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Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Davish, Jul 22, 2003.

  1. Davish

    Davish New Member

    Just got my VF4EV yesterday and it just ROCKS!

    The only problem is...... I tried playing both in PAL and NTSC and realised that the PAL version is around 15-20% SLOWER than the NTSC version.

    Even the sound is slower, very noticeable in the speech before the battles.

    Why does this happen? Can anyone tell me? I have a LOT of PAL games that work well with no slowdowns at all.

    Even VF2 in my Saturn (PAL) was running at normal speed.

    Why such a lousy PAL conversion???? If you live in Europe and have this game... i strongly advise you to play in NTSC mode (normal speed) otherwise you will be missing a LOT of speed and fun btw.
  2. Ura_Bahn

    Ura_Bahn Well-Known Member

    All PAL games are slower than there NTSC counterparts.
  3. Davish

    Davish New Member

    I know that PAL games tend to be a bit slower.... but this slower i never saw...

    I've been playing NTSC and PAL games for many years now and in several systems (PSX, SAT, DC, PSX2) and never saw this kind of slowdown.

    Anyway.... AM2 made the right decision in including a 50/60hz option in VF4EV, the difference is huge in speed, sometimes i was feeling i was in somekind of slowmotion fight.

    I was in my first quest mode and Akira was sooo slow that i thought..... ok maybe i have to earn some ranks and then he will be faster....

    Then i tried playing in NTSC and it was completely different, normal speed was back again and i even felt guilty of playing in PAL cause it was much more easier to predict my oponnent moves....

    so i restarted Akira data and started over in NTSC /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    Normally the PAL code would be optimized, but I guess Sega decided that most European users will have 60Hz TVs, so why bother?

    You'll only be forced into playing at 50Hz if you have a really old television.
  5. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    The main difference in speed is cos the screen is processing 10 more frames per second ( ie 60hz ) as opposed to 50.This obviously affects all moves in the game since vf is a game that relies heavily on frames of animation.Its why 100hz tvs and monitors look so much "smoother" than 50hz ones, because the image is being refreshed at an even higher rate.

    vf 4 evo and other games CAN be played on some old tvs which don't have NTSC/60hz options but they will be in black and white as the tv can cope with refreshing the picture that fast but not the colour to the picture.Obviously 60hz is the mode the game is meant to be played in though having recently tried to compare tekken 4 in either mode I can't see as large as difference as when playing evo between the modes.

    The main problem is that we here have 50hz coming out the mains as standard wheras it is different else where around the world.
  6. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    csnape, im tired of this pal discusion so I wont take the trouble of digging into youre post.
    Suffice to say that 100Hz TVs dont show a smoother image at all, 100Hz is just easier on the eyes, the output of the TV signal is still only refreshed 25 times a second.
  7. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    How do you classify " easier on the eyes"???You mean it looks smoother to look at right?That was my point, though I didn't mean to draw in a discussion about 100 hz tvs just kinda mentioned off hand.
  8. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Its easier on the eyes becouse the flickering goes faster so its less noticed, I know it sounds strange but its true.
  9. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    I think he means that the "flickering" is not as strenuous on the eyes when it is not as noticable.

    If you need an example, I have two videos labled as Myke vs Ice-9, and they are recorded off what looks like an Evolution Arcade monitor, what you can see is a very noticable flickering.

    Try watching the video and you'll see just how annoying it is, also if you have epilepsy.....you don't want flickering on your TV right?
  10. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    This is to both....Do you even know what physical measurement a hertz is?Do you even know who hertz was?If you do you will surely understand why a 100hz tv seems to flicker lees than a 50hz one or whatever.

    btw emp that flickering on the vids is NOTHING to do with the amount of hertz of the monitor etc...Its a physical phenomenon which occurs when viewing a tv/monitor with a tv/moitor...trust me I know what I'm talking about here.Have you ever watched a news bulletin when a monitor has been on in the background of the report?sometimes you will see horrendous flickering as the refresh rate of the screen is in anti phase with the refresh rate of the actual tv you're watching ...causing the flickering you see.Myke evenb said he tried to get them on film with a camcorder I think so in this case he was unlucky in the fact that the monitor and cam were like this.Its is possible to set them in phase to reduce any of the flickering but its complicated.If you really want me too I can point you to some physics books which might explain it better than I have.
  11. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    in japan and the usa, they have the NTSC system that runs at 525lines and at 29.97 frames a second, and runs at that because of the 110v/120v 60hz/cycles electricty in said countrys, i think japan is only 100v in the uk we have the late 60s PAL system that runs at a better 625lines at a solid 25frames a second, the colour is better to as its embedided in the sync(had to be done to be compatible with black an white tv) so we in the pal countrys have had better looking tv but as most games are made in/for ntsc markets they run/fit in the 525line an run at 30frames=60fields/hz so when thers a lasy pal conversion,(vf4/evo) the game has black borders at the top an bottom of about 50lines each! (fitting the 525lines in to a pals 625!) and as its running slower now to "fit" in to the 25frames/50hz it is about 17% slower, and if the sound aint even been converted it comes out pitched down if its chip music or out of sinck if its pcm
    but games made in/for pal look really good, wipeout 2097/XL was a good one anyways most tvs since 1990 can take the "pal60" or even a pure ntsc feed (better) vf2 on saturn was optimised by am2 them selfs but still was about 5% out!!! (hell if u as me vf2 on saturn is shit anyways)

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