PSN Bad Games

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by Myke, May 31, 2012.

  1. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Bad games to everyone who beats me 'cos I'm a sore loser and want to win every game so I can think I'm the best.
  2. GoTigers9999

    GoTigers9999 Well-Known Member

    Well if that's the case your comments are 100% justifiable haha...
  3. VF2011

    VF2011 Well-Known Member

    I left after one match because our game was very laggy and he sent me a huge message in Portuguese. That is some dedication to trolling.
  4. SOCCO75

    SOCCO75 New Member

    leonardogf2010, utter fanny. No point in playing.
  5. El_Twelve

    El_Twelve Well-Known Member

    He pull the plug on you too?
  6. VF2011

    VF2011 Well-Known Member

    Why would you play this guy, he has an orange face? Just turn down the match in the first place. If no one plays the people who rage quit then they will leave.
  7. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Yeah, it's actually probably faster to rank up by maintaining a green face and eating your losses, than getting an orange/red face and only being able to get one match per hour against the newest players who don't understand what the faces mean.

    I seriously don't understand why someone would buy the game if the intent wasn't to play it...
  8. BlondieVF5

    BlondieVF5 Well-Known Member


    Great comment, it's key to note that there are LOTS of players out there not playing the game, but playing it by their own set of rules. Remember to play the game by it's programmers rules and not your own =). Complaining about throwing too much and lping too much is almost the same as pulling the plug imo.
  9. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    I know this might speak to the overdone Sirlin Play to Win thing for some people, but this is a useful way of thinking about things, since there are posts once in a while that criticize a player's style of play to (what it seems like) save face. Getting mad is probably inevitable, however, but it seems like with the whole "style of play" debates that arise that anger might be better kept to oneself.
  10. GoTigers9999

    GoTigers9999 Well-Known Member

    I know I get as angry as anyone when I lost unless I get completely bodied.. One of the reasons I never use a mic while playing this or most fighters and FPS games lol!!
  11. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    There isn't even a valid argument for criticising someone's play-style. Either they're predictable, bad, and easily countered, or they're mixing up tactics and beating you. Just because you (the proverbial 'you', not anyone in particular) are having a hard time dealing with being thrown or are getting LPed too much does not make it 'cheap' or whatever. There're ways to deal with everything - if you can/didn't deal with it that time, learn, adapt, retry.

    Also, worst comes to worst, you've lost at a video game. I'm sure you'll still have a job, there'll be food on your table, and your family will still love you.

    Lastly, and from a personal standpoint, I tend to enjoy the matches I lose more than the ones I win. I'm not saying I liked to get thrashed over and over ('bodied' I think the current term is?), but just applying my flowchart a few times and taking a 3-0 win is not enjoyable. Taking a loss is fun because it makes me think 'why did I lose?' Sometimes it's 'cos I just have no idea about the character I'm fighting; other times it's because the opponent used tactics that weren't particularly moral or didn't seem traditionally 'correct' and as such caught me off-guard; and other times it's just 'cos the other player is better/played better than I am/did. In all these cases, I can learn something, and I get the enjoyment of trying to overcome a challenge.
    I love it when I find someone who's beating me consistently in ranked mode or wherever, and they keep accepting my challenges. I get the feeling like I'm working towards something, and when I do finally get a win, it feels like an accomplishment and I feel like I actually got better at the game (or at least at fighting that person). It happened against Gentleman Thief, White Worm, and EMX. They're all better than I am, but playing those games and getting a win or two is far, far, far, far more fun than getting 'zomg-bestest-rank-ever' and thrashing bedroom champions who don't even know this site exists, what frames are, or how to throw escape.

    Rant over.
  12. FlyMike

    FlyMike Well-Known Member

    Oh yea. I almost have to reiterate this nearly every night, in regards to the outright frustrations and discontent that arise from unorthodox or non-blueprint styles in VF, mainly from the online community. More evidence that a number of players have no experience with fgs outside of VF, or the comfort zone in which they play FS.

    This game, even online, has no elaborate or delicate "etiquette" rules besides the obvious. So it's especially laughable that players think they are justified in suggesting, no, declaring that someone should play a certain way that is accordance to their personal level or tolerance. Especially in ranked of all modes lol. But it's a particularly rude and noobish gesture in player or room matches as well. This is a fighting game. You both play to win, which includes doing whatever it takes within the confines of the system itself. If you get blew up by,repeated 2Ps, fault yourself and become a far stronger player. Some guys will deliberately spam certain stuff in an attempt to expose something to you in hopes that you evade or punish. But you may never catch on before the match is over. Then give an ignorant rant on how someone used something that's in the game. Or abused it rather, because you were unable to cope and adapt.

    Then of course, there are people who are quite terrible at the game. Still, you can always identify particularly weak players by the ones who seriously tell you to stop doing something that they're losing to, as if this is a legitimate claim as far as "rightfully correct way" of playing the game. As long as it's within the mechanical structure, rules, and competitive integrity of the game, it is legitimate.

    I grow tired of reading some of the complaints, mainly when it's some unreasonable demand to conform to a personally confined way of thinking or weird warped etiquette. Dudes need to get with it or else reevaluate what type of video game they are playing.

    @ Genzen: Well spoken brother.

    AU_IM_DIGIMON Active Member


    tekken = no throws / throws are crazy hard to break online, but players hit JFs all day ewgf, sky rocket, blue double palm...ONLINE

    scv = don't spam / cause clearly if you do the same move in a row, you won't block it or evade it the next time

    vf5fs = ??? what's the problem here (trying not to make biased comment)

    LMFAO!!! long story short, MIKE PREACH DAT WORD SON!!!!
  14. FlyMike

    FlyMike Well-Known Member

    Well Digi, I actually abided by no throw rule the few times I played Tekken online. It existed since DR. Reason being is that game is truly unplayable to a certain point online. T6 was worse than DR. So grabbing online has been bad etiquette in Tekken for years. But i've also had a few competitive players get maf for someone doing 18+ frame low launchers on them online. Seriously. Claiming they can't react but duck highs in strings. People are stupid.

    SCV you weren't supposed to do naked or "mashout" supers unless it's a guaranteed situation. Some dumb shit. Purely speaking from the scrub mandated rulebook, not the actual "etiquette".

    VF5FS, i guess it's making your opponent look like a jackass by successfully tbrowing out a barrage of 2Ps, and connecting. Also doing whatever they are currently unable to defend against. Thereby making you a horrible person and truly worthy of a BGs post.
  15. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    BG's mike for continually abusing logic in online arguments, logic is cheap online and can't be reacted to in lag.
  16. FlyMike

    FlyMike Well-Known Member

  17. DaBadSeed

    DaBadSeed Well-Known Member

    its just a video game people dam! let people play the way they wanna play if u dont like it dont play them..there r other fuking options [​IMG]
  18. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    You shitty ass Niggas need to stop crying..
  19. GoTigers9999

    GoTigers9999 Well-Known Member

    I have to agree with this.. If I lose to some cheese it's my own fault.. Yes I'll get upset about it, but I'll try my best to keep it to myself... I'll only complain to others if it's very laggy or if they talk trash to me..
  20. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    You only see this shit on PSN (playstation sweet nights) BG's thread. Thank God Mike holds things down here with his flawless posts otherwise I'd suffocate from the sweet, SWEET stench.

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