PSN Bad Games

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by Myke, May 31, 2012.

  1. Conti

    Conti Member

    BG to "DRINK-MY-TEARS" (best name evar). I beat him twice (the last time his Sarah jumps right out of the arena), he beats me once, and then messages me saying how much I suck. Huh.
  2. Kiuju

    Kiuju Well-Known Member

    bgs today, for some reason I am disconnecting from my games conveniently when I lose. Sorry King_ruckus and the other dude that beat me using Sarah.
  3. Vencabot

    Vencabot Well-Known Member

    @Kiuju Same thing happened to me, today, although only once, thankfully. It was my demotion match, though, and I was up a round, but against a player that had been kicking my ass. Feels bad, man. :eek:(
  4. ExzetyXat1

    ExzetyXat1 Well-Known Member

    Ive have been facing this guy BlackBeltSpartan and he is one of the most annoying guy ever. He challenges me alot and I just back away because his connection is red but I faced him and demolished him all 3 rounds. I have no idea how he ranks up so fast. He is currently a darklord I think. Anyway I beat him then replay he disconnect and it annoys me even though I get the XP. Anyone thinks he hacking. There is no way he can be that high in rank and can't play good. I have faced a few more times and the same thing happens. I message him saying how are you so high in ranks and why do you always disconnect. He replied " its just how it is". Everybody please don't face him anymore don't let him rank up anymore.
  5. ExzetyXat1

    ExzetyXat1 Well-Known Member

    Yeah faced that guy a few times and it is always a easy win. Don't know how he ranks up so fast he isn't a good player. He always disconnects. You should never face him. [img:center][/img]
  6. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    I'm thinking BlackBeltSpartan ranks up using multiple accounts (ala Vanilla VF5 AdruptAddyPaddy) however unlikely that may be. I forget the other Lau I saw once with "Spartan" at the end of his name but the style (loosely put) was the same. There's always the FPS style of boosting with other folks.
  7. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    If you DC fast enough, the change of XP bars is not saved. That is how he levels up so fast.
    Also, will be nice if people will finnaly learn to NOT play people with bad DC counts. Especially if it is that bad they have red face...
  8. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    And the funny thing is: BlackBeltSpartan is delusional enough to believe than since people don't fight him (ie turn him down for a match due to the Red Smiley), he's never been beaten by them. I know, his reply when I messaged him calling him on his B.S. pretty much confirms that. On another note about Red Smileys, I saw one with only 3 total fights under his belt [​IMG]
  9. Ahh... I see how this works...

    Bad games to Koenraku and exzetyXaT1

    You both disconnected in the middle of being juggled with low health during what would have been my winning 3rd round of the game.

    Extra BG to Koenraku for calling me out as a coward for supposedly hiding from him, then displaying his own douchebaggery by disconnecting right before losing to me.

    I wonder if the forementioned act of calling me out had anything to do with him DC'ing in order to make sure there was no record or replay of him losing?
  10. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Again, psn error.

    Let's play in a room then so I have nowhere to hide [​IMG] I'll see you soon
    Pai~Chun likes this.
  11. Riiiight... how fortunate for you that happened JUST before you lost the game!

    And I have zero interest playing in rooms. That's for people that wanna dedicate their entire free time to the game. You seem to be someone that's been playing VF for years... and every available waking minute in your life is spent "training" for something that will result in nothing. Do you make a living by playing VF? No. Does anyone outside of this forum care about your VF skills? No. Am I criticizing your dedication to this hobby? No.

    My point is VF is your life, meanwhile it's just my current diversion. This is my first time playing VF, and I just started two months ago. I'm quite satisfied with my progress in that short amount of time. After all, I'm good enough to beat someone that lives for the game.

    You take this FAAAAAAR more seriously than I do.
  12. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    And yet you're the one writing the essays...
  13. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    Both players you mention I have played quite a bit. Every match has been in ranked. I have won and lost to them both. The connection has been fine and there has only been positive feedback.

    They play consistent good games, overall attitude following wins and losses is always positive, and finally their posting on these forums is in a good nature.

    I think you are wrong and should refrain from badgering good players because of your own frustration.
  14. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    VF5FS online play on PSN has been dropping randomly for about a month now. i've played both of those players many times and they never once disconnected from me (intentionally at least).

    as far as VF being Koenraku's "life" as you so eloquently put it, anyone on this site pretty much loves the game. why does someone have to dedicate all of their free time to a game they like just because they want to improve?

    besides, if this game is Koenraku's life and to you it's just a "diversion", why did you bother registering for this site? if it's just something to kill time, why would you want to fully absorb yourself into the community?

    all i'm getting from your rants is a load of sour grapes.
  15. FlyMike

    FlyMike Well-Known Member

    Space Cadet, I'm on YOUR side against this plug-pulling, coward-calling, douchebag. Don't let him get away with these dishonorable acts! You must continue to speak out against him until he gets a new life without VF.

    You must...
  16. CANON77

    CANON77 Active Member

    What's that guys PSN name? I can't wait to run into him!! I love dealing with whinny punks. (*_*)
  17. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    the_space_cadet I believe, i'll look for him in ranked too.
  18. ExzetyXat1

    ExzetyXat1 Well-Known Member

    I don't disconnect on purpose. I have a legitimate record and rank. The server has been disconnecting games or my brothers or sister are acting like assholes and pull the cord. I learn from my loses makes me a better player all round. Koenraku is a great player. He had beat me and so have I. He is not the type of player to disconnect on purpose. If you want we can all have a room match. Im just here to have fun. Not the best VF player but I can hold my own and win matches
  19. BlondieVF5

    BlondieVF5 Well-Known Member

    Anyone crying about disconnect should stop, PSN has been unreliably twitchy for almost a week now. I've played Cadet on my main Screen name and my alt screen name. He's not disconnected on me at all, and taken his fair share of licks. If anyone on here wants to cry about anything, i'll throw you on my back and we can both cry about 2bar connection taka and jeffry matches, where a water headed downsyndrome monkey could stand and press buttons in lag and get big damage.
  20. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    you certainly have a way with words... :p

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