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Poll for Round Robin 4

Discussion in 'VF Circuit' started by akai, Sep 8, 2012.


For Round Robin #4, what format would you like?

Poll closed Sep 15, 2012.
  1. The same round robin format: one match per player/max up to 8 player in bracket

    6 vote(s)
  2. Try a different format: two matches per player / less players in bracket

    6 vote(s)
  3. Something else? Post it!

    0 vote(s)
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Want to change the format a bit for the next round robins?
  2. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah Content Manager Aoi

    I voted the 2nd option, but i also would like to play more players for each round robin. With the patch letting us skip the 30 seconds i don't think it will get so much to do all the matches. Besides i've never been in a RR with 8 players due to my unlucky location.
  3. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Second option seems better for many reasons.

    Locations with fewer players get a bigger sense of an 'event'. I think I saw that Reno was in a place where there were only three others in his bracket - so he plays three matches and his thing is over, so doubling up on matches there with add a bit more grandeur to the thing.

    Rematches create a bit of suspense and excitement. If I'm in a group with, say, four other people, and in my first match against good old Kamais, I get my ass kicked (like always), I then get to watch his matches and try to observe the way he plays and try to come back at him a bit stronger (so I can get my ass kicked a little less thoroughly than before). Might promote a bit more conversation too, if people can talk about the previous matches and what they expect from the next one.

    Less people per group is much easier to handle. The logistics of gathering people together to partake in an event become more complex as you add more people to the mix. By having less people in each group, things can be expedited and there should be less problems (waiting for that one guy to come back from the toilet or whatever).

    Less people = less intimidating. It's not a problem for me as such, but I know that some people tend to get shy when there's a large audience - with fewer people, the room might be a bit more lively and there might be a bit more communication (could be a double-edged sword, since less people also means less chance of getting at least two people with a mic in the same room. I'm not sure how many people aren't talking because they don't feel comfortable, and how many just don't have a mic).

    Two matches per playing feels more accurate. As with any method of gathering results - the more data collected, the more accurate the conclusion. With a dobule-up on matches, those 'lucky bullshit' events that sometimes occur will be less of a factor. If I'm playing Kamais in round 1 and I spam my flipkick 'cos I suck, or get some 'throw-escaped out of the ring' win on him, it's going to have less of an effect on the results if he can come back the next match and splash mountain me to death.

    There would have to be a ruling about character-usage - whether or not it's allowed to switch characters on the next fights etc. Some people care about counter-picking, others want to make sure their observations from previous rounds remain relevant etc. Personally I don't much care either way.

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