)1
    SF GeeHo(pai) vs Akairyu(lei) 1
    SF GeeHo(pai) vs Akairyu(lei) 2
    QF Akairyu medion(lei) vs Yuukun(lion) 1
    QF Akairyu medion(lei) vs Yuukun(lion) 2
    QF BK__(wolf) vs Sham(akira) 1
    QF BK__(wolf) vs Sham(kage) 2
    QF BK__(wolf) vs Sham(kage) 3
    QF Jide(lion) vs geeho(pai)1
    QF Jide(lion) vs geeho(pai)2
    QF akairyu(lei) vs prince(aoi)1
    QF akairyu(lei) vs prince(aoi)2

    Ranking Battle, Ezone #2

    Finals Jide(Lion) vs Akairyu Medion (Lei) 1
    Finals Jide(Lion) vs Akairyu Medion(lei)2
    Finals Jide(Lion) vs Akairyu Medion(lei)3
    Finals Jide(Lion) vs Akairyu Medion(lei)4
    Akairyu medion(lei) vs yuukun(lau)1
    Akairyu medion(lei) vs yuukun(lau)2
    Akairyu medion(lei) vs yuukun(lau)3
    Jide(lion) vs geeho(pai)1
    Jide(lion) vs geeho(pai)2
    akairyu(lei) vs prince(aoi)1
    akairyu(lei) vs prince(aoi)2
    optimus(shun) vs ironmike(kage) 1
    optimus(aoi) vs Iron mike(akira) 2
    Jide(Lion) vs Iron Mike(akira)1
    Jide(Lion) vs Iron Mike(akira)2
    Ironmike(kage) vs yuukun(lau)
    Iron Mike(kage) vs Yuukun(Lau)1
    iron Mike(kage) vs yuukun(lau)2
    kneeninja(kage) vs Yuukun(lau)1
    Kneeninja(kage) vs Yuukun(lau)2
    Prize bags

    Ranking battle Ezone #3

    Finals BK__(wolf) vs geeho(pai) 1
    Finals BK__(wolf) vs geeho(pai) 2
    Finals BK__(wolf) vs geeho(pai) 3
    Finals BK__(wolf) vs geeho(pai) 4
    Finals BK__(wolf) vs geeho(pai) 5
    Hatim(aoi) vs Jide (lion) 1
    Hatim(aoi) vs Jide (Lion) 2
    Hatim(aoi) vs Jide (lion) 3
    Hatim(aoi) vs geeho(pai) 1
    Hatim(aoi) vs geeho(pai) 2
    BK__(wolf) vs Jide(lion) 1
    BK__(wolf) vs Jide(lion) 2
    BK__(wolf) vs Jide(lion) 3
    Akairyu(lei) vs geeho(pai) 1
    Akairyu(lei) vs geeho(pai) 2
    optimus(shun) vs hatim(aoi) 1
    optimus(aoi) vs hatim(aoi) 2
    kneeninja(akira) vs jide(lion) 1
    kneeninja(akira) vs jide(lion) 2
    BK__(wolf) vs ironmike(akira) 1
    BK__(wolf) vs ironmike(akira) 2
    prize bags

    Ranking battle Ezone #4

    Finals optimus(shun) vs akairyu medion(lei) full
    Jide(Lion) vs Optimus(shun) full
    prince(aoi) vs geeho(pai)full
    Akairyu medion(lei) vs geeho(pai)full
    Geeho(pai) vs yuukun(lau)full
    Akairyu Medion(lei) vs Jide(lion) full
    geeho(pai) vs optimus(shun) full
    BK__(wolf) vs Akairyu medion(lei) 1
    BK__(wolf) vs Akairyu medion(lei) 2-3

    Ranking battle Ezone #5

    Finals geeho(pai) vs kneeninja(jacky)
    BK__(goh) vs optimus(shun) full
    BK__(goh) vs Kneeninja(jacky)full
    Geeho(pai) vs optimus(shun)full
  7. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    nice one Manji and bk good times [​IMG] , though not the best of play at times some of those matches (down to the wire) are entertaining to watch lol
  8. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    more vids upped. Some Norwegian VF, Netroms Akira combos.
    Also I have otenami haiken 3 vids (VF4E) and Im gonna up them at some point. (Some Minami Akira to come)


    EDIT: ok, otenami videos cant be upped cause youtube converts them to gibberish.. They are of .asf type. Any ideas what to do with them?
  9. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    i also got asf files, youtube handles em fine, but the clips must be less than 10 mins meaning you gotta split them up-
  10. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    No, mine are just one match each. When I uploaded them, the picture was just gibberish. Unwatchable.
  11. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Some of my recent uploaded vids on youtube came out looking what you described.

    The origionals were .mts format and I converted them to .wmv using Vegas Pro 8. Youtube uploaded the newly made .wmv files with no problem.

    You might be able to convert your files using something simple as Windows Movie Maker or virtualdub.
  12. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    No fucking wonder the top players make TE's come out like Water..I knew it was something behind that all along. Not to go off on this but i hate when companies slow games down for casual players.Damn so you can obviously see the throws coming in VF5 speed compared to Evo speed. Please show me more videos i want to know more about Evo.As i watch the vids i notice Evo has a better presentation than VF5.I noticed They do this thing with the shaky cam zoom in during throws that VF5 don't do which presents the game more dramatically. I know im talking too much but this shit is amazing honestly.
  13. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Neither seems to support asf-files..
  14. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

  15. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    There's two things I disagree with here and I'll say why:

    1. "It was a lot faster"
    One or two frame changes in punches hardly qualifies as "a lot faster" in my mind. OK, so throws were 8 frames compared to 12 frames in VF5, this hardly makes the entire game "a lot faster". Aside from the different throw mechanics (clash, etc), VF5 also has 0f throws so the point about throw speeds is kinda moot, IMO. VF4 allowed for fast successive crouch dash cancels which you can't do in our version of VF5, but I've seen glimpses of it in R. Regardless of how fast you can make your character spazzz on screen, I still don't think this makes the gameplay any faster.

    2. "No restriction in canceling movement"
    Excuse me? VF5 has way less restrictions in movement cancels than VF4. In VF4 you can only cancel a failed evade with one thing: a forward crouch dash. In VF5 you can cancel a failed evade with 4 things: a forward dash, a back dash, a forward crouch dash, a back crouch dash. Also, VF5 offers faster and more efficient lateral movement than VF4 with fewer inputs. Compare:

    VF4: [8][3][3][G][6][6]
    VF5: [8][6][6]

    Comparing to VF4, VF5 introduced more ways in which to cancel movement, coupled with easier/less input. Which game was less restrictive again?

    Wait a second now, people aren't making TEs come out (like water even) any different to VF4. Unless you're seeing something that I'm not? Multiple TEing hasn't been made any easier in 5.

    You make it sound like VF5 is being played underwater. The line I highlighted is pretty rich IMO. I don't know of anybody that can see and escape throws on pure reaction. If you can visually discern 4 frames (the difference between 12 and 8) then you have a gift.

    The new throw escape mechanic introduced in 5R is the yutori nagenuke (lenient throw escape) whereby you can simply hold a single TE for as long as you want and you'll successfuly escape that throw's direction. The application of this is you can be standing in a guard with a single TE already primed. But this has nothing to do with the speed at which the attacker is throwing, nor any magical ability to see-and-escape a throw on reaction.

    VF4 Evo was great, but let's not get carried away with nostalgia distorting the facts?
  16. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    The reason I said that, is that as far as I know, in VF5 there are few frames (like 5 or so) after movement inputs after which you can not cancel movement with anything even if you could input the command. In Vf4 there was afaik no restriction so you could cancel evade with CD with arbitrary speed.

    If Im wrong again I apologize, but this is what I meant by restrictions.
  17. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    [/quote] Not to go off on this but i hate when companies slow games down for casual players.[/quote]

    Not to go off topic with this, but I hate when so-called vets go on a binge of rose tinted glasses and start talking shit. VF5? hell yeah it's like underwater jelly while stoned and the jelly is on drugs too!!!!!!!11!!ELEVEN!!
  18. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    If that's really true, was it to done to eliminate ARE? Would stair stepping still be possible though if that restriction was there?
  19. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">No fucking wonder the top players make TE's come out like Water..I knew it was something behind that all along.</div></div>

    you see TEG alot more in VF4 because of the restriction.
    you can hardly do anything without a TE input after -3 (depending on character).

    i remember sitting at home busting out DTEGs at -10, ahh man those days.

    i guess it was just dicipline.
  20. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    The problem with VF4 as far I can tell, is that the old P/2P--Throw is even more effective that it is now.

    I know that's considered a staple move in VF system, but as we are often talking of making VF more approchable to the newcomers, I feel that this particular trick is somehow off-putting.

    I await the flames from the vets now.

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