PS3's Weak AI

Discussion in 'Console' started by akiralove, Feb 18, 2007.

  1. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    If all it cost to play VF5 was $50 then I would probably just suck it up and waste my money on a rushed game that I liked the prequels of...but....

    It actually costs $500 - $600 for a PS3, then $100 for an arcade stick, and then god knows what for a TV and HD cables that run 1080i or whatever VF5 is is it worth the price? Not really for anyone who actually has to work for a living. I'm sorry my parents did get me a PS3 like your apparently did.
  2. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

  3. EVM

    EVM Well-Known Member

    Hey man, its all good, you don't even know me. I work for a living too. As far as your TV/console/HD cable dilemma goes, thats on you, not VF5. You can't seem to justify purchasing the above mentioned for anything but VF5 and if that was the case for me I would not be buying VF5 no matter how good it was. Spending over $1000 to play 1 video game is ridiculous NO MATTER HOW GOOD IT IS.

    I bought an HDTV to watch TV with also. I bought a PS3 to play video games and watch HD movies. I bought VF5 to play VF5. I bought some arcade sticks so me and my friends can play fighting games with. I got that HDTV and PS3 before I even knew VF5 was coming out for the PS3.

    What’s the problem then? The W-L column? Everybody is going to be a Conqueror with a %90+ win ratio anyway.
  4. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Just let people save a profile and let them earn items through versus? I realize it's a lot slower but it's still fun to do. And if you play a grip of games with friends, they'll eventually be able to deck themselves out over time.
  5. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Is this thread still going on? It's done, the A.I. sucks. Is funny how the peopple that was defending the A.I. don't even have the game, LOL. Don't open your month if you don't know what the hell your talking about, na'mean.
  6. Dashwolf

    Dashwolf Well-Known Member

    i got lazy and didn't read throught the 11 pages, i'm sorry XD

    but i had the exact same feeling when i tried my hand at vf5 on the ps3 recently, its too much watered down ai compared to evo. was actually crying about it at shoutbox haha

    even my japanese friends has been complaining about it and the fans in japan are hoping for a very hard mode as a patch release.
    i too hope ai gets improved because for them not trying to throw escape as often just didn't seem right.
  7. NxP3

    NxP3 Member

    What I don't understand is how come no one mentioned the AI sucked until these last few days? How about Japanese players, do they have any comments on the AI? Will it not suck if you change to Japanese language?

    I'd like to clarify a couple of things.

    1. Are you saying the game has new moves, but the AI doesn't even use them as if the AI was from VF4Evo?

    2. After playing the game, and seeing how the AI is, would you have return the game for a refund if you could?

    I was so sure to get this game, but not so sure now. I'll make my decission on 2-21-07 /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif Some people don't care about AI, but I don't know anyone with PS3 much less a ps3 owner that plays VF. So one player game is important to me.
  8. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    2 Houston players there, one of them Onslaught I know for certain has a PS3.

    I'm sure you can find more, in fact ask store managers about who bought VF5s and you'll find them. I've had a lot of experience with finding people who play XX Fighting game lol, so it's not that hard.

    What I don't get is why is there such a big outcry? I knew from the start the VF5 PS3 version was gonna suck on the extras. The game itself is beautiful and the fighting engine is superb. But come on, why put all that effort into the PS3 version when:

    A.) With so few PS3's out there, you are not gonna yeild much of a profit at all.
    B.) You are planning to promote a later port to a much larger and more accepted console, the Xbox 360.
    C.)In the end Sega is about arcades so putting loads of time and resources into a console port (especially to a rather unpopular console even in your home country) doesn't make any sense. Does Sega even earn money of it's console division?

    Anyhow, didn't the topic maker Akiralove, promote the whole "Buy a PS3 for VF5 now, sell it, get a 360 for VF5 later"? I guess will just have to wait for details on the 360 port, that will give us the definate answer to weither or not Sega doesn't care about us or simply Sega doesn't care about the PS3.
  9. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Just lol at "definate answer to weither or not Sega doesn't care about us".

    They probably should send roses to every NA that buys the game, a thank you card, and possibly a x-mas card when the time comes.
  10. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Is that a practice at UBI? ^o^
  11. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    The problem is that people would still need to customize their names/message/appearance when they play together, so it sorta defeats the purpose. Unless everyone you play with would be willing to setup all their profiles on each other's save systems (but what if one person likes using a whole bunch of characters? Or if someone decides to change the look of their Aoi?). So unless you want to get all the items (and why not?), it wouldn't really help fix the save system.
  12. 001

    001 Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    i haven't beaten quest mode yet or played against many of the high ranked rivals but i'm guessing people have already beaten them all and have come ot the conclusion that the high ranked rivals were too easy to beat. it takes time to find and beat them all which is why people are only finding out now how supposedly bad (only saying supposedly because i haven't played them all myself) quest mode is.

    from what i've played though, higher ranked a.i. still does some things that low ranked a.i. does like not tech roll out of every knockdown most of the time, doesn't always do maximum damage on every combo, is easy to throw because sometimes it just stands/crouches while blocking after knocking you down. it doesn't always om/dm/sabaki from easy things like starting a combo from a distance which should be easy to om/dm/sabaki because you can see it coming. the difference between lower ranks to high ranks is that it just gets a little more active than the previous rank but not in huge leaps. it is enough for a new player like me to notice but i still get my butt kicked half the time by masters on up due to my limited experience with the series.

    as a new player to the series i wouldn't return it. i think the fighting system is great and there is alot to learn on how to play the character you choose. there is alot of info around the net to learn how to play your character to its full potential as well as ways to figure out your own style through the training mode. for a single player experience, it will take a lot of time to beat all the rivals and unlock all items and emblems. there are 17 characters to learn with a ton of moves and combos to discover and master. sure you can probably blaze through it if you have an abare style with good reflexes and execution but i think alot of the fun in virtua fighter 5 is learning to keep it moral. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  13. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    We either got some real naive people or some real retards here.
    KrsJin: you keep on posting about how people can get around the save system when no one's reading you typed. I gotta tell you: it ain't happening. Just like in evo, people are going to use vanilla outfit #1 and #2 95% of the time. Record tracking? ain't happening, the record thing nevered work cuz they mixed quest and vs. mode together. Unless you and all your friends only have 1 ps3, save system ain't happening.

    On to the 360 version of PS3, now I know all you fanboys are waiting for something good to happen. I got one thing to tell ya all: it ain't happening. Let me tell you what's going to happen with the 360 version... NOTHING.
    360 VF5 is gonna be just a port of the ps3 version. There's no zero reason why Sega will spend more money/time of fixing up the 360 version. In fact the only reason Sega is porting VF5 is because microsoft is paying load of cash to get the game on 360. And since 360 version isn't going to be released in JP, you can forget about updates and improvements. In fact I predict PS3 VF5 will get a patch to ver. C with some AI fix, cuz as of right now the game is utter shit. and 360 version will get shit, and no sticks. (95% chance this will happen)

    Now, IF sega did care about their customers outside Japan 360 VF5 would be a great chance for them to add all the arcade features without hurting their arcade cash cow (since it won't be released in JP). They can fix the save system, add online support like some online stats tracker make it so that you can track your stats from a 360 server(ROFL i can't believe i'm typing this shit, ain't happening), and match maker etc, then add the great AI from the arcade and release a good stick for the game. If this happens I guaranteed the vf scene will pick up in NA. But it aint happening. Sega knows about their game, if they had the slightest caring about VF outside of Japan they would release a stick for the game. (5% chance this will happen)
    call me a hater but i speak from experience, where as you speak from your ass. Sega/Sony/Microsoft whatever fucked up the great scene they had from VF2 because they are a bunch of fucking greedy retardeds. Fuck all of you fanboys, two month from now you all be sucking dicks on another website cuz you got no life. STFU, go buy the game, play some, when you want to post, stfu again.
  14. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    The 360 version will probably be an exact port of the PS3 version....but without the VSHG or RAP3.

    Anyone who thinks the 360 is going to be upgraded is delusional. Pretty much every (once though) exclusive game on the PS2 that went to the 360 was a port. Look at the GTA games.
    That's probably the greatest thing I've seen on VFDC ever.

    How long did it take VF3:Evo to be announced after VF4, someone wake me when VF5:Evo is announced.
  15. NxP3

    NxP3 Member

    Well I just picked up VF5 during my lunch break at Best Buy. Haven't open it yet until I get home from work. Anyway...we'll see how it goes.

    If the game really suck as they say, I'll wrap it back up and return it. I've successfuly returned an open PS3 game back to best buy before (incidentally it was full auto2, another sega game). You just get some of those clear plastic wrap from a craft store...some clear double sided tape and cut it to size. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif Don't forget to save that little plastic tag they hang the game on.
  16. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Dude, it's not the game, it's the AI people are complaining about. If you don't have people to play than that would be a problem. But I just pointed you out to a thread with people in the Houston area looking for competition.

    I wouldn't have picked up any fighting game if I wasn't gonna play a single human in them. Awesome AI or not, fighting games are meant to be played with people and not a computer.
  17. Ladon

    Ladon Well-Known Member

    The game doesn't suck, it's just what they left out of the game that makes it a step down from what everybody had hoped and expected. Honestly, this thing about "weak AI" is irrelevant... sure, the AI sucks, but you could get bad habits from the Evo AI just as easily as you could from this one. If you approach Quest Mode as a way to practice hit-checking, combos, good buffering and so on, it's really not that awful.

    Sure, what Evo had and what VF4 had were great, and aren't here. But I don't think the game sucks. I'll be playing it for years to come. This thread is just an honest critique for an otherwise AMAZING game. It didn't score well in many publications for no reason.

    If there's anyone who reads this thread and thinks the game's not worth buying, think again.
  18. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Thanks guys for turning away all these potential new players!

    You guys are really going out of your way to contribute to the growth of VF in the US!
  19. GoDokunoDan

    GoDokunoDan Well-Known Member

    Personally I dont think the extras Suck On VF5, the ai on the extras do. Quest mode raised the bar for all fighters, even DBZ Tenkaichi jumped on the bandwagon and added a quest mode like Vf4. So the quest mode is great, too bad I canrt save my damn replays in it or Get better AI opponents. A ghost mode shouldve been the best solution. Now why did it suck so hard. If you were on the Vf4 Evo console team, and you werent getting paid to do Vf5 ps3 ai , would you help the vf5 console team improve the AI? Hell no!! Any why would you hand them over your old Ai algorithims, they'd be getting paid for copying YOUR work. I know where they are coming from but the end result sucks for us. Patch!!! Patch!!!! Patch!!!

    For the Ai suckage and the abbreviated quest they should recall the game along with the VHSHG sticks.
  20. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    There's a difference between being honest and a fan boy. Most of the reviews of the game say that it is not worth it for anyone not already into the Virtua Fighter series.

    So Gamespot says the game is geared to people who are familiar with the series. I'm familiar with the series, and I'm a HUGE fan of VF4 and VF4:Evo. I don't want VF5, it is wrong that I don't want VF5 and that my opinion might persuade others from purchasing VF5?

    These aren't just my words and everyone else's in this thread/VFDC that aren't holding VF5 in high regards. People in the videogame industry are saying VF5 is a let down and north worth a purchase unless you are already an experienced VF'er.

    Again, most people who but Virtua Fighter for the console, will only play it by themselves, especially because the game is offline only.

    IGN even said it. "This is a game that belongs online" and Sega just doesn't care to move forward with the VF series and put in online. If the AI sucks, and there's no online....unless you have a thriving VF scene, VF5 is a wasteful purchase.

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