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New Version of Evo?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Myke, Jun 28, 2003.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Just got this email from my friend Atsushi. Please note that it is just a rumour at this stage, and there's also talk of FV3 going around which will incorporate Vipers-Net (like VF-Net).

    [ QUOTE ]

    Anyway, I'm writing here to let you know there is some rumors going on in the VF4BBS. I have not yet found the source of this so just take them easy:

    - the version D (not C?) of VF4 Evo was planned to be released in July this year, however it is postponed until September. At the beginning, producers intend that around 10 new moves would be added on each character, and now they are going to make one new character!

    - the character has not been named yet. It will be a female, aged around 17, and will use Karate or Hakkyoku-ken (same as Akira). She is supposed to have moves similar to ones Akira had in VF1, so she would not have any triple moves, but would have the old knee attack and PPPK. Anyway still under adjustment...

    Sounds interesting isn't it? But just rumors so far.
    Another rumor going on is about 'Fighting Vipers 3', this one sounds more reasonable:

    - Fighting Vipers 3 (named provisionally) will be out November this year. Data cards and Vipers-Net will be corresponded to the game. Using NAOMI GD-ROM.

    It seems all the tactics of Evo now have been reached close to the end, so it is not surprising we would hear about the new version of Evo by now. I will let you know more about this when I find some more.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Pretty heavy stuff eh? /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  2. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    I hope it is only rumour and that it stays that way.

    Personally, I haven't been a big fan of iteration 4 and all its upgrades. Sega has really taken a page from the Midway "Manual of Game Makin' and Cashin' in". Each new version just pushes me further away from the franchise.

    Not that one person is significant in this type of situation but there you go. And I don't think its healthy in NA but that's never been a concern for Sega anyway. So there you go.

  3. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    <quote> - the version D (not C?) of VF4 Evo was planned to be released in July this year, however it is postponed until September. At the beginning, producers intend that around 10 new moves would be added on each character, and now they are going to make one new character! </quote>

    Well, the "D" and "C" key are relatively close, and considering when someone types something fast (like rumors, they might slip a key here or there, though doubtful. My guess is that *IF* there is a planned version D, they will make a version C of Evolution, to test out and balance some of the new moves they plan to add, to fully balance them before they implement a final version D. Imagine if they just released version D as C without play testing it at all.......

    Ten new moves, sound cool, though extremely unlikely. What's more realistic is somethings like "ten new changes per existing character," some characters don't even need one more move, I doubt that Sega would add ten, at least without removing a few moves to compensate.


    <quote>the character has not been named yet. It will be a female, aged around 17, and will use Karate or Hakkyoku-ken (same as Akira). She is supposed to have moves similar to ones Akira had in VF1, so she would not have any triple moves, but would have the old knee attack and PPPK. Anyway still under adjustment...</quote>

    Eh, this could be pretty good guess work. It is very likely that if Sega were to add only one more character it would definately be female, that would make 5 (6 with Dural) compared to the already existing 11 males. Another Akira player is also a fairly nice "quess/rumor whatever you wanna call it," as the only character who doesn't really have alot of similarites to another, other than Akira, is Shun. Though can you imagine a girl (she would have to be a freakin' beast of a girl /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif) doing body checks and palms like Akira..............kinda weird. But another character would be nice though, even though hardly ayone awway from the arcade would be able to play as her (*cough*PS2*cough*).

    This is starting to get like SFII, I would like to know that Sega still cares about VF(4), but release one big update rather than like four small ones.

    If Sega wanted to, they could release another VF4:Evolution (maybe Greatest Hits for PAL /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif this time), which would make even more money on top of the already sold copies of VF4/Evo.

    E-mail Sega about this and you won't get any response that is worthy of posting on the board, just more of the "there is no such game in out data banks blah blah blah" type crap they spew out, but oh well.

    Nice post Myke we'll all see if this is true or not within a couple weeks tops I hope. 'till then........cheers.......... /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  4. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Also there is no other news of this that I can find so far, at least on the internet anyways.

    In regards to Fighting Vipers 3, this seems pretty accurate given Sega's recent arcade acvtivities. Considering that VF is easily on VF.Net, the FV.Net is a probable possibility, though I don't know if Sega will host the Kakuto Sinseki or hundred man Kumite type events for FV that they did for VF.

    I can see it now, Fighting Vipers 3: Evolution (Version E)....in arcades soon.
  5. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    empnova, I made that post just to pass on a rumour I thought would interest everyone. It was just 3rd hand information passing, and not necessarily asking for (your) validation.

    FYI, VF4 (not Evo) went from version A to version C in the arcades. There was no version B released.

    I don't know where you're getting this idea that Evo must be released at ver C before it can be ver D. The versions are just milestones in AM2's development cycle. They're probably at ver.C right now but they haven't saw fit to release it yet. The changes probably aren't significant enough at this stage. But the changes referred to in the 'rumour' are certainly non-trivial and would most likely define the version D milestone.

    Again, the 'ten new moves' comment wasn't needed. Trying to validate unverified information is just pointless. Same with the likelyhood of the new character being female.

    As GodEater pointed out, this has nothing to do with VF markets outside of Japan. Arcades may or may not be able to pick up this new version, and one can only guess at home ports. It's just way too early, and futile, to speculate at this stage.

    But I'd have to disagree with GE on one point. Each new version has drawn me closer to the franchise. Each new version has always been a change for the better. I'm glad AM2 is able to have this development and testing cycle in order to continually improve their product. But yeah, it sucks not living in Japan.
  6. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    I know it was a rumor, you got it in an E-mail from a friend, of course it is not official information released from Sega.

    I was only speculating further based on what you reported of your friends findings, if it involded validation, so be it.

    <quote> As GodEater pointed out, this has nothing to do with VF markets outside of Japan. Arcades may or may not be able to pick up this new version, and one can only guess at home ports. It's just way too early, and futile, to speculate at this stage.</quote>

    I am not so sure about this, alot of people doubted that VF.Net would ever make it out of Japan, which is now untrue. And many people thought that we would have to import VF4:Evolution for PS2, as it was not confirmed for a US release until a week or so before E3. You never know if Sega might actually decide to make another Greatest hits game, or make some sort of rebate type offer to coerce people into buying this game, hopefully they will.

    When Sega released Version C VF4 into the arcades, they had already made version B, which stayed exclusive to the offices at Sega. What I am saying is that don't count on this, if it is coming, for quite some time, as Sega needs to "make the leap" from B to C, then obviously C to D.

    PS: Myke, were exactly did your friend find this out from?

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    If this is true then I hope they take their time and finally add Taka. But personally I don't think we need a new version, I think they need to focus on VF5 now. And a female hakkyoku ken fighter ? I hope this is bs, why not give her, her own new and unique style ?
  8. Chill

    Chill +40 DP Content Manager Shun Gold Supporter

    Chill PKG
    If they want to make a new character then it would be most likely that it would be female and almost certain to have a new style but what martial arts styles are left? Karate I guess but it's a fairly boring style and if it is picked what style after that? I must say monkey style kung fu would rock for the complete novelty factor but novelty characters don't work in the VF world.
  9. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    I'd hardly call it cashing in, considering they're not asking arcade operators to pay extra for these upgrades - they just get the new GD-ROM in the mail and pop it in. And people would keep playing regardless of wether there was a new version or not.

    As for version D, I have my doubts. The new character thing especially. VF doesn't need a "Sakura" figure. (I think a "Dan" figure would be good fun though, heh heh XD)

    I have to say I'm doubtful on the FV3 subject as well, though if it did get announced I'd have another trip to Japan lined up faster than you can say "major counter." Supposedly, AM2's going to be making some new announcements in July. Hmmmmm.

    A VF.net system for Vipers would be killer (customizable armor!), but I dunno if the amount of end-users would justify the cost of maintaining the servers. FV is nowhere near what VF is in terms of popularity.

    EDIT: If it was going to be out in November, wouldn't they likely be doing location tests by now?

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    DrunkenCat said:
    If they want to make a new character then it would be most likely that it would be female and almost certain to have a new style but what martial arts styles are left?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Tai Chi
    Pentjak Silat
    Krav Maga
    Taek won do
    Hap ki do
    Bang soo do
    Tang soo do
    Viet vo dao
    Mongolian wrestling.................
  11. Event_Horizon

    Event_Horizon Well-Known Member

    I really hope they stear clear of that SF lameness
  12. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    A new FV would be ultimate sweetness.
    I also really like the idea of a slightly less complex female Hakkyoku-ken character.
  13. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Myke said:

    "FYI, VF4 (not Evo) went from version A to version C in the arcades. There was no version B released."


    I'm a little confused by this, because ver. B actually did come out in arcades, and was played heavily for a span of about 6 months. In fact, all non-Japan versions of VF4 (pre-Evo) were version B machines, right?

    VF4 version A was very short lived, but was out in Japanese Arcades for about a month in August of 2001, I know because I played it (this was the version where you could escape back throws etc, and Akira had no d/f+P+K+G, P or b, f+P+K+G or QCB+P). About a month later, version B came out, and people continued to play that until ver C released at the same time as the first PS2 version (the first Kakutou Shinseki was a version B tourney, and remember how HaoOh was the highest rank before version C, with just 2 ranks above 10th dan?)

    I'm sure it was just an error on your part, but wanted to point it out.

    back on topic, I'd also like to see Sega just stick with the current version. I feel like we definately haven't reached the apex of what's possible in Evo version B (people are still finding things like combos etc, that's why Arcadia keeps writing about Evo every month).

    And like others have said, if they do release it, people outside Japan/Korea will be screwed, as it'll probably never get a PS2 release after all the shit Sega just went through with Sony, and the lackluster sales of Evo in Japan (in addition to the so-so reviews that seem to be coming from Europe, I'm sure the US will follow suit in the wake of Soul Calibur 2).

    I don't think I could bear any further "Japan Only" VF love from AM2. Seems like if people were forced to play the current version longer, they'd find more stuff.

  14. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Thanks for the correction spotlite. I totally forgot about ver.B! Yeah, our VF4 Arcade machine was ver.B and it was one of the first things I checked for when we got it! Doh! Anyway, I guess my point was for us not to get carried away with what version these rumoured changes will be integrated into.

    You're not alone in your sentiment towards AM2 for neglecting the external markets. It hurts. It sucks.

    empnova, like I mentioned in the post, the rumours were floating around VF4BBS (www.vfbbs.net). If you don't know it's probably considered the bbs in Japan for VF. It's Japanese only.
  15. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member


    I cant' remember exactly, but Ver. B lasted longer than a month. I know, b/c I played Ver. A for at least a month, and that was a month after it came out. I'm thinking it was about 3 months total for Ver. A, and about 3-4 months for Ver B. (end of January last year when Ver. C came out).

    Another big change, if you'll remember, was that Vanessa's (and I think Jacky's, since it's essentially the same) evasive attack was a guard break.
  16. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    I'd just like to pick up where Myke and Zero-chan left off--the only people who won't like a Version D coming out quite frankly are those of us outside of Japan where getting VF4 in an arcade at all is a major mileston, and where the console version is the primary focal point.

    For Japanese players and arcade operators (as long as the upgrade is free, which it sounds like it will be)--it is a good thing, period, regardless of how much of Evolution Version B has been fully tapped.

    You can't compare the VF versions to the SF sequels, as each SF iteration was considered a new game that arcade operatorsand console consumers had to purchase. I'm only speculating there, so correct me if I'm wrong. If anything, these versions are more akin to upgrades in those online RPG/FPS games.

    I don't wish to see a new version either since the chances of Singapore getting that version seem pretty slim, and the idea of playing an obselete version sucks--but that's a purely selfish wish. I would think differently if I lived in Japan.
  17. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    I'd hardly call it cashing in, considering they're not asking arcade operators to pay extra for these upgrades - they just get the new GD-ROM in the mail and pop it in. And people would keep playing regardless of wether there was a new version or not

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't think they're operating just like that. A good while ago Shou explained how the upgrades work. and I don't begrudge Sega for mini-releases to keep the money flowing into arcades. And I don't think people would keep playing regardless of a new version or not.

    What really bothers me is that the upgrades seem nicely timed. Release a game, get lots of play and VFNET investment, release an upgrade before sales have a chance to dwindle; reset the value of the VFNET investment so everyone starts again and then repeat.

    I prefered the old model of releasing a game, making tweaks where absolutely necessary and plan for the future version based on what works. The constant stream of upgrades, balance and move introductions seems to water the product down for me. It might as well be a pretty complex but very beta OS at this point: "Virtuafighter Evolution 9.8 stable build open release"; The keyboard remains the same all you have to do is train yourself on the particulars. again.

    I can imagine that the constant arcade upgrades are great for the japanese, I know that with each change without it being a new game the chances of getting it in a NA arcade become less and less and I can't see NA consumers thinking, "wow, I get to own three versions of VF4 for my console? where's my wallet?"

    In the end, for me, it comes down to this: VF4 was fun but I wasn't balls deep into it anyway and with each new version I find myself pulling out more and more.

  18. Shou

    Shou Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    FYI, VF4 (not Evo) went from version A to version C in the arcades. There was no version B released.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    VF4 Versions A-C
    Look at the catalog #s closely.
  19. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    If anything, these versions are more akin to upgrades in those online RPG/FPS games.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I happen to agree with Jeff, here. This is exactly how I see and feel about the (relatively) fast upgrades to VF4. I feel it's like Diablo 1.10, Starcraft versions, Warcraft 3 expansion, etc. Same game, new version. Time to adapt to the new things.

    I think this is a good thing, actually. Especially with the North American VF scene which goes through massive lulls in competition. Any kind of novelty upgrade to the game, imo, helps keep the VF competitiveness here going. Now, of course, this is dependent on NA shores seeing these versions, if ever. Here's to hoping.

  20. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    <quote> Ice 9: You can't compare the VF versions to the SF sequels, as each SF iteration was considered a new game that arcade operatorsand console consumers had to purchase. I'm only speculating there, so correct me if I'm wrong. If anything, these versions are more akin to upgrades in those online RPG/FPS games. </quote>

    This is true, each SFII not only was considered a "stand alone" game, but each arcade cabinet had to be purchased from the ground up, or there needed to be a (very long) process of changing the marqee and boards to match the new nersion. With VF the most you HAVE to do is simply switch the discs, but what alot of popular arcades do, is close the arcade for a couple of hours, or stay late, and closely inspect everything/change wires/etc. until the cabinet is "new."

    <quote> Spotlite said: I'd also like to see Sega just stick with the current version. I feel like we definately haven't reached the apex of what's possible in Evo version B (people are still finding things like combos etc, that's why Arcadia keeps writing about Evo every month). </quote>

    I don't think that Sega cares too much about discovered combos, over the greater issue, fanbase. Many people have mentioned that while VF4 was popular for a while, things really peacked out with Evolution, but have only gone down since, version D(or C) will introduce enough new content in Sega's mind to justfiy the people of Japan to spend more money of VF than they already have.

    Also there were still flow charts and combos that had not been discovered in VF4 C, that were later discivered in VF:Evo.

    <quote> GE said: I can't see NA consumers thinking, "wow, I get to own three versions of VF4 for my console? where's my wallet?" </quote>

    If they release it as another Greatest Hits, I know that I would but it, though I seriously doubt that it would come to America. But if it did, that would mean four versions of VF: VF4, VF4:Evolution, VF10th ann, and now VF4:Evolution D(or C).

    <quote> Llanfair said: I feel it's like Diablo 1.10, Starcraft versions, Warcraft 3 expansion, etc. Same game, new version. Time to adapt to the new things <quote>

    Actually it is quite the opposite for everyone who can't play at an arcade machine. I downloaded my Starcraft 1.10 patch for, $0.00, the Warcraft III 1.06 patch for $0.00, and the Diablo II 1.0x patch for $0.00. These games are all for the internet available PC (and Mac), so of course the downloads are free. The expansion set comment however, is alot more fitting.

    When Blizzard releases these large expansion packs, they know that you will have to have bought the previous game in the series in order to play it. But when Sega makes a large expansion of VF, you (for NA players on PS2) don't need to have the previous version.

    Both SC:Brood War, and WarIII:TFT are alot better as far as getting your money's worth, than VF4 Evolution is. With each Blizzard game, not only are getting the expansions, but we also get each upgrade for free, we pay nothing for each patch. The only thing Sega could do to be equal, would be to make us pay for Evo (done), but then release another disc that would cost others money, but for those who have already purchased Evolution, they can send in a rebate/proof of purchase, and reimburse the purchaser for having to buy a "patch."

    Seriously, would you pay for every patch that Blizzard had to put out......this is what Sega is doing?

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