PSN Good Games

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by Myke, May 31, 2012.

  1. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    Alright GG's devilstar, K-raku, and Tiripism. Got smashed tons by Trip and finally started to pull something out of it. Nice playing a really long set with a quality VF'er (really really like that Aoi). Gotta work on movement, punishment, and gotta quit dropping launch combos when I finally land them [​IMG]

    Awesome session, i'm always up for stuff like that, so glad PS3 finally has online [​IMG]
  2. rattlejaw

    rattlejaw Active Member

    GGs to b4k4. Fun mirrors, and some vital practice against Lei.

    Any tips on dealing with the rolling mix-up? That thing is vicious.
  3. Tiripsem

    Tiripsem Well-Known Member

    Very good games, made me feel sad to see "host has disconnected" [​IMG]. Can't wait for the next session [​IMG]
  4. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I had a good time today overall and found some people I didn't think i would see playing online again like DabadSeed, Auvii, TerrainX, and Lost Cloud just to name a few people. I got rank of Barbarian lost it and got it back again it was my first demotion oh well it happens. I really need to get some matches with Tiripsem too I missing playing around with his aoi. I find aoi players to be better on live and than they are on PSN and his aoi is one of the better ones I will ever encounter

    GGs to everyone else too the matches were a great learning lesson especially the matches against Jean I will have to spar with him as the CPU in the dojo to get better against him. Taka is okay but Jean gets me the most I will have to learn and adapt to it oh well.
  5. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    Yeah friend was getting off work wanted to come over and drink beers and play some PS3 and FS. Fun stuff and free beers [​IMG]
  6. b4k4

    b4k4 Well-Known Member Content Manager Shun

    Ah right. GGs for sure. You keep improving! Try to come out to our local gatherings!

    Depends on the situations it's being applied in. He can only:

    1./ Throw
    2./ Kick

    It's a mixup, but with an extremely limited set of options. From a neutral situation, your best bet is to use a fast attack to hit him out of the roll before he reaches you. When I time it versus a wakeup, though... I dunno lol. That's it's scummier application, you kinda just have to guess. Definitely try to interrupt it if it's coming from a neutral situation though.

    @AAK0924 -> GGs again today in your room. Nice to see you exploring a range of characters.

    All you Toronto people need to start coming to gatherings/tournaments! Offline > Online.
  7. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    GGs to everyone I met in Ranked today. I can't remember many of the names but I know Auvii was one of them. And I know he beat my ass like I stole his favorite watch. Rematch imminent sucka...

    Also, shout out to protector_1990. Good games bro.
  8. VFhayato

    VFhayato Well-Known Member

    Great games to everyone I play yesterday!
  9. Konradinho

    Konradinho Well-Known Member

    GGs Infinity22 (sry 4 misspelling), M-F-B (!), mezus82, and many more, oh and some Taka who was destroying me every single time !

    ~~ de kroet, probably that was his name !
  10. seyu

    seyu Well-Known Member

    Had a blast today:)
    Especially thanks to ViolentNoctis, who has a great Jean and gns168 and his Aoi, who had a hard time againt me, but was still an awesome sport.

    Im also noticing some personal progress. I was able to beat some people way above me, even if it was just for one or two matches.
    Thanks especially to iamthedave, whos a warrior and plays an awesome Vanessa and Noe1990 who has a stupid good Fuerte and is a vanquisher.

    Lastly to Masterpto from here:
    Please accept my requests on PSN im just 2 ranks ahead, theres nothing to losse agaisnt me anyway:)

    edit: oh yea de_kroet. The taka in joker outfit. I think hes from germany, like me. His taka is absolutely vicious>_> You gotta keep you distance a bit, that way you may get him.
  11. gns168

    gns168 Member

    ggs volx, I was concerned you didn't want to play me b/c of the rank differences. tx for letting me stalk you [​IMG]
  12. seyu

    seyu Well-Known Member

    Hehe, my pleasure:)
    Lets have some fights again soon!
  13. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    seyu, i haven't met another taka player yet, what's his psn tag?i'll keep my eye out.

    this noe1990 dude is a good fuerte but pressure is the key.
    i am jab happy when he goes into rocket discharge, but i finally checked out blaze's options from rd and am winning more than losing. are these guys (iamthedave too) on vfdc?

    konradinho2, gg's. you need some more experience and you'll be a pro!
    taka is a hard character to play vs online as you need to change up your juggles and be aware of his extra damaging 50/50s.
  14. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    GGs tonight with b4k4, gns168, and Mistercomplex. Really fun [​IMG] Nice to have some good local connections, even with Complexz in BC.

    Digimon - I tried 3 or 4 times to accept your invite [​IMG] I always got that it was full. Next time!
  15. b4k4

    b4k4 Well-Known Member Content Manager Shun

    GGs man. More soon, for sure. See you at A&C.
  16. complexz

    complexz Well-Known Member

    indeed man great games! learned alot in that set, sorry I can't keep it fresh with other characters, sticking with the one until I have the basics down better.
  17. seyu

    seyu Well-Known Member

    I think its was you afterall. I thought you were from germany, since we have such a good connection and you name involves a "de". Sorry for that^^" I hope you dont mind to much.

    What you say about Noe is absolutely true. Im not sure if its him thats week agains rush-down or Blaze, but it definately works:)

    I havent found those two here yet, I kinda hoped they were here too. Havent met them yet though. Im pretty sure Noe ist from germany, he wrote me in german, but hes not on the big, german FG website [​IMG]
  18. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    GGs to Koenraku, FlyMike45, and OMENrv3.

    I think there were a couple of other players, but I can't remember their names. It was fun in that room, despite the dropped games at times.

    Hope to do it again!
  19. gns168

    gns168 Member

    GGs baerd, the game feel so different with solid connection.
  20. VF2011

    VF2011 Well-Known Member

    GGs to VFnumbers.

    I got in a few victories at first but once you got rolling your Lei was unstoppable. I'd love to play you again once I've done some more training.

    And GGs to the other players who were in the stream room yesterday, lots of good matches, it was fun watching everyone play.

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