Odd news of the American/PAL release of Evolution

Discussion in 'Console' started by EmpNovA, Jun 23, 2003.

  1. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Wow /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gifI didn't realise that, but then again I am fairly new to these boards any way.Nice one zero-chan! /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  2. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

  3. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    So can I...twice. Muahahahaa!
  4. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    like i told u b4
    we await the remaining two mods to do so
  5. Madin

    Madin Well-Known Member


    Guerilla: Aoi. Champion rank? Two orbs (white & red, I think).
    Bunbunmaru: Champion. Three orbs (green,yellow & red)
  6. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: AI

    Was Bunbunmaru is actual ring name?Haven't fought him yet though I have beaten someone called Mr Maru.Can't remember off hand his char or whatever but it's easily looked up in that table thingy.
    Beaten Homestay Akira,Aniaki and a few others but is Segata a well known ring name?Also beaten Segirl or something.He was wolf with weird hair.

    Actually I've randomly just encountered Bunbun Maru with his long native american head dress thingy.lol! /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  7. Chill

    Chill +40 DP Content Manager Shun Gold Supporter

    Re: AI

    [ QUOTE ]

    Was Bunbunmaru is actual ring name?Haven't fought him yet though I have beaten someone called Mr Maru.Can't remember off hand his char or whatever but it's easily looked up in that table thingy.
    Beaten Homestay Akira,Aniaki and a few others but is Segata a well known ring name?Also beaten Segirl or something.He was wolf with weird hair.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Mr. Maru is probably Kage (as in Kage Maru). The Wolf is very likely to be the famous player "Segaru".

    Speaking of famous players Creed did an excellent profile of a fair few of them here: http://virtuafighter.com/versuscity/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=versus&Number=57924&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1
    Unfortunately the pictures that were there are now gone (the site that they were on is probably gone now) and not all the names are there. For the record from that thread -
    "Famous since the days of VF2 for his wolf play. Kind of known for being a showoff, especially in his younger days. You'll see him stand up and pump his fist when he wins or punch the screen in irritation. Now a member of C-Chaps." is the player BunBunMaru.

    "The clark-kent-like Lei Fei representative. Dances around and often makes the opponent look kinda hapless." is the player Hereru.

    "The other "best-lei-fei-in-japan", his win rate is probably higher than hereru's. So why's the dude look like he wants to jump off a bridge?
    Edit: This is the one who's on C-chaps, my apologies for the mixup!" is the player Joe.

    "Has played a flashy killer kage since VF2, and doesn't hunker down and hide either. Is frequently at the top of the vf.net rankings because he plays so many characters so well (80%+ win rate). His jeffry is a joy to behold." is the player Kyasao.

    "Tokyo's beastly Akira player. Reams hapless female characters without remorse. Eats nails for breakfast.
    He, arashi, and Hakkusion Lau are all on the same team. Scary! But it gets worse. They also have goro 2000, hanami, and nagato. Teamname: Shizuoka Ocha" is the player Mukki Akira.

    "Winner of the green book DVD tournament, and all around kage thug.
    Maintains an awesomely high win rate, probably above kyasao's. Not afraid to backwards crouch dash every so often =P" is the player Yoro Kage.

    "Mystery Lau girl who annihilated chibita in a tournament. Ok, she only got one round, but she deserves credit anyway. " is the player MK2 - Overrated in my opinion /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif.

    C-Chaps is also now been renamed to "Think Punk".
  8. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: AI

    Thanks for the link but I think I remember reading that a few months back.
    Few more I've come across are Kurita ( Vanessa ) and Yoro ( kage , or like it says in the game yo-ro )
  9. Madin

    Madin Well-Known Member

    Re: AI

    Yes that was the ring name.

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