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Producer Seiji Aoki Interviews Korea Media

Discussion in 'General' started by metalbutter, Jan 26, 2025.

By metalbutter on Jan 26, 2025 at 8:45 PM
  1. metalbutter

    metalbutter Active Member

    Ruliweb - https://bbs.ruliweb.com/news/read/206836
    INVEN - https://www.inven.co.kr/webzine/news/?news=302432
    Game Chosun - https://www.gamechosun.co.kr/webzine/article/view.php?no=211622
    Game Meca - https://www.gamemeca.com/view.php?gid=1757733

    I am writing with the help of a translator. If there is a sentence that is not smooth, please understand.
    Overall, There was no much new information, but I personally had some impressions, so I brought them here.

    ● No plan for crossplay between PC and PS
    ● No plans to port to consoles such as XBOX, Switch, etc
    ● No plans to add new characters
    ● No plans to port previous VF series to current-generation devices or PCs
    ● Based on the console version, it maintains the method of storing play data locally

    Rather than having unnecessary expectations, it was nice to be able to organize it clearly like this.
    However, I'm worried that saving the play data locally might reproduce the problem that happened in Tekken 7.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2025
    Chanchai, Myke, Mister and 4 others like this.


Discussion in 'General' started by metalbutter, Jan 26, 2025.

    1. akai
      Thanks for providing these articles. What exactly could be the problem with play data stored locally? Not familiar with Tekken 7.

      No plans to port previous VF series to current generation devices or PCs.

      One of the articles (from INVEN) mentioned cheating is more of an issue on PCs. Aoki mentioned using their discord channel to provide feedback for them to take action.

      Also a recurring topic is that while there are no plans for further items or characters to added...Aoki appears to not completely shut the door for it in the future. His replies usually is - no plans, but we must consider users request/feedback to revitalize the franchise. So it sounds like, if the request is high, the team would consider it. The only thing that seems to be, "no" quite firmly is crossplay or rollback for PS4 :D
      Last edited: Jan 27, 2025
      40i4 and metalbutter like this.
    2. metalbutter
      If lost games and rank down, it was possible to abuse previous play data to get rank back up.
      Chanchai, 40i4 and akai like this.
    3. metalbutter
      I agree. Aoki said he had no plans to port Virtua Fighter 5 US into PC.
      Chanchai and akai like this.
    4. Zaibatsu
      I have my doubts on the commercial strategy around VF:US and R.E.V.O
    5. Hobo-Jho
      C'mon, Aoki!! You know damn well everyone's been asking for the rest of the customizations! I'm pretty sure that's currently at the top of the list.

      Also, why no new characters?? Steam players won't have a problem modding Dural In the game if they aren't in the process of doing that. Also WHERE'S SIBA!!!??

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