Possible VF5r console Info?

Discussion in 'Console' started by L_A, Jul 28, 2008.

  1. CobiyukiOS

    CobiyukiOS Well-Known Member

    At the end of the day, they're not trying to keep the old fans and find new ones. One of their first piroities is to make money, or keep whatever money they've got in these days.

    I don't think they are advertising enough, and I see why, as It is a waste of time, and money. No problem, let's use word of mouth to tell people that our love with VF is still not fake. That's what happened to Grand Theft Auto III (you looked at it as just another violent game), but it was a sleeper hit, and look at IV (A game that delivered on its massive hype). VF5R is ghetto compared to it's capable potential.

    If that doesn't work, that's ok, Sega doesn't lose any money from failed advertising. This might have given away my upcoming Gruen Pitch competition, but I can't acess YouTube, so what's the point.
  2. Sidna7

    Sidna7 Well-Known Member

    After what happened to SEGA with the Dreamcast, it's kind of hard for me to blame them in the case they screw us over for a profit; although I don't think they will (cause it doesn't seem profitable to me).
    Loyalty is expendable when money comes into play...and I'm ashamed to say that I also have a whole folder full of Dreamcast games that I downloaded.

    I don't know the factors that come into play behind the scenes of Microsoft/Sony, but just using evident logic...not producing a 360 version just seems odd, and on top of that the 360 is MUCH easier to develop games on (and this is somewhat of a fact...evidence in case anyone cares to see:
  3. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Depends on how the arcade version is made. Creating a game from scratch is easier on a Microsoft platform, that's for sure. But if the arcade version's archetecture is closer to the PS3, well the PS3 may be easier to work on.
  4. Sidna7

    Sidna7 Well-Known Member

    I'm not quite sure how these things work...but I would think that if an arcade game is not running on on the same hardware as the console system to begin with...then developer kits would have to be utilized...so the game would need to be developed from scratch, and as we have herd the PS3 one is just a biatch to work with.

    there is another very good interview with John Carmak that explains in technical detail the issues with the PS3 (hardware and dev kit), and the structure sounds so complicated and unfriendly that I would seriously doubt that there is anything else out there like it.
  5. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    The AM2 guys said they loved bringing VF5 to XOBOX360 and it was what lead them to believe they could pull of online. The AM2 developers gave the 360 game-building tools a rave review. I don't know much about it, but I've heard that over and over, even last generation.
  6. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    I thought someone else implemented the online. No idea why I think that though.
  7. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    From the link you put up, he seems to be having a harder time at getting the 360 version up to snuff on his newest game. They both have strength and weeknesses.
  8. Sidna7

    Sidna7 Well-Known Member

    Cuz, it might be a bit confusing
    ...the problem they are having with this game (RAGE) is a memory issue, since the PS3 uses blue rays while the 360 is using DVDs...this is an issue for games that are VERY big...RAGE is going to be in (I think) 2-3 DVDs...this would not be a problem for most games.

    He clearly points out that the 360 is superior for development...he says something like "lots of us developers will complain about the PS3 not being particularly easy to develop for"..."it's definitely easier to develop for a 360"

    You are right though, both systems have issues...just the 360 ones are not a real problem for the 'developers' and more so for the 'gamers'...since you are the one burdened with switching DVDs (there is no additional development cost)...and this is only for a few specific games
  9. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    They're still doing R&D on the fact that the HDD isn't a stapple on the 360 and not on how to work on the PS3, I'd guess one of them may be bit more of an issue. Also at 3:30 he does state that it costs them more for more DVDs on the 360. IT would probably be the same story on the PS3 mnd you.
  10. Sidna7

    Sidna7 Well-Known Member

    We are really taking this far lol
    ...RAGE is a very rare case(requiring 2plus DVDs)...I just posted the link to answer which system is 'easier to develop on'
  11. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    A lot depends on what the port costs are. For the 360, they should be minimal- as it would be

    -add items
    -add characters
    -code in changes
    -some minor work

    The PS3 you'd have to add in the online, and it's tougher to develop for, so it would take more effort.

    As for sales, it's hard to say. I'd bet if this community had same-day release, most of us would get it for 360 since we trust the online more, and 360 would be tourney standard.

    Also, the install bases on both games are higher, and fighting games are in a renaissance right now, with SF4 and SC4- VF would piggyback on those sales.

    The big thing Sega has to do is make the online more appealing- like allowing people to gain items through playing online.
  12. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    calm down dude, you haven't even played the game yet.
  13. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    These forums are turning into an anger fest as of late.
  14. MP

    MP Well-Known Member

    was it like this when VF5 was in the Works? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/confused.gif
  15. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Before this goes any further down the drain - if you have to insult each other take it to PMs (and if you don't want to be moderated--keep it on topic please).
  16. alucard19

    alucard19 Active Member

    I'm not sure if you know this or not But thanks to Capcom now having a multi-gaming license for GGPO(for the people who don't know what GGPO is,Google).This means we get to play SF4 and Tatsunoko vs Capcom: Cross Generation of Heroes online(if it comes over here) with GGPO netcoding(Pounder said how ever that SFHD will not support GGPO netcoding Link: http://forums.shoryuken.com/showpost.phpp=5494198&postcount=1709 )

    Once other companies see How GGPO is, it will only be a matter of time before we Get VF with GGPO netcoding.
  17. biggz316

    biggz316 Well-Known Member

    Cool...this time around am not buying it for both consoles so they both better have the same damn features!...I prefer the PS3 controller anyways so its all good...I noticed that a few of you guys only own a PS3..why?..if you can afford both I highly recommend you get one...that way you dont get to mis out on anything
  18. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    PS3 only owner! Caution: Fanboy Alert!

    1) Protects my investment in PS1, PS2, PSP
    2) It EASILY Runs Linux! (I'm a programmer B4 I'm a gamer)
    3) Bluray Player (BTW which is the industry standard now!)
    4) Superior Controller & Sticks :)
    5) PSN is cheaper! LMAO
    6) Microsoft is known for buggy software and
    crappy (RROD) Hardware. Almost 30% recall rate of 360's
    7) "PlayStation" is a kewler name than "XBOX" /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cry.gif
    8) The Playstation's color rocks! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
    9) It reads compact flash, SD cards and has 4 USB ports

    10) Once developers really learn how to develop for PS3's 8 SPE
    processors and the PPE hardware multithreaded Power PC
    and the graphics pipeline of the PS3 (which will take about
    another 12 months) Games that are exclusively made for the
    PS3 (e.g. Metal Gear) will demonstrate the clear superiority
    of the Playstation 3 over the XBox. Yes the Xbox is easier
    to develop 4. But the PS3 has far, far more computational
    power once you learn how to develop for it. Far more!
    Far more! Many game development companies are just now
    starting to tap the power of the PS3. I give it another
    year, and it will be absolutely clear that a top shelf
    PS3 title will be well beyond top shelf XBOX title. My
    heart goes out to the early adopters of the 360 that got
    burned when Blu-ray became the standard, that will
    continue to get burned as developers learn how to do
    true multicore development. I feel for the Xbox 360
    VFers that have been deformed by using the those 360
    controllers. While the online option of VF for the
    360 was very enticing, all of the other cons of
    Evil Microsoft and there substandard hardware kept me away.

    Nothing terminally wrong with the WII[/size] and XBOX 360[/size]. But at the end of the day the tool of the true, the faithful, and the hard core will be the PS3.
  19. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    I think the fact that the WII has out sold each system since its release is proof that the most advanced system will not prevail. I too was once a fan of the PS3 and what it could do. Its been several years now and what was "the year of the ps3" is now turning into the next year and again being touted as the same, "2009 is the year, really, seriously this year is the one".

    The WII and XBL have made a solid impression in the gaming community as well as the entertainment industry as a whole. The PS3 has done the same in a completely negative aspect. It sets the bar for what NOT to do when introducing a new system.

    I don't want to turn the thread into a ps3 vs "xxx", so my point is this... VF5R if release for any console will most likely be a multiple console release. With any game history if it moves from exclusive to a non exclusive it remains that way. It rarely, if ever, returns to a single console.

    Most importantly I believe VF5R will not come to a console. I think it will be a different title altogether. With VF5 we knew well in advance that it was coming. Matter of fact it was announced with the Arcade version. I truly want to remain optimistic, but viewing the history of Sega and how the have announced the previous entries in the series, I just cant see it happening. The last call will be the TGS, if Sega does not draw the curtains on a console release by that time, then don't expect to see VF5R on any console.
  20. mattfabb

    mattfabb Well-Known Member


    My heart goes out to all the people that bought an overpriced piece of shit and now have to buy new controllers that actually rumble, or to all the people who bought that game LAIR that sony hoped would justify their cheapo imitation of the WII controller.

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