played vf4, here to answer questions

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by BK__, Oct 6, 2001.

  1. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: played vf4, here to answer questions

    Have any "cancel-tables" been written for the movement system?

    I guess there wasn't really one written for VF3's movement system, though I think Hyun (maybe someone else, CreeD?) wrote a K-step guide that was put on VFDC and pretty much mentioned what cancels what.

    Curious if VF4 has anything like that.

    --End of Response, Start of a small cancel table (off memory) for VF3--
    This is a very basic list, using a VERY BASIC definition of cancel (as opposed to cancelling recovery of attacks and what not).

    Dashes cancel...
    -Crouch Dashes

    Dodges cancel...
    -Crouch Dashes

    Crouch Dashes cancel...


  2. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: played vf4, here to answer questions

    Andy wrote that awesome media K-step guide...
  3. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    Re: played vf4, here to answer questions


    oh, and fererring to the dodging system, does that mean you can just tap up!!?? my goodness! i was having troubles because i just kept walking round!

    does anyone get the feeling vf4 is becoming like soul calibar?? let's see...

    tech rolls look the same, and react the same, when i pulled off wolf's giant swing against jeffry (near the edge) JUST before he was about to topple out, he done a tech roll and landed on his feet (like SC)

    holding up allows you to walk round the ring..(like SC)

    floor combos react the same (like SC)

    you cant jump without doing an attack... (like SC)

    you cant get knocked out of the ring easily anymore.... (like SC)

    just tapping up allows you to dodge (like tekken........ tekken??)

    i see some partnership with sega and namco here..
  4. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: played vf4, here to answer questions

    You can easily be knocked out of open arenas (unless they changed this, which I am sure they did not).

    Free-move is similar (but slower) than SC, but if you tap up or down while the opponent attacks, you get a very nice dodge.

    You can hop without attacking, uf+P(hold P all the way) for instance.

    As far as I know, the bounce characteristics of combos don't seem to be so crazy in other games. But I could be very wrong of course.

    Where aspects of games come from don't really matter at all. It's always been sort of annoying hearing Tekken stole that from VF, VF stole that from Tekken. VF3 gave throw whiff animations, did they steal that from Tekken? What does matter is how all the elements come together to form an experience for those who play the game.

    But to answer your questions, yeah, some elements were most likely inspired by Soul Calibur and Tekken. However, the game is still very much VF.

  5. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: played vf4, here to answer questions

    you cant get knocked out of the ring easily anymore.... (like SC)


    With any two fighting games, similarities are bound to occur. Also, tech rolls were in fighting games long before SC...AoF, SFA, Tekken, etc. Walking around--freak, you could do that in Final Fight, not to mention the myriad of wrestling games and who could forget Tobal No. 1. I'm sure many fighting games influenced VF4's development, including SC, but many of the ones you listed are superficial.
  6. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    Re: played vf4, here to answer questions

    yeah, i guess you're right... hey, did any one here sign up for the tournament in london??, whatch out for the guy who signs you up!!, when ever you face him, he deliberately puts you off your game!!

    he keeps shouting out things like"hooooo!!! haiyaaa!! whaaaaaaasssaa!!!" (with lion), you'd think he was really getting in to it...

    i felt like doing a SPOD on him literaly!, i got mashed twice, but he's lucky i didnt pick wolf!! (typical, the first time i play vf4 i got humiliated) oh well....(if only if was vf3)

    consience; "mann, stop making excuses for your self!! you got hurt so shut up and improve!!"

    me; "sigh" you're right....*bows his head in shame*
  7. Madin

    Madin Well-Known Member

    Re: played vf4, here to answer questions

    *sigh!* guess who!!!
  8. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    Re: played vf4, here to answer questions

    huh?? oh.... hi..... errr *panic*

    hey wait a minuate, you're...(oh crap i'm going to get double beatings now..)

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