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Kurita interviews Aoki in Dengeki Online

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Jan 30, 2025.

By akai on Jan 30, 2025 at 10:15 PM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Kurita interviews Aoki for Dengeki Online, asking a lot of questions that I think many VF fans would want to hear his replies to. It is a long interview and you should check out the original Dengeki Online article! I also wrote my notes from the article below. The article was published on January 28, 2024 but the interview took place before Frosty Faustings tournament.
    Image modified from Dengeki Online
    How REVO got started
    - After VF5US/VFeS was released, Aoki wanted to make a VF product that meets the requests of fans - rollback, PC, game balance adjustment.

    - Planning for REVO started around the release of VF5US/VFeS in 2021. Actual preparation work started January 2024.

    - Two hurdles to overcome for a game in which the last game balance update was 13 years ago -
    1. Rebuilding the development environment to allow game adjustments
    2. Bringing the original staff in charge of balance adjustments. Only one or two members of the staff is still at the company. Others are not part of the company and was contacted for the team up.
    - Actual game development started in June 2024 with just a text file basically of frame data. They had to rebuild the "development environment" that would allow them to actually test and make the adjustments they want to the game.

    - The team had 13 years to dwell on changes/adjustments they wanted to make and likely made some changes too extreme, like Eileen's infamous rice planting attack ([1][P][+][K][P], official move name Enkō Sōtekitō, Monkey Picks Peaches Twice)

    Balance Adjustments and Game Updates
    - While some strong characters were adjusted slightly to be less strong, the overall changes was an upward adjustment for most characters. Goal was not to lose the uniqueness of the characters while looking at weak or difficult to use techniques.

    - [P]/[6_][P] change was to tune it for players using game pads.

    - Weight difference in characters plays an important role in game balance, adjustment was made to reduce complexity.

    - The most difficult thing and what seem to gave Aoki the most headaches (and he repeatedly states in the interview) is recreating the "development environment" that would allow them to make changes to the game. 13 years is a long time and the old environment that was used to make changes is completely different from what is being used in present day.

    - Rollback was also difficult to implement since the game was not designed from the ground up to be play with rollback.

    Frequency of Game Adjustments and Updates
    - Ask about plans for additional major updates to game and the frequency, Aoki mentioned they will make game balance changes as necessary, but no regularly schedule dates for game updates.

    - No plans for major updates to training mode, new characters, new stages, or new techniques. Kurita continue asking about this making note that some characters such as Aoi, Eileen, Jean, and Taka did not get any past techniques brought back to REVO. Aoki interestingly commented that in order to make balance adjustments, not only are techniques added back to the game, but existing techniques maybe removed or "sealed."

    - Kurita asked if stagger recovery mechanic would be removed (Kurita apparently is not a fan of stagger recovery!). Aoki mentions VFers are used to it, so he would not go as far to eliminate the mechanic. Both Aoki and Kurita, however, agreed it is quite stressful and would prefer to have new players deal with less "stressful" situations.

    - On new costumes or items...again there is no plans at the moment, but if people requests it, Aoki say they can reissue past items. Aoki basically telling people to join the official Virtua Fighter discord and ask for the items and give feedback.

    - A focus on attracting new players, actively making video content. Aoki mentioned a "Disciple System" that benefits the mentor when their student skills has grown. Actual words Aoki used was parents and children. Note: I believe the reference to Disciple System goes back to a feature of Virtua Fighter 5 R arcade in which players have AI disciples learned a player's actions.)

    - Aware of PC issues of cheaters, and have some preparations. But there are some things that they won't be able to deal with to a certain extent.

    Tournament Scene and Global Expansion
    - Frosty Faustings tournament was close to the release date of REVO which was one reason for choosing that event. Original capacity was 128 players, but that was reached quickly. Increased to 256 players cap which was also met.

    - Aoki realized importance of North America and Europe's market for Virtua Fighter.

    - EVO Japan 2025 - SEGA collaboration with VFR for Beat-Tribe Cup was suggested by Matsuda Yasuaki (Chief of Tournament Operations of EVO Japan and in charge of Game-Newton). Team battles as part of the identity of Virtua Fighter's history.

    - Aoki mentions Beat Tribe, Tougeki, and the official SEGA's Fighting New Century (Kakutou Shinseiki tournaments) as key events for people that have played Virtua Fighter for a long time.

    - Virtua Fighter Open Championship - over the course of the year, regional tournaments around the world to select a few people from each region to participate in a Grand Final tournament. Aoki mention wanting to host the Grand Finals outside of Japan (more news expected in February-March).

    - Asked about what other tournaments / events they plan to do, Aoki mentioned the announcement already made for EVO in Las Vegas. In addition, he specifically mentioned wanting to actively participate in events outside of Japan such as EVO France, Combo Breaker, and CEO.

    The Future of Arcades
    - SEGA already announced support of game centers to run own tournaments and award special titles for the arcade version of VFes (gameplay balance the same as REVO, and Japan's name for VF5US). In addtion another announcement in February or March related to the arcade version.

    - Asked about VF5FS being retired because it is not the latest game version anymore...Aoki, mentioned people who like the previous version will continue to play it. Kurita continue the questioning that Matsuda's Game-Newton and Yamagishi's (founder and organizer of BT Cup) Ikebukuro Mikado would be effected greatly. Aoki mention he think game centers could use steam version of REVO, just like steam version of Tekken 8 in other game centers. A changing of time.

    Possibility of more LEGACY VFs before NEW VF is released
    - Kurita asked if VF5REVO acts as the intermediate product before the NEW VF Project is released. Aoki interestingly mentions it as just one legacy game to help get Virtua Fighter recognized globally, and noted that VF3tb Online was recently released in Japan arcades. Still it is just him imagining things in his head...nothing concrete though.

    - Kurita also asked specifically about VF4 Final Tuned and Virtua Fighter 5R that was never released for home consoles. Aoki replied that he would like to take up the challenge to do so. He also mentioned that the REVO title was intentionally named that to evoke Virtua Fighter 5 R and Virtua Fighter 4 Evo.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2025


Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Jan 30, 2025.

    1. 40i4
      Nice trick with that R+EVO = REVO :)
    2. b4k4

      I really like the acknowledgement of the need for Sega to engage more with the community outside of Japan. HimaJean recently tweeted that he’s convinced that there are players in NA who have the potential to be “VF gods,” by Japanese standards, but have lacked the scene conditions to fully develop and reach their potential.

      I think it also behooves us to meet that challenge and work to create those conditions at the local level. TO’s and community organizers should reach out to Sega for support, product keys for set ups at locals, etc.. We should also push for more inter-regional competition in NA and EU scenes, e.g. running our own “Beat Tribe” style 5v5 events.

      As a final thought: I know the “unofficial” VF Discord is much more active for English speaking players than the “official” one provided by Sega. It’s hard to compete with the organic, grass roots organizing that has been the heart of the western FGC for so long. That said, if Sega is telling us that they’re watching that Discord for activity and feedback, then we should be meeting them there in good faith to engage and grow the scene, as well as continuing to engage in our existing channels. The more we show our interest and engagement in ways Sega tells us they’re measuring, the easier it is for devs to justify corporate allocation of resources to invest in growth and event promotion, which can only benefit the scene in the end.
      Last edited: Jan 31, 2025
      Kyuketsuki, akai, Myke and 1 other person like this.
    3. 40i4
      Discord numbers


      Perhaps Japanese players makes the difference.

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