1. Hey Guest, looking for Virtua Fighter 5: Ultimate Showdown content? Rest assured that the game is identical to Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown so all current resources on here such as Command Lists with frame data, Combo Lists and the Wiki still apply. However, you can expect some VF5US specific changes to come soon!
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Northwest Majors 4: VF5FS Tourney and Stream

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Jun 2, 2012.

By akai on Jun 2, 2012 at 6:24 AM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    [​IMG] Some last minute scheduling have allowed Sega to bring VF5FS to the Northwest Majors in Des Moines, Washington - June 2nd-3rd! The tournament will be the first 64 players that registered. The tournament starts on Saturday around 2 PM PST and will be streamed throughout the entire day Saturday by Khaos Gaming TV Channel! In addition, top 4 will be streamed on Sunday at ~11:15 PST on the main stream channel Team Khaos Channel. Thanks to Femto and Chanchai for providing the information!

    Update: Stream has ended! Below is link to the finals.
    Northwest Majors 4: Top 4 in Virtua Fighter (starts at the beginning of the video)


Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Jun 2, 2012.

    1. dkn29
      I believe the stream starts at 10AM PST for VF and will run all day on a dedicated setup.

    2. steelbaz
      Too lazy too drive down there today, but I will catch the stream [​IMG]
    3. Kamais_Ookin
      You get your ass down there RIGHT NOW. [​IMG]
    4. ZBEP
      from teamkhaos: <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Power Issues. When I run the stream, it trips the power strip. Going to try to get it fixed soon</div></div>
    5. steelbaz
    6. Fallsmyer
      Anymore news or are they giving up?
    7. akai
      I apologize for any inconvenience. It most likely is best to assume that the stream will not happen until they update us.
    8. soakrates
      If they're not gonna be streaming it, they should at least tell us via Twitter or something. It's rather frustrating just waiting around with no news.
    9. Tryston
      any news yet?
    10. Kamais_Ookin
      I left home before the stream even started and I just arrived back, what did I miss? Wtf is going on?? Femto???
    11. Kamais_Ookin
      After going on the TeamKhaos stream and calling the admin out on his bullfuckery I got a straight answer on why there's no FS stream.


      "Power Strips have load limits."

      I wonder why none of the other games had this problem... Fuck you sir. [​IMG]
    12. soakrates
      Damn dude, calm down. They might not have prepared as well as they could have, but I seriously doubt they purposely skimped on resources for the VF stream. Sega did sponsor this event, after all.
    13. 2ndFace
      hmm I would say this stream bombed. Big time.
      I'm really disappointed by the organisation for not giving some clear information why this announced "Exclusive" VF:FS Stream doesn't work.
      Power strips? I was at LAN-Events with 200+ Machines at rundown wrecks of buildings were the techies figured out workarounds in less than 1 hour.
    14. akai
      Well this is a free stream, so I can't really complain too much. Hopefully the VFDCers attending the event are representing the scene and will let us know what has happened in the event.
    15. steelbaz
      DeMoines at it's finest.
    16. JackyB
      Yea, pretty lame.
    17. mahmood1982
      seems sega updating this game with new version...again
    18. MDSPrime
      Checks the stream ... sees SFxT ... turns off stream [​IMG]
    19. Tricky
      Uhm no they're not. No need to get upset at sega because stream organizers sucked at their job. As a community we have every right to be pissed about not only getting no feedback about the lack of stream, but just being given BS reasons for why it wasn't done. I'd rather they say no stream for VF, than give us a special stream just for us and then have it just fall through for whatever reason.

      People running VF streams from events need to understand this kind of behavior is unacceptable and they won't learn if we're not loud about it. This kind of stuff would never happen for a SRK capcom supported game because the flames would be high enough to scorch heaven.

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