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Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Pinkgirl, Apr 21, 2002.

  1. Pinkgirl

    Pinkgirl Well-Known Member

    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    - Modified Moves (performing "from crouch" moves as if they were from standing). This virtually expands your arsenal as well as enabling various combos too.

    <hr></blockquote>Am I right to say most moves which require CD are either high-damage moves or else cause floats (e.g. Pai's CD, f, P, Lion's CD, f, P, Kage's knee - just some I can think of ex tempore)? Therefore someone who knows CD is definitely rewarded in VF.
  2. Tetra

    Tetra Well-Known Member

    VF3 CD is the lousiest ever....... You cannot CD backwards and you can't modified moves as fast as VF2/4. It's rather slow... cos you can see the CD before you see the moves come out of it. And you only can CD once. Can't do rapid CD. That's probably why VF3 have harder to do CD for some people.

    I do dodge and do kage's knee all the time but I suck that's why you don't see me in the arcades flying all over the place with knee ......

    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    Am I right to say most moves which require CD are either high-damage moves or else cause floats (e.g. Pai's CD, f, P, Lion's CD, f, P, Kage's knee - just some I can think of ex tempore)? Therefore someone who knows CD is definitely rewarded in VF.


    Knowing is always better than not knowing in VF /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  3. alucard

    alucard Well-Known Member

    That's probably why VF3 have harder to do CD for some people.

    Not really, its just tons harder because the timing is very strict and the command is more complex(d/f, n, d/f instead of d/f, d/f).
  4. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    command is more complex(d/f, n, d/f instead of d/f, d/f).

    These are the same thing. You can't hit d/f twice and have it register as two different taps without putting the joystick somewhere else (like neutral) between the taps.
  5. alucard

    alucard Well-Known Member

    The n here refers to "down", not center.
    So, VF4 = 2 methods VF3 = 1 method
  6. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    ok, I get what you're saying.

    You can't d/f, d, d/f to crouch dash in VF3?
    I never had noticed, I'm used to (and fond of) the 'wiggle method'.
  7. Tetra

    Tetra Well-Known Member

    I did d/f,d,d/f didn't have any problems hmm? Maybe you did it too slowly?
  8. alucard

    alucard Well-Known Member

    Uh no...actually, you have to do d/f, d, d/f to CD in VF3, d/f, d/f only works in VF4.

    So CD method in VF3 = d/f, d, d/f
    VF4 = d/f, d/f OR d/f, d, d/f


    What's the "wriggle method"?
  9. Tetra

    Tetra Well-Known Member

    oops read wrongly /versus/images/icons/frown.gif
  10. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    Uh no...actually, you have to do d/f, d, d/f to CD in VF3, d/f, d/f only works in VF4.


    Say what? You most certainly could df, DF in VF3 to get a CD. It's the only method I ever used.

    CDing in VF3 was done by df, DF or df, d, DF (and even f, d, DF).

    The major difference with CDing in VF3 was that you couldn't do it from a crouch, and you had to hold the second df (i.e. DF).
  11. alucard

    alucard Well-Known Member

    My bad...I've always thought that the proper command is d/f, d, d/f...I just tried it earlier on and yeah you are right, you can even do modified moves with f, d, d/f.

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