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MVPs for 2008

Discussion in 'General' started by deathsushi, Jan 1, 2009.

  1. deathsushi

    deathsushi Well-Known Member

    This is mostly just a post for the people that, to me, played a large role in my own improvement - join in with anyone else that helped you along your own way throughout 2008.

    Eiyu - I never see you online here, but you have easily been the person most integral to my own improvement as a Brad player. From explaining the combos I needed to use more often, to the different setups I can use out of Brad's throws, you've been a gold mine. I don't understand how someone who understands Brad as well as you do is no longer playing VF5. Wish you were posting here with us!

    Chief Flash - I haven't seeked out help from you for a while, but I really respect your attitude. More than anyone else, you remind me of the OG's attitude of "to each one, teach one". Please don't stop teaching n00bs like me. You are helping to make North America a better place for games like VF5.

    Myke - Anything I could say would be trite. I respect you very much, and very much appreciate all of the work you put into this site!

    Plague - Always a pleasure and an honor when we get to play. Thank you for your patience and insight.

    TonyFamilia - We don't play very often, and I think our paths have actually diverged since I first started and followed your posts rabidly. In any case, your presence initially on the Brad forum was a beacon for me, and inspired me to attempt to grow in the same way. I wish we could get games in where the lag isn't lethal, but I suppose this isn't meant to be.

    Gentleman Thief - Your Goh is sublime, but I think it transcends your use of any one specific character. The games I've had against you have generally been the best learning experiences I've had, except for...

    Japanese Players - In the wee hours of 3AM, PST, you all seem to come on, clobber me, and then refuse my requests for rematches. I understand, I just wish I could get more games out of you and keep playing. Thanks to our brethren from Nippon for the games and the ideal to work towards.

    Carolina Panther, AkiraZero, SMB IS ME, Wasted Wish, Social Ruin, Rare Entity, Ughil, and all of the other regulars from VFDC that I see on a daily basis in player matches (I know I've duplicated at least one person there, and missed more than a few) - you guys make the game fun for me, and I always appreciate a good match-up. Thanks guys!!

    Overall, a great year for me. Personally I discovered VF5, the VFDC community, and how to not evade after every single situation that I find myself at a disadvantage.
  2. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    I propose Biggz316, Truesonic, Shag, and Reno for bringing us lots of R videos /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  3. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

  4. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    All the great players that put up with my repetitive gameplay and seemingly slow progress. This includes people like White Worm, Cozby, GentlemanThief, Chief Flash, Erdraug, and so on. I can see improvements in my game some but they are slow to develop but I can see the difference now more than ever.

    My special MVP goes to Methylidene and the many great battles with him made my pai better than I could ever make her by simply playing most of the random people I play online and forcing me to stop all the repetitive patterns that I love doing that will get me killed in a tournament or against any other great adversary as well. He also teaches me how to handle fuzzy guards and throw escapes often since he will do these things often and forces me to change my tactics often. He even helped my Vanessa develop a more aggressive fast poke game that my pai had for a long time. I am more confident with my second character more now than ever. By the time VF5R comes I might be good enough with my Vanessa to make her my main like I planned from the start and have pai as my secondary instead.

    Thanks for the great help guys and help I will receive in the future. Happy New Year to you all.
  5. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    excellent thread deathsushi.
    My MVP's are SMB, and VFnumbers. SMB put me on the fast track to learning a character, and thus the game. He has taught me set-ups, tips and tricks, and things i'm sure i'm forgetting to mention.
    VFnumbers is a WEALTH of information. The guy knows his shit when it comes to stuff. He basically broke down the sabaki game for me and handed it's disected parts to me.
    Linz, showed me the power of throw.

    Gentleman, and denkai--who exhibited the closest things to a mastery this site has. Defensive technique FTW. I'm trying to follow their footpaths.

    Dabadseed-- the most op character i've ever faced was his Aoi.

    And also important to my development was tfams' new stick brad, deathsushi, cordona, kingofLaggage ---i mean carnage : ), Mista tee, and the others i'm forgetting. These are the guys that fall into several broad categories but share something in common with me at one time or another...skill. They were the people i aspired to be as good as and am catching or caught, the people who came after me and i helped learn and catch me in skill, and some that started with me and i have surpassed or have surpassed me. These are the guys who allow me to measure my progress and the opportunity to watch theirs. That is where my inspiration comes from.

    Thanks to everyone
  6. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    Thanks I'm always glad to help out anyway I can /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  7. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    Denkai is like Brett Farve without the decay and Rogaine. Well...

    erm... Tony definitely stepped up from the first time I played him online now I can barely compete with him without popping a vein.

    Lucky had the most pimping 08' performance all around though so he's my top candidate, or with Numbers i could say the same thing...

    Ah dang I just realized my rookie year is done! No more scrubby for me. Fuck that off. My cocky is the greatest.
  8. biggz316

    biggz316 Well-Known Member

    Biggz316 is an asshole! lol....MVP players are TonyFamilia, Plague, Myke and my nigka Fulan for keeping it real and kicking my ass for some of my comments.....Jean still looks kind of.....u kno
  9. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Thanks, that's really cool that you actually read what I wrote, lol. I figured that nobody wanted advice from a chumpy player like me but I've learned that even though some players aren't great at actually playing they can still give some really good advice.

    And that goes out to all of you out there who think that you can't come on vfdc and start talking about your strats and tactics without being a pro at the game. I've learned more from writing and getting corrected then from not writing at all. Of course it helps if you can try out your ideas on various human opponents before you post instead of just going off of what frame data says.
    One of the reasons I've improved is bc so much of what I do is here on vfdc and on youtube so even before somebody played me they could figure me out and beat me. That forced me to keep evolving and trying new things. I'm not the player I want to be yet but I don't think I'll ever be with life getting in the way, lol.
    Oh and my pick is Myke for still caring enough to maintain and pay for this site pro bono/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbs_up.gif
  10. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze


    For obvious reasons.
  11. deathsushi

    deathsushi Well-Known Member

    I'm totally on board with this mentality - expose your own mistakes and errors, and you'll be forced to adapt to them that much more quickly. Also, writing, either in the forums or on the blogs, will cause you to articulate ideas and concepts that you may have only considered in abstract terms when playing the game. Putting your thoughts into words is a great way to crystalize them and improve.
  12. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Myke and Ice-9 for keeping this site going all these years and all the other veterans who are still around helping me feel like I am not to old for this shit anymore.

    Also gotta give props to a lot of the next generation new comers. I'm counting on you guys to not jump off the VF bang wagon, but to keep it going strong forever even after I am gone. Thanks guys!
  13. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    Konjou for hosting me.
    Shinobi for showing me NY.
  14. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member


    VFDC = my favorite site...
  15. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    lol, this devoted site of devotees was half the reason i bought an xbox360 which i bought just for vf5. My bro was always here, and this site along with him pushed me over the edge. He paid $200 of my 360 because he wanted us to enjoy vf5 together!!! Thanks bro.
  16. InstantOverhead

    InstantOverhead Well-Known Member

  17. Truesonic2k

    Truesonic2k Well-Known Member

    Shidosha/Yip - He has helped me improve my Jeff game so much with the seemingly never ending mirror matches. Teaching me better combos and setups for my game is always appreciated ya know?

    TonyFamilia - Without him I wouldn't have been playing VF5 as much as I would now. He gave me encouraging words I needed them most and great Brad/Lau matches as well.

    I know I'm forgetting alot of people but that's the reason I'd like to say everyone on VFDC too. Yes even Darth and AfricanMadman because without players like them we wouldn't have something to laugh at.
  18. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

  19. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    There is a great point in here, and one that i think many people fail to realize. Even if you aren't one of the masters, you can still help others out. Everyone tries to help everyone out with, "well when i do this, here are your best options" which is pivotal advice, but i don't think we explore the opposite side of that coin enough on VFDC, just as help but much less utilized is: "man, when you do this and that, you are hard to stop. You should really focus on using this set up and that follow up more, you use it once every 10 matches when u should use it once a match" or something to that affect.

    Social Ruin, haha, i don't even remember helping u buy the xbox, is that true?

    My MVP(players)s:
    Cozby, VFnumbers are the main two. Even if coz narrowly edged me out for lei fei rookie of the year awards /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif we had a great year for discovering the monk, and it was awesome to share and expand upon ideas together.

    Linz: runner up. But still everyithing above applies to you as well.

    Social Ruin: honorable mention. Mainly b/c you took the role of pupil. But now you are fast outshining your teacher, if i don't throw myself back into the magic monk game you will surpass me before january is out. Amazing progress in such a short time.

    Others deserve to be mentioned:
    Gentleman Thief, just to play him is an epiphany. Those of you seeking to reach a higher level know exactly what i mean. And its only made the sweeter by the fact you invite me all the time. I really appreciate that.

    sometimes you can irritate me, but i think thats all about the lack of context and wealth of assumptions when reading txt on the internet. The rest of the time you are a real cool dude.

    Mista Tee: My least favorite of my favorite match ups. Your natural game is custom made to destroy my natural game, which makes you a grind to play. But that is what is so beautiful about it, you force me to play an entirely different game then i want to (I don't know how aware of this you are/were). If you watched vids of our match ups vs vids of my match up against anyone else, you would nary realize its the same monk.

    Missed the cut /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
    Dabadseed: I really want to list you as an mvp, but you've never helped me grow my game (mostly my fault for never asking, to be fair). But you have absolutely destroyed me with 2 different charactars and leave me wondering if we are truly playing hte same game...i don't htink we are, lol.
    Next time we get in a great session please be proactive in mentoring me, and i'll be proactive in seeking help.
  20. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    MVP (people):

    Okay this has nothing to do with who have helped me out, but rather who i think make this sight so great.

    Myke #1. We can't tell you how much we love you and appreciate you for bringing us all together. Ice-9 somewhere in there.

    from here on out no particular order.
    Seiden, KoD, great knowledge guys, thanks.

    Tfam: Ur posts are always good. Wether they be filled with rage, apology, or humor. One of the coolest people posting, brings alot to the community, helps to make this site a daily must visit. thanks bro.

    seven5: no longer on here anymore, not sure what life events have taken him away, but wish you the best in 09 buddy. His brand of underplayed sarcasm was hilarious, miss having him here.

    Sdsoverfined: When keeping it real goes horribly wrong, a la dave chapel, lol, jk. Just from talking ot you on the mic, i don't think you are anyone i would have ever gravitated towards in real life, shame on me. You come off sometimes as a little rough around the edges but you are one hell of a cool dude. People don't give him enough props on his game, he's not one of the masters but he is one of the very few that fights on the mid level off of defensive prowess rather than offensive prowess, fuzzy guards better than anyone i've played cept maybe gentleman thief. But this isn't about skill, its about charactar, your posts are quality, i appreciate counting you as one of my resources and look forward to chatting it up agian somenight.

    VFnumbers: Forget this dudes considerable skill, it is rare to find someone who is so amazingly humble and genuinly friendly. Srsly, when i grow up, i hope he is my neighbor. Very few people are so quick to praise, so reluctant to take acclaim, and fast to offer a hand. This sight is lacking by not having your presence daily, and online suffers even more in ur absence. Get that shit fixed already, all the lei fei's are less formidable for not having u to play against.

    One of my best pm'ing buds. Due to the rigors of pretending to be adults, we don't get to chat like we used to, yesterday was my first day in Alaska, got off the plane and was welcomed by negative 20, fantastic!! Have talked and exchanged ideas with you on everything from vidoe games, to running, to serious life decisions. You are one of the few even from this list that i would call a "real friend" even tho we have never met in person.

    Deathsushi: you barely sneaked in buddy, if it wasn't for petting the cat backwards you would have gotten an honorable mention. plus you were part of the low productivity all-stars: me, you, seven5suited, and auvii. For about a month there, we were all on everyday during working hours, avoiding...work.

    Social Ruin: because i'm a homer and he's my twin bro. But really your contributions to the site do little to make it better for me....since we discuss it all on the phone before hand, ahhahaaha.

    Konjou: Because there have been a few bad situations that he jumped in and helped to straighten out with the utmost of class. (in a manner that transcends video games or online websites)

    I am forgetting some poeple, and i apologize.

    Want to see more from:
    Cheif Flash. It would be cool if you posted more.

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