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PSN Bad Games

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by Myke, May 31, 2012.

  1. VF2011

    VF2011 Well-Known Member

    And this is why I refused to play him today when he challenged me a few times.

    Like I said on the shout box a few days ago, he has no intention of changing his ways. The only reason he joined is because the online is dying and he's trying to make sure he'll have someone to play against when it does.

    I had to play him when he was placed in my vfcircuit bracket and he is a button mashing noob. You would think that even with all the rage quitting he would have payed enough matches by now to at least be able to do something other than the same 2 or 3 strings over and over.

    I know its been said to death but STOP PLAYING AGAINST HIM PEOPLE!!!! Seriously, just cut him off. He is doing nothing but hurting the community by making us all seem like rage quitters.

    I was actually going to give him a chance if he managed to change his red face to at least an orange, but now forget it.
  2. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Yes, that's what has frustrated me the most. I tried to give him his second chance just because it seemed like that was the consensus, but I was right in the first place.

    I encourage everyone to just blackball him again. He's made his bed, let him lie in it.
    Chefboy_OB likes this.
  3. ExzetyXat1

    ExzetyXat1 Well-Known Member

    Whats really funny about BBS is that he keeps messaging me about that he needs more than 2 chances and he will play fair once he is a "Stormlord" again and everbody will give him another chance. I messaged him in the morning about fighting me in rank legit since he deranked so now I can get some xp and he said "we fought in rank before (when he didnt lose xp) and cause I dont want to take ur points and xp friend. I LMFAO when I read that!!!!!
  4. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    lol even hades mentioned him dodging in the shoutbox today

    1. Today at 5:14 AM - HADES_KR:
      blackbeltspartan...running ㅜ
    2. Today at 5:14 AM - HADES_KR:
      ...i want Dragonfang
    CarolinaPanther likes this.
  5. VF2011

    VF2011 Well-Known Member

    He was never off it. Even when the connection says 3 bars it still has some lag. A sure sign of wireless connection.

    Bg to Daniel123 or something like that. Kept trying to run at me with blaze or jumping off the wall so I punished him with flip kicks. Second round he takes a few seconds to start moving and then the massive lag starts. He obviously went to turn on some torrents or something. Caused the game to drop in the 4th round.
  6. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    I think I might've fought 'ol Danny boy before, I don't remember. We've probably all at one point dealt with some knucklehead who lagged the hell out of us the moment he gets smacked upside the head. Sounds like some kind of jacked up ad:

    Getting your head handed to you by a decent VF player? No worries, for $9.99 we have the Lag-O-Matic Lag Switch - with 3 levels of lag: AdruptAddyPaddy, BlackBeltSpartan, and Blazetwist.

    AAAAAAAnd as an extra bonus we're throwing in the Super Street Fighter 4 Ranked AE switch, complete with torrents, porn, and everything you need to slow a pro fighter down; 'cause true winners know to win in today's fighting game world you don't adjust - you LAG!!!

    Operators are standing by~
  7. martianpulis

    martianpulis Well-Known Member

    Bgs to me today. forfam4ever, you made me feel very salty :)

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    u all r fools to say those things I whipped all ur asses too and I dont dc no more
  9. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Give it up, shithead. You might be able to sweet talk akai but nobody here buys your garbage. Kindly fuck off.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    and I will be getting my rank back stormlord today and will not dc anymore because I will not be demoted again I am a better player now and will be getting better so again sorry for all the dc to all I did not mean anything bad by it to anyone it just shows how much I like vf 5 fs to be in the top 10 so lets play vf in a friendly way and good luck to all in the circiut I will be there too ibelieve me or not give me another chance or not what I say here is real
  11. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    I was trying to stay calm, but current situation around BlackBeltSpartan (BBS) is not allowing me to keep it any longer. I just wish to share my toughts about this person and our community and ask you to post your own opinion, no matter how it is.

    BBS is well-known fraud on PSN-VF. He have one of the highest rankings in whole ladder, while he have the highest DC caunt out of all players out there. He is pulling whenever he lost match.
    He keeps claiming that it is not true and that this DCs are pure random, caused by his wireless internet, but multiple members from VFDC experience the same thing: the random DC occure every single time during final replay, if BBS lost his game. It does not occure before this moment and it does not occur if he wins the fight. This is the rule of thumb.
    Because of how VF5FS ladder works, you need to wait through final replay to get/lost your ranking points. Because of this BBS was able to reach the highest ranks (through thousadns and tousands of intentional and fraud pullss), while his skills are somewhere around warrior/Raider/Barbarian rank.

    BBS and his fame
    BBS is well known not only here on VFDC, but basically to anyone who is playing VF5FS online. You can find threads about him and his fraud behaviour on multiple gaming-related forums.

    BBS and VFDC
    Not that long ago, BBS registred here on VFDC under the nick of SNAKE BOSS.
    He promise he will stop DCing. He asked to be given a chance and he get it.
    He is not posting much, but he is active in shoutbox here and there. He keep claimning all the stories about his DC habbits are just slanders. He keeps claiming he is great player and he can beat anyone. He keeps insulting people who talk about his acting and true behaviours. He conitnues with his DC manners, as was reported by multiple people from here, including Shidosha.
    Basically, this person shows 0 interest in stopping his behaviour. He shows 0 interest in even admiting his actions, not to mention to say one simple "sorry." He shows 0 interest in becoming better in this game. All he is doing is asking for another and another chances, insulting people talking about his manners, telling lies about his online games, boosting his ego by claiming he can beat anyone (but he will not play you after that, np)...
    But BBS was even allowed to play in our VF circuit. He is well-known and undoubted OUNLINE fraud and he was allowed to participate in VFDC ONLINE event, which is forbidden for people like Kamais or anyone else who is banned on VFDC because of his actings. BBS did not suffer single consequence of his actions here on VFDC yet.

    What can this mean for VFDC?
    As I stated already, BBS is well-known and recognized fraud basically to anyone involved with online VF5FS, no matter if they are part of VFDC or not. All this people now see he becomes "member" of VFDC. They can even see he is allowed to participate in VFDC online events. They can see he was accepted here without any consequences of his acting on PSN - preivous, current or future.
    I do not believe this can help to promote VFDC in any good way. Many people will now see us as those who accept BBS and who made him member of their community. What they qwill think about us is easily imaginable, I believe.
    In the context of previously-mentioned facts, I am afraid this will put VFDC in very bad light.

    My oppinion
    I personally feel offended by the fact that I am playing in ONLINE tournament BBS is allowed to participate in and that I may be - even theoretically - expected to face this fraud in any online competition.
    Besides that, multiple people here on VFDC was forced to face consequences of their acts against the community. Multiple people get banned because of trashtalk etc.

    BBS is guilty of repeated and delibareated frauds on PSN VF. He is guilty on putting the VF in bad light in eyes of many people. He is guilty of never-ending cheating. He is also guilty of lying, breaking promises, insulting people and damaging VF community overall.

    I am conviced that he should be forced to face consequences of his acts as much - if not more - as any other person who breaks the rules here on VFDC and get banned.
    I just can not understand he was not made to face them yet...
  12. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Wait so you're openly admitting you started dcing again to get "your" Stormlord rank back? You are shit at the game and as soon as you stop dcing you will just be demoted again and the cycle continues. There is no excuse for what you have been doing however your deluded mind tries to justify it.

    You type and conduct yourself like a 12 year old and I wouldn't be surprised if that's exactly what you are. Go away.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    elite shut ur mouth like I said say whatever u want it does not matter cause u r hating on ur self I dont keep any grudges its not worth it just dont talk to me anymore

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    man u must be 9 years old elite to take this to seriously and I am not admiting I dc if it happend or happens
  15. VF2011

    VF2011 Well-Known Member

    But you did admit to DCing.

    "and I will be getting my rank back stormlord today and will not dc anymore because I will not be demoted again I am a better player now and will be getting better so again sorry for all the dc to all I did not mean anything bad by it to anyone it just shows how much I like vf 5 fs to be in the top 10 so lets play vf in a friendly way and good luck to all in the circiut I will be there too ibelieve me or not give me another chance or not what I say here is real"

    In that paragraph of poorly written, grammar deficient text is a confession that you DCed to keep yourself as Stormlord. And you really expect to stay up there without cheating? I played you, I know you're not good enough to get by on your own, so why bother lying about it.

    If you actually admitted it and tried to change the people here would have welcomed you. Instead some people decided to give you a second chance and you threw it back in their faces by DCing again. Your word is worthless at this point.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    well like I said believe me or not I say the truth and ur not that good either and I will prove u all that I will keep my stormlord rank for a long time if not foreever so thats it dont know what else to say
  17. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    The only consequences that BBS should face is to be ignored by the VF community. Plain and simple. If we stop dedicating so much time to calling him out, posting about him, making threads dedicated to him, he might just go away.

    And if he doesn't? Then so be it. BBS is hardly the first person to do what he is doing in an online community. It sucks, it's annoying, and playing him is a waste of five minutes. Yet, if we keep giving him this fame that he is craving, then we are only feeding his habit.

    So here's an idea VFDC, ignore him. It's just a game, online rank really isn't important, we all play this game because we enjoy it. Let's continue to enjoy it despite the random jerks online (BBS isn't the only one).

    Play the game, have fun, move along...
    shadowmaster and Bilal like this.
  18. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    You guys never met Darth did you?

    I'm not gonna get into him being 'allowed' on VFDC because that's straight up a joke, but I think the concerns about his participation in the VF Circuit are legitimate. End of the day he should be given a chance, if he pulls in the circuit then it's going to be seen by others so why worry about it?
  19. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry if I may or may not have disconnected in the past or future... but my rank is legit and I am not admitting to disconnecting! once I get stormlord I won't disconnect anymore, not that I ever disconnected....because I didn't.... but once I get storm lord I will really really not disconnect anymore.

    lol this guy!
  20. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    It WILL be a joke, IF he will change his ways, IF he will not be insulting people, IF he will not keep telling lies and IF he will not overtop over people here.

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